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I Got Banned For No Reason!

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New member

I just started playing game recently. I was collecting peaches and got banned all of a sudden saying I did VDM. I didnt even know what it meant and later I found out that it meant running people over with your vehicle. I NEVER did that. I swear. Please unban me. This is a huge mistake. Thanks

Oh that sucks mate, but it happens sometimes. Admins might have mixed up your name with an actual VDMer. You did the right thing by posting it. I'm sure admins will sort it out.

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I am being honest here wtf. You arrogant ppl mind your own business

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Hmm your not on my ban list so i cant help you. This one is for Wilco or Ed. You may have VDMed and someone reported it to an Admin then after a while you got banned as we cant do everything everyone wants all at the same time.

Another point is that yes you guys are very clearly friends and it is very cute how you like each others posts, which just makes this reak of Guilty but this one is not for me to decide. best of luck.

The admin delivering the ban wasn't me... I've not been adminning the server for days now (too busy coding the new version) So that leaves Wilco, Mitch, Gregory, or Cardoso.

What is the full text of the ban/kick message you see when you log in to the server? That might hold a clue, possibly.

Whilst we do occasionally make mistakes with identification of VDMers/RDMers, it's usually pretty rare. Especially if you were in game as HaciPala - thats a pretty distinctive name. If we've received a lot of VDM reports from victims over a short space of time and they all cite a particular playername, and the Wanted List backs this up with a high kill report, it may be the case that you'd moved on to something else by the time the ban was actually issued - and you might *think* this means you were innocent at the time of the ban - but the crime may have been some time before.

First step though, is identifying the admin who issued the ban, and allowing time for reports from other players who had reason to believe they may have been your victim. Be patient, and see what happens.

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There is no one by the name of HaciPala on the ban list

Please give me your IGN if it differs or your GUID (alphanumeric number that can be found while joining servers)

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