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Hunting Improvements / Expansions?

Joe Scrub

Legendary Donator
Legendary Donator
Los Santos Police
Los Santos Rangers
Hello, this is a halfbaked suggestion based off what I've seen from hunting so far, I invite feedback and additions from people who know more such as Rangers.


I think hunting could use some subtle tweaks to flesh it out a bit:

1) Add a hunter/ranger skillset to bring it in line to what taxi and mechanic have where they can rank up to level 4, could be named or themed outdoormanship or hunting or whatever the British word for bushcraft is?

   1.1) Level 1-4 available to all, scales salaries up to 70 from 30.

   1.2) Provides a small bonus to either the amount given from skinning or reduces the time to do so, similar to fruit picking skill.

   1.3) If possible, higher or bonus levels of this skill reserved for members of the Rangers to reflect their training and experience. Maybe all the way to 10 or so.

   1.4) Small amounts of xp granted from skinning, higher amounts from doing picture jobs/dispatches.

2.1) Allow wildlife picture photography jobs to be completed alongside hunting, currently I believe if you kill an animal along the way the job is cancelled.

   2.2) Allow new jobs to be requested via the CAPS menu remotely after a certain level of the skill is achieved, similar to local mechanic jobs. This would make hunting trips more dynamic, encouraging people to go to different areas than their normal spot/route.

3) Local diapatches / jobs. Perhaps the occasional report of a trapped animal or lost hiker etc to respond to. Hunters could respond to trapped or dangerous animal calls and neck them for a small cash payout similar to a pest control type role, Rangers could complete small search and rescue jobs for lost local hikers where they have to search a trail or area for their lost local hiker and get them back to civilisation again for a 'donation' of some kind from the happily reacued local, kind of like a offroad taxi job with added steps.

That's about all I've got for now. Balance wise it'd be a slight buff to hunting, but that's probably a good thing. Obviously there would be dev work involved too. Thanks.

Skill 1-4 is already on a list to be resolved, raised a while back by myself (as Head Ranger) to work very similar to what you said ie chance to gather more meat, fur and leather as you progress and "get better" etc.

Jobs via caps menu would be good so +1 there.

Local jobs have been requested but would only be for RANGERs as Hunters should not be attending any calls or dispatches. 

I can't remember if it was yourself I spoke to IC joe but I think the meat gathered should have more use for hunters/rangers

Seems weird to me that all that meat gets gathered but cannot be used only sold, why not have it so that the meat needs to be sold to shops and such then it can say be used for other things like meat can be made into

Mince meat, sausages, bacon burger patties

Seems abit of a lost RP avenue really be a easy startup for say a butchery company or something, I'm sure it must have had a use before as I'm certain it can be ordered into the Wearhouse for sale

Would be nice for this to be thing as it's currently very slow to get leather, imo anyway
I can't remember if it was yourself I spoke to IC joe but I think the meat gathered should have more use for hunters/rangers

Seems weird to me that all that meat gets gathered but cannot be used only sold, why not have it so that the meat needs to be sold to shops and such then it can say be used for other things like meat can be made into

Mince meat, sausages, bacon burger patties

Seems abit of a lost RP avenue really be a easy startup for say a butchery company or something, I'm sure it must have had a use before as I'm certain it can be ordered into the Wearhouse for sale
I think I've discussed this with staff from Pops Diner previously. Would be good to be able to use to meat rather than just sell it, but to use it towards making Burgers or any other food item really. Adds a bit more depth than just shoot and scoot to sell the meat. Always wanted a venison burger....

Big +1. Hunting should be expanded with skills, hunting grounds, different items and more uses for those items.
Tbf to expand on what I said before with the meat I was chatting to someone not long ago and if a skill was added to the gathering of parts could be interesting


LV0 - almost no chance of getting Hide(was leather) and fur but allways 1 meat so to count for the ammo cost

LV1 - more experienced you now get 1/2 hide and fur and have worked out how to save more of the meats

LV2 - almost a pro just has a increase on the level 1 percentage

LV3 - (aka "your a master Barry") doesn't increase the percentage any higher than from LV2 but now gives a new percentage chance that when you gather from the animal there is a X% chance that you will gain a complete hide so the entire animals skin which can then be cured into say 3/5 leather

Then we just add in some place or setup where you'll need to tan and cure the hide as you ofcourse wouldent get cured leather from a animal and just have it fall under the crafting skill