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Hobos in firefights

Ali E

Ban-rifle success
I know this is a big issue for many gangs around here. When we engage roleplay and engage in a firefight suddenly some naked hobos with their hex packs appear everywhere around the firefight they try to loot people to take their weapons and fire upon us and prevent us from taking clear shots. And when they die they brag about RDM. Admins i beg you to do something about this... Because its getting annoying more everyday... and everyone please make a feedback on this post so i can listen to your opinion and view from your perspective

It is almost as bad as being a Police officer. ;) It is the fun of Kavala I guess, in these situations the fresh spawns shout a lot but nothing ever happens to their requests. 

Its more the Hobo's having nothing to do, so they just run about and look for some action. I admit when I was a Hobo I was to lazy to do frog legs or cocaine so I spawned at kavala and followed police hoping for some cool roleplay. I don't know a way to fix this but Hobo's need something to do.

If possible, this could be alleviated by not lletting people pick guns up without a firearm license. How many hobos buy firearms licenses ;)

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I act by this rule.

If a hobo enters the middle of a gunfight to loot, he get a warningshot + scream.

If he dont move he be dead.

He have nothing to do in the middle of a fight.

But we all know. Hobos have briefcase fetish ^^

Nothing wrong with a bit of Hobo for lunch. Hobo soup with roasted goose, washed down with a nice beer, perfection. ;)

I feel this would not wash down well with the general public if police took part in Hobo Hunting during shootouts 

I agree with alot of what is said here.
Let's put this in a IRL perspective.
Let's say the police is firing upon a gang dealing by the kavala dealer and there are multiple casualties on both sides.
I know that i would get the fuck out of there or get into cover until the fight was over.

The only time you would grab a gun from one of the dead is if you have a connection to one of the parties and you intent to help that part in the situation.

But the ''hobos'' grabbing guns to open up on either random targets, on both the fighting parties or to run of with the gun to rob people are a direct violation to RP since you would NEVER grab a gun without connection to the ongoing conflict since you are risking your life for the piece.

What if the players had something like one life per day? And this would not apply if RDM or VDM was involved. Medic could ofc revive you when killed. But it's for sure that nobody would go towards gunfire in real life.

Personally I hate that hobo gameplay so much. Just repeating a one line over and over again. Trying to open backpacks. Steal cars at garage. Some of the players are quite young to fully understand roleplay. I once heard somebody say to an ARAC guy that it's his game (referring to ARMA 3), nobody can tell him what to do with it. The ARAC guy tried to reason and explain roleplay wise that we have some government rules in Altis. But the hobo just kept attacking the ARAC verbally saying he can't tell him to do anything. I can't tell for sure how old he was but he sounded like a chipmunk so I believe that he was really young...

It would be nice to know the average age of this community. In any case I started to get bit off topic. Id say the hobos are collateral damage here being in the middle of gunfight. That's just their problem. I'd say go for the kill if necessary.

In my opinion - shout at them once telling them to piss off - if they stay - kill them.

NO ONE with a normal brain would run in the middle of a gunfight IRL.

How often do I stand at my window in my Ghetto thinking OH theres a gunfight! Better stand there RIGHT NEXT TO THEM and watch. 

Never. (I don't really live in a Ghetto tho :c)

But yeah. They shouldn't be there at all. 

Often they just destroy the situation or RP and it sucks.

And ..

If possible, this could be alleviated by not lletting people pick guns up without a firearm license. How many hobos buy firearms licenses ;)


Warning shot. Then kill shot.

There's nothing RP about them being there so It's better just to get them out the way. If they ever got around to complaining I don't think any admin on here would ban you for doing so especially if you were recording.
