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Hobo initiators


nah nothing mate
East Midlands
Right, I'm not too sure if this has been mentioned before (I'm too lazy to check all the forum pages) however I was led to believe that using an unarmed hobo initiator was not allowed, I mean if you are a rebel or police officer with a rifle, will you really be intimidated by a hobo wearing flip flops? No. So this brings up my point of; Is failing to comply with an unarmed initiator (hobo)'s orders fail RP and not valuing your life?

Not fail roleplay. If someone in crocs and socks runs up to you and says 'if you don't put your hands up you're dead, if you run you're dead' then I would personally question them 'why would I do that? You got proof of friends? Can I get a warning shot?why are you doing this?' If they don't supply the warning shot then I'd shrug it off unless I had reason to believe otherwise. 

It's your choice to not put your hands up or to comply.  It is shitty in a sense but it's kinda practical from the gangs perspective. You can always threaten them back and kill them (I wouldn't advise police to do this)

If its a completely unarmed hobo as a rebel I would return the favour and tell him to get the hell out of here before he gets hurt, only time I consider if its a genuine threat is if its geared rebel just lacking a gun, thats when I will start to question what happens if I don't and like samat said I will most likely ask for a warning shot.

As far as I know it't not against server rules but I will bring it up at the next staff meeting for you and see what Management make of it.

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This happened to me! Got spiked by an unarmed hobo with a fieldpack so I thought he was trolling with spikes so i ran away and got popped.

This happened to me! Got spiked by an unarmed hobo with a fieldpack so I thought he was trolling with spikes so i ran away and got popped.
Spiking someone is not count as roleplay/initation so if he killed you without saying anything/or someone his friends that count as RDM

I would consider it Fail RP if the ''hobo initiator'' actually did have gear and drop it all/gave it to his friends to keep safe. Why? Because it implies that he does not value his life, he knows he could die but will just respawn and lose nothing but died knowing his friends got a chance go engage. From a gamers perspective that makes sense, but this is roleplay, so it is really shitty. How do you justify sending one of your friends into such a danger just for a chance to get a shoot out or a robbery? I would frown upon this and warn people about how it could be perceived. Then again, IF you want to do this, get some more RP out of it and hire/forcer a ACTUAL hobo, unrelated to your group, to do this initiation.

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Fail RP in a nutshell, not valuing your life running up completely unarmed to just hands up or die for you to just die anyway.

I get your point and it's not great, However it's a known fact that both rebels do it in the form of a hobo and police normally send a CSO or PCSO to go in and initiate which are both not great and is pretty shit RP.

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Spiking someone is not count as roleplay/initation so if he killed you without saying anything/or someone his friends that count as RDM
He spiked me, said get your hands up so i thought he was trolling so i ran away then got popped.

I get your point and it's not great, However it's a known fact that both rebels do it in the form of a hobo and police normally send a CSO or PCSO to go in and initiate which are both not great and is pretty shit RP.
Just because we know about it and both sides do it does not make a difference. two wrongs don't make a right. I purpose keep in my in mind this is a rough idea and would need some translation. Make the whole "hands up I have x amount of snipers/rifles trained on you failrp and a rule unless the others are visible in some way [maybe by turning Ur head for once]. or some as purposed earlier warning shots are fired. and for cops sending in an lower ranking officer to do the talking is just smarter anyways seeing as it leave the higher ranks to make tatical decisions

What about unarmed rebels? Yes they are have rebels attire on, but they always complain when we treat them as rebels due to their clothes. Surely if there is no evident threat (proof of gun) we don't take them seriously (considering the amount of death threats we get everyday).

What about unarmed rebels? Yes they are have rebels attire on, but they always complain when we treat them as rebels due to their clothes. Surely if there is no evident threat (proof of gun) we don't take them seriously (considering the amount of death threats we get everyday).
I think every threat should be taken seriously, but if the robbers refuse to prove that they or their friends are armed (in the form of warningshots or making their firearms visible) then they should not be allowed to kill anyone.

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Depends on the quality of roleplay. I've played the innocent hobo with a broke down car screaming for help from passing trucks, while a friend is nearby on overwatch. When people stop and offer to help, I RP with them, and then we begin the waylay.

If the "decoy" makes his intentions known, and gives you a fair warning with a warning shot, I consider it fair game.

I've been told that Initiating as a hobo = not valuing your life, as you dont actually have any means of defending yourself.

Depends on the quality of roleplay. I've played the innocent hobo with a broke down car screaming for help from passing trucks, while a friend is nearby on overwatch. When people stop and offer to help, I RP with them, and then we begin the waylay.

If the "decoy" makes his intentions known, and gives you a fair warning with a warning shot, I consider it fair game.
Sounds good and well but is placing your life in the hands of someone else "valuing" Ur life? lets say you get someone and you tell them they are being over watched and if they don't drop the gun they are holding [at the hips, double controlled] what stops them from whipping it up real quick blowing you away. you are placing ur life on the shot of someone else

There is no value your life rule. The rule in effect is fail RP. It is not fail RP if you are just the unarmed messenger who roleplays. If you get killed thats the risk you take, as long as you properly roleplay. 

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