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High ping on Arma 3


Well-known member
Over the last week or so I've been having 300+ Ping on any Arma servers, I've made sure it's not my internet as on every other game there's nothing odd going on... Just Arma 3 :/ 

If anyone's got any ideas in order to fix this, please let me know. Thanks 

Over the last week or so I've been having 300+ Ping on any Arma servers, I've made sure it's not my internet as on every other game there's nothing odd going on... Just Arma 3 :/ 

If anyone's got any ideas in order to fix this, please let me know. Thanks 
Is this ping actually in-game on Arma3 (are you being kicked for high ping?) or just on the Server Browser?
The Arma3 Server Browser is notorious for being inaccurate regarding ping responses to the server.

Is this ping actually in-game on Arma3 (are you being kicked for high ping?) or just on the Server Browser?
The Arma3 Server Browser is notorious for being inaccurate regarding ping responses to the server.
No mate, the server browsers being pretty accurate. It will say 300+ and then I'll be kicked not long after. But like I said it's only for Arma... I'm so confused 0.o
