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Highways Traffic Officer

SGT Dean Hastings

Legendary Donator
Legendary Donator
Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Trainer
Gruppe 6
Los Santos Rangers
GTA RP Question

Hi All,

I have a few questions regarding highways Traffic Officers. I will be very happy if someone could answer these.

1, How do you become one? 

1.1, Whats the associated cost/grind to become one?

2, What do they do on the server? (I know what they do IRL)

3, Why have I never seen them? (I've found their vehicles stranded a few times but never seen their vehicles in motion or the people RP'ing or the people inside their vehicles)

4, What abilities do they have that a civ does not?

4.1, Do your vehicles have additional abilities?

5, If you are one in-game whats your day to day like and what do you get upto?

6, What uniform do they wear?

I'm a Traffic Police Officer on the server and I'd love to do some interagency RP with them. 


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I don't think there's a faction for them. The mechanic role allows you to rent one of their vehicles, so I think people use it mostly for a brief get-around.

I don't think there's a faction for them. The mechanic role allows you to rent one of their vehicles, so I think people use it mostly for a brief get-around.
I think that's a real shame. Modern irl highways traffic officers do an amazing job and I feel their role deserves to be better represented. 

Maybe it would be cool for them to have a uniform and radio frequency where they can be directly contacted by other services (eg, police, NHS, G6).

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It would be cool and make sense if they where an organised group. I agree with Lube that it would be cool for them to have a uniform and radio frequency where they can be directly contacted by other services. The only thing is what happens to the current mechanic role if it was made into an organised group?

So for some slight clarification, This is a section of the Los Santos Mechanic role. This is intended to allow those who wish to roleplay as the mechanic role to a greater extent to do so with some nice assets including the Highways flatbed i.e work for the police by impounded marked cars on the impound list (you get paid more for impounding police marked vehicles). If it is seen that a large group of people wish to do this role then they can feel free to put up a purposed group post with their intentions and rp backstory but for now its intended for all civilians to be able to roleplay as this role.  This role is entirely up to your imagination (as long as its good RP).   If it was me personally I would with a mate or someone use both the car and the flatbed to go to call-outs from civs about needing repairs and going to impound cars marked by the police.  The car has amber lights to essentially escort the flatbed around and help corner off lanes of motorways and close off roads (remember to inform the police!)   Its already in the works to get a uniform going but if its seen that a purposed group is wanted, it could be looked into giving them the ability to put down cones, barriers etc but that requires someone to step up to the plate and lead it.  

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What  has been said above in regards to it being a dedicated group,  is an idea I have had for a little while. If anyone wants to collaborate with myself and work together to get a good proposal together, then feel free to hit me up on TS/Discord.

I feel like there's a lot of RP potential here, and I envisage it being similar to Gruppe6 etc, where the police would be able to contact us when needed, as well as us being able to handle private jobs through civilians.

I think its also important that the regular mechanic job stays available to give those who are new/looking for some money, a good way to interact with people.

Please feel free to message me if you want to help, or if you want to give suggestions and opinions on how it should be proposed!

When I originally put forward that vehicle, I did suggest that it was used as it would be IRL. Bit disappointed by it being put in the mechanic role, but I also understand why. I did try to play with it on my pure civ character, but he's flat broke from buying the licences required and can't even afford to rent any vehicle!
