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How do you get a gang base

No one can until framework, then I'm sure the admins will announce some way. (In the past the smallest was around $80m or something, as well as being a well known established gang)

Usually you have to be a well known gang, and you would polietly ask the admins, but as stated above I don't know if there are going to add any more before the framework. 

No one can until framework, then I'm sure the admins will announce some way. (In the past the smallest was around $80m or something, as well as being a well known established gang)
80m what??

Admins choose the gangs who gwt bases if they are well respected gangs that are active on the community they get a base. 

Might be a new way on the new framework that is if there is even going to be a future for gang bases 

80m what??

Admins choose the gangs who gwt bases if they are well respected gangs that are active on the community they get a base. 

Might be a new way on the new framework that is if there is even going to be a future for gang bases 
I had heard that you had to be selected and have some amount in gang funds to get the base, not exactly sure where I heard this from. Maybe it's wrong.

I had heard that you had to be selected and have some amount in gang funds to get the base, not exactly sure where I heard this from. Maybe it's wrong.
Yes that is very wrong...

Gang bases used to be given to long time we'll respected gangs..

Money never an issue..
