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Hunger game #altislife.co.uk


Well-known member
I have no idea how the last one dead it was really fun thanks for Popadopalous, Matty, Nathan.. and all of the PT-s team

Congratz  Popadopalous. (and he got over 200k)

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It was really good event but next time we should choose smaller area because 2 of 3 couldn't find pistol...

Alsoo I wish we could do running competion too lol ^^

Heard about this second hand, you monsters! Popadopalous had terrible PTSD at the VIP Store... Definitely an interesting concept though! 

Awesome idea guys =) A hint tho. Maybe they didn't find a gun because weapons on the ground disappear due to a cleanup script. Next time you want to do this, maybe park a few abandoned and broken cars in the area, and then put the guns in the cars. Won't disappear that way. Make sure there is some weed or something in the car, so the cleanup script won't delete that lol =D

Wev done it a few times, different ways, Spunky had 1 method, we let him run, we tracked him down, and he actually got away, 2nd was on old rebel island with dog, he wasnt so lucky 3rd was this, on the only weed field 1 million they got tho
