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i got banned for vdm with a ifrit

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i got banned with a ifrit and it was only because i accidentally ran three people over that had no gear this is because i was at the garage and they wouldnt move what was i supposed to do 

can you find out what you say because i don't understand it 

accidently and they wouldnt move so you accidently press gas and steered into them hmm

get out the car "enable walking mode" "lower gun" warn them that they have 3 seconds to move or you blow there ass away..1..2...3 job is done ...get back in ifrit ride away like a boss... oh u was not geared.. well sir your fucked :D

OK, let's play a game of 'dissect the garble", shall we?:

"i got banned with a ifrit and " - OK, so you got banned and presumably you were in an Ifrit. What was the text of the ban-kick message, please? I'm guessing it wasn't "played with stunning RP", but let's hear it anyway.

"it was only because i accidentally ran three people over" - OK, so you killed three people with a vehicle. We're presumably looking at VDM now... but your defence here is that this was an ACCIDENT. Key point... bear that in mind for my next-but-one snippet... BTW... I like the subtle use of 'ONLY'... like, I ONLY killed them, mate? I mean, c'mon... ONLY death!! :)

"that had no gear" - Hmm, so you're pinpointing the fact that the victims had no gear? Like, does that make it more acceptable to kill them with a vehicle? Hey, like, it's only a tramp and his two rent-boy friends. They've got no money or trousers, fuck it - we can kill them surely. We're doing society a favour, aren't we? Errr, no. You're not. And I'm not sure why you felt the need to qualify your statement - it smacks of 'justification' which is usually a precursor to GUILT.

"this is because i was at the garage and they wouldnt move" - Ah, now we're getting to the bone, aren't we? They wouldn't move. They had no gear and were in my way, so I upped and fucking killed them with my armoured car. Which part of that was the 'ACCIDENT' that you claimed earlier? Just out of curiousity? OK, and maybe a vague sense of comedy. I'd like to hear how this accidentally-on-purpose murder actually qualifies for a ban-repeal.

"what was i supposed to do" - Well, a number of things spring to mind. Some of them have already been stated by other, far better players from this server. I would go the other way and say that the one thing that you ABSOLUTELY WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO DO, was run the fucking twats over in your Ifrit, you silly, silly man.

Because it's gotten you a ban, and a lifetime subscription to "I'm A Murdering Idiot Who Can't Drive" magazine (available from all good booksellers and newsagents for £4.99 a month, with a wipe clean laminated cover). Enjoy your reading.

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an orphan has nothing(no gear), but a soldier is fully geared, who would you kill? Doesent matter does it

i got banned with a ifrit and it was only because i accidentally ran three people over that had no gear this is because i was at the garage and they wouldnt move what was i supposed to do 
Let me just point out, even after warning it's not the first time you vdmed, and it's not the first time that you actually troll around kavala (either with civs or cops).

So just wanted to leave it out there,.

OK, let's play a game of 'dissect the garble", shall we?:

"i got banned with a ifrit and " - OK, so you got banned and presumably you were in an Ifrit. What was the text of the ban-kick message, please? I'm guessing it wasn't "played with stunning RP", but let's hear it anyway.

"it was only because i accidentally ran three people over" - OK, so you killed three people with a vehicle. We're presumably looking at VDM now... but your defence here is that this was an ACCIDENT. Key point... bear that in mind for my next-but-one snippet... BTW... I like the subtle use of 'ONLY'... like, I ONLY killed them, mate? I mean, c'mon... ONLY death!! :)

"that had no gear" - Hmm, so you're pinpointing the fact that the victims had no gear? Like, does that make it more acceptable to kill them with a vehicle? Hey, like, it's only a tramp and his two rent-boy friends. They've got no money or trousers, fuck it - we can kill them surely. We're doing society a favour, aren't we? Errr, no. You're not. And I'm not sure why you felt the need to qualify your statement - it smacks of 'justification' which is usually a precursor to GUILT.

"this is because i was at the garage and they wouldnt move" - Ah, now we're getting to the bone, aren't we? They wouldn't move. They had no gear and were in my way, so I upped and fucking killed them with my armoured car. Which part of that was the 'ACCIDENT' that you claimed earlier? Just out of curiousity? OK, and maybe a vague sense of comedy. I'd like to hear how this accidentally-on-purpose murder actually qualifies for a ban-repeal.

"what was i supposed to do" - Well, a number of things spring to mind. Some of them have already been stated by other, far better players from this server. I would go the other way and say that the one thing that you ABSOLUTELY WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO DO, was run the fucking twats over in your Ifrit, you silly, silly man.

Because it's gotten you a ban, and a lifetime subscription to "I'm A Murdering Idiot Who Can't Drive" magazine (available from all good booksellers and newsagents for £4.99 a month, with a wipe clean laminated cover). Enjoy your reading.
Again, ed, you are one of the best worded people i have ever seen.

There's no fooling you, is there? You're a smart one, and no mistake.

In all seriousness, you've shown no real remorse. You've taken three stances in turn: 1 - that it was an accident, 2- that it was unimportant because the victims were new-spawns and 3- that it wasn't an accident at all, but was deliberate because you couldn't find a better way to deal with the situation. There's no hint that you actually understand what you did wrong, no indication that you have a clue as to WHY it was wrong - instead, you've clumsily tried to shift the blame on to anything and anyone except yourself.

The report from Vincent Delaney also cuts a great deal of ice with me. I have long suspected that you might be a troll, and not quite up to the task of serious roleplay, and I am disappointed to read Vince's report that you are a repeat VDMer and troll.

Would YOU let coueast back in, on the basis of all that, if coueast wasn't you, and hadn't even begun to show contrition for his crimes?

You also typed on side chat........"guess running people over in kavala in an ifrit wasn't a good idea lol"
I quite distinctly remember it. as it was followed by the ban. which then made me "lol" inside.
Dogs xxx


That's because I had about 3 choppers after me but before I put that I did say sorry to the people I ran over

So your latest strategy to justify your VDM is that the victims were trolling? A fact that you didn't even mention in your first (pisspoor) post attempting to justify your actions and claim them as 'accidental', even though they were clearly on purpose.

My advice?

Put down the spade. Stop digging, and step AWAY from the hole.

Clearly you still don't *quite* understand why you got banned - or why you're continuing to stay banned. Your attitude is still entirely all wrong, and something is missing.

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Have just discovered that after all this discussion, it's a moot point anyway. This joker was banned in April and reprieved once already. There are no third chances here, so this one is toast.

Unban request denied. Please go play somewhere else.

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