Let me end on a positive note.
As a result of being pillaged so often, I am naturally wary of everyone now.
I tried to do a copper run - Got to the mine ok, Filled up my little box truck and headed forth to the Multi-Factory. On the way, as these things happen, Cars whizz past, and I spot a energy branded sport hatch whizz past. Thought nothing of it. I then see a car with the same awful paint job parked in the road up ahead, so I slow down suspiciously. Sure enough in the distance I see 2 lad crouching with pistols.
Balls to that, I three point it, and High tail it out of there seeking refuge back at Kavala Car Park, all the while with bullets bouncing off the truck. So.. It's like that.
I wait around till night then try again. This time, I'n getting near the fuel station by the turning, and a truck comes down the road - No biggy. At the last second he swerves and ploughs into me, killing him and damaging my truck so badly that it won't move. about 3 seconds later, a guy walks form around his truck and starts shooting. Killing me in my whole face.
I see that the medic is like 750m away, so I choose to wait. He's not moving after a few mins, And I see a cop arrive and look into the truck. Everything goes mental, and My truck is impounded. Goodbye Copper Ores
No movement from the medic so I respawn. Spend yet another stack of cash on a backpack/GPS/repair kit and retrieving the van. Get robbed at the clothes store. Back to the ATM, Back to the General and Clothes store. Pop to the car shop to see prices and it's that guy again - Wont mention Masons name out of privacy, Get Robbed of all my nothing (Left everything in the bank). Back to Kavala Square.
Started chatting with a guy who said he would help me out - Again, I'm suspicious, but I have nothing to lose. He brings his Tempest and we head to the mine. He mines up a truckful of copper for me and another lad, and we head to the factory. Enroute, we hit a firefight and the other lad got caught in it. I manage to speed through towards the factory, but then that stupid Red Chain of doom appears on the right of the screen.
My game ends.
I go and get some pancakes and enjoy them.
I log back in and I'm copperless, so I think 'Fuck it, one more time' And I'm glad I did. Read on...
So I go again. Mine the copper and head towards the factory. I see my friends in their sports car again, so nobly turned tail, and bravely ran away. They chased me, but they were no match for my box truck. Told some people in Kavala square, and they said 'Fuck yeah' And headed up the road. I followed a few mind later, and sure enough, Those chavvy thieves were hands on head by the side of the road.
I hasten to the factory, Jubliant in the fact that I get to actually do this. When I arrive, I hear someone telling me to put my gun down.
Its ok, Its some cops! (I think - They were masked and drove the dark blue cars) They say they will cover me, and escort me to the trader.. Bonza!
As it was my 1st time, I forgot that I needed 20k for the licence, So I ask the kind officers to escort me to the ATM. They couldnt be bothered so they dropped 100k on me! I was like.. Whaaaat!
Got to processing, and I hear the cops say 'Hey, Whats this in the back of your van?...' Boom... a really large amount of money appeared in my pocket. Really large. They then Escort me to an ATM to offload this fortune, which happens to be gunfight all around - Deposited! Then straight to the Metal trader to sell the copper aswell.
All in all, Happy with todays adventure, and am now looking at ze choppers.
So Thank you to the nice people, and F You Mason. I mean, Random players who mugged me