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How do i get in contact whit admin on Eu/Uk Altislife.co.uk (Denied)

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            I got banned for cheating but i dint mean to do it

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You didn't mean to do it ?

It looks very clear to me that you meant to do it....

No you dont know the story mate.. The reson i logged out was couse i paniced 

(and had a spastic moment for a sec). 

couse i could not get up to the surface and my toe hits the power switch next to the wall right under my table.. its a problem that i have had a few times since i moved my pc to my office room enyway. I dint even knew you keept your Money if you dint store them in bank before exiting. (all coke was in truck)


I understand what i did and why its wrong even though im a noob and dont play that much i am even surpriced i found this website but it also took me 2 days (NOT A LIE)  :)

Please Help me.. i love this game and this server and i try to follow the rules i know :) i am a nice guy and dont like to cheat i just want to play and have fun.

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Can you give me a 2nd chance i am new to this kind of thing and i really dint mean to cheat, you can see on video that it fucks up and i cant get up and then i panic and hit the switch by accident and 2 sec. after that im out.

I please understand and help me.

Im just a nice guy fom Denmark trying to enjoy a game and your server is the best and only one i really wanna play on.

I dint mean to try cheat please understand.

Also where do i find the rules, i think it would be good to know them so i dont get in trouble another time :)

btw. Im not a little kid i dont fuck around and want no trouble, this is all a mistake i just want to be allowed back on your server if i may :)

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patience is required here... we are an extremely busy community.

I do not believe a word you have said and have seen this done before, You have driven your hemmt boxed into the water to stop those guys stealing it and the stuff you have on it... you have then combat logged

It is plain and simple to see.

This is a serious roleplay server so why did you not read the rules before playing ?

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i am really sorry and i dint know this was so serious, i just started playing on your server couse a english freind of mine told me about it, thats a few weeks back now, and before that i had only played arma twice, enyway.. 

As i said i dont know much about this community stuff, and i am truely sorry for the trouble i have made.

I promise something like this will never happen

Along the few weeks i played on the server i did think of reading the rules couse some police guy said it to someone else, but i dont take games much serious and mostly play for fun. (not that i cheat, i hate cheaters) but i know now that i have to be serious about this game and the communitys around it.. (not that i havent)

Have you ever been playing css_zm and haveing a zombie right behind you and you are trying to get up on a box but your first attempt fails and you panic, thats what i felt.

It was kind of like a combination between that, and that i also wanted to change position on the chair couse you know i was being robbed and it was time to get serious. i really dint try to cheat.

i dont deny trying to get away but i dint mean to log out, my computer shut down

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Can you maybe give me a mail i can send a Picture to? i want to prove how it looks, or maybe you can tell me some other way i can give you it? i dont know how to post it here..

Can you not like give me a warning or a punishment, or something..

You have to trust me on this i dint mean to cheat..

If i could just show you the Picture, you will be able to see how it looked before,

i switched all the power cables to the one behind computer..

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So i read a few blogs and i think im about to realise how serious this thing is..

I also read rules and there was ALOT of stuff i dint know, but in all the time i played i havent broken one single rule, except for the one i got banned for.. Please trust and help me, i will take this serious and i WONT CHEAT.

You have to trust me mate i dint try to cheat, i just want to play and have fun, im not a gamer type whit freinds playing this aswell. i just play for my self and if i need help il just find a noob (No Money no Guns) and give him a job and give him some exstra cash if he does the job well..


Ok fella like Wilco said you need to have some patience so Ill look at this tomorrow. In the meantime post your GUID for this to be processed.

Ok thanks as i said i dont know much about how this stuff Works, im just glad you guys will try and help me :)

GUID? what is that? (report of what happend?)

As i said noob you know :)

Do you keep your stuff when you et banned?

I know you Guys are busy but can i get some help soon?  ;)

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Google where to find your Arma 3 GUID.

Secondly , you would disappear and disconnect at the same time if you turned your pc off...

You disappeared and then disconnected.

yh i can see that dont know if thats true couse i dint log off the computer shut Down when my toe pushed the button on switch.

Got spastic couse the guy just stopped moveing underwater and i could not get up..

thx for the help :)

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