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How robbery should look like?


I am a quite new person to altis life and wanted to ask about your opinion what should I change in future situations like this. Wideo was made by person who reported me and my friend.

I have got ban for that robbery but admin decided about that so it was issued. Also I probbably will get second chance and dont want to waste it thats why I am asking mature community to be sure.

Situation started before record. We told to first person that this is a robbery and put his hand up. Then robbed him. Next I saw that person who is recording and from 0:19 while he was taping something on keyboard I told: "Dont move dont move stop or I will shoot" and after that he just run so I made shots on him. Ban was for killing him without RP.

So what should I have done better? Tell sentence for 3 times? I got robbed in a simillar way so I lerned from people who did the same to me.

Thanks in advance for help and replays! I repeat that second time I dont wanna discuss about my ban but about improving my RP and dont wanna get people dissapoit because of it.

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The most important this is simply to commiunicate (initiate roleplay).

Tell everyone to stop moving, drop any weapons... another key thing I usually do, is confirm that people can hear me.

I'll just ask them to confirm they can hear what I'm saying, this means if they confirm they have no excuses if they complain I didn't say anything.

Another thing if you are going to rob people, is always, always record your own actions on your PC. Use Fraps, ShadowPlay, whatever.

As long as you initiate roleplay and don't kill anyone unfairly, if anyone reports you for anything then you can submit your own evidence.

If you did tell that guy if he moved he'd be shot, then I feel bad for you bro, because a lot of people who post reports on the forums tend to edit their videos so they make it look like RDM even if they were told minutes ago if they run away they'd be shot (but it was conveniently cut out of the video). This agian, is why recording things for yourself is essential.

That area wasnt greenzone. This was garage in pyrgos. I cant find rule about that every garage is a greenzone.

I told that and you can hear that sentence in that video but the volume was verry low + he was writing something (to hear that volume must be set on max and there is also (speaking) marker next to my nick)

Now I am afraid of making robbery and probablly will not do it again. Also if I told him to stop and he just run if I wouldnt shoot I would be the one who looks like disabled player and he would laugh what a fail bandit I am.

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That area wasnt greenzone. This was garage in pyrgos. I cant find rule about that every garage is a greenzone.

I told that and you can hear that sentence in that video but the volume was verry low + he was writing something (to hear that volume must be set on max and there is also (speaking) marker next to my nick)

Now I am afraid of making robbery and probablly will not do it again. Also if I told him to stop and he just run if I wouldnt shoot I would be the one who looks like disabled player and he would laugh what a fail bandit I am.
This is why you record our own actions, as long as you have your own evidence that you used Direct chat, you can hear your own voice in the video, then you've covered the fact that he should have been able to hear you.

Sadly, there are a lot of people who will do anything / everything to get you banned when you rob them / kill them (even if you did nothing wrong at all). This is why recording your own actions is so critical, in order to protect yourself from being banned.

It's a bit depressing that you have to go this far, but one thing I've learnt in life is that you need to protect yourself pretty much at all times, in all aspects of life... because frankly (and sadly), that's how the world is / works...

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its a poorly edited clip, he hasnt posted the full RP event, he tried his best to get you banned. I heard you say don't move or you will shoot, he knew what he was doing and tried to run for it.

Wow you got banned over this? That seems unfair. The guy who ran away was warned wasn't he, clearly on the video you can hear; don't move or you will be shot..
