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I found a nice quote


i found this quote and i think it fits into some altis life things 

“Don’t walk in front of me… I may not follow
Don’t walk behind me… I may not lead
Walk beside me… just be my friend” 
― Albert Camus

it think it fits with some gangs that have the "everyone is equal" attitude. But i also think it fits with how we should help new players

"don't give me money it will not help

don't rob me it will not help

just help me and be my friend"

---- Araki

I don't think we can help a player by just giving them money. I think we can help new players by showing them around and helping them with making money. also try to befriend new players as the power of having a friend to come to with questions can really help.

This is just what i think.

What do you guys think?

ps i don't know who Albert Camus is 

i found this quote and i think it fits into some altis life things 

“Don’t walk in front of me… I may not follow
Don’t walk behind me… I may not lead
Walk beside me… just be my friend” 
― Albert Camus

it think it fits with some gangs that have the "everyone is equal" attitude. But i also think it fits with how we should help new players

"don't give me money it will not help

don't rob me it will not help

just help me and be my friend"

---- Araki

I don't think we can help a player by just giving them money. I think we can help new players by showing them around and helping them with making money. also try to befriend new players as the power of having a friend to come to with questions can really help.

This is just what i think.

What do you guys think?

ps i don't know who Albert Camus is 
When I was a taxi driver I was giving free rides to new arrivals around the town of Kavala, showing them all the key areas and helped pick apples and sell them with them. 

It was always met with gratitued. 

Small steps can take people far.
