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Hi Guys. Alits just got a new citizen.


I'm a 28 year old guy originally and from Norway. However a series of unfortunate incidents have forced me to find a new safe haven. I don't know why i choose Altis, because its everything but safe here...

Anyway, here i am. If you see a man who look completely lost, its probably me. I'm a friendly dude so just come over and say hi. My name is 12Core. 

BTW: Have been playing on Asylum servers before, but did not like the community there. So far i love how dedicated you guys are with RP compered with them. After about 8 hrs in on these servers i have not seen any trolling, respectless behavior or RDM yet. This things was very common on Asylum. Keep up the good work. 

Welcome to AltisLife UK. If you need any assistance feel free to message me on the forums, or you can find me and a few of the other community mentors on the community teamspeak @ TS.AltisLife.co.uk


Dr. Stealthee [Medical Training Officer] and Community Mentor

why thank you for the kind words, all the regulars here appreciate them. 

And welcome, My name is ArrogantBread or Nathan, I am a mentor here. If you have any problems, questions or just want a chat just jump in the welcome room on team speak we are more than happy to help.

Thank you guys for an nice welcoming. I really preciate that:) And thanks to the mentors. That is a very helpfull service you offer for beginners, and by just letting us know your here is enough for us to feel welcome. 

I guess i will run into you guys a lot. I think i will need a lot of services from medics and police in the upcoming weeks. My frog legs business seems incredible risky..haha. So far i have been knocked out and robbed twice. Had my truck stolen and been injured in a gunfight trying to defend my self against masked bandits in a chopper. Have no idea how i'm still alive, but those tasty frogs are worth it. :)

I will get teamspeak and apply for medic when i get to know Altis a bit better. In the meanwhile i will get rich or die trying and living the Altis dream. 

See you around!

Welcome man :D Hope you enjoy you're stay. Make sure to drop by the UNMC Checkpoint sometime!

Welcome man :D Hope you enjoy you're stay. Make sure to drop by the UNMC Checkpoint sometime!
Have been passing a few times all ready, but never seen anybody at the checkpoint. Witch i think was an good thing, because i have to admit i did not have any cash when i passing by..(please don't tell your friends..haha). How much is it the tax anyway?

Welcome! If you ever need an escort while doing frogs contact me or any of the enforcers in Exiles Of Purgatory, and we will give you an armed escort! Free of charge of course!

Welcome! If you ever need an escort while doing frogs contact me or any of the enforcers in Exiles Of Purgatory, and we will give you an armed escort! Free of charge of course!

I might do that. I have however moved out of frog legs business, and made myself a mining company. Plan is to buy the biggest truck i can find. I also got an partner now. So when we have to big trucks and aiming for diamonds we might give you a call;)


I might do that. I have however moved out of frog legs business, and made myself a mining company. Plan is to buy the biggest truck i can find. I also got an partner now. So when we have to big trucks and aiming for diamonds we might give you a call;)
Alright, well, We escort civilians no matter what you do(apart from robbing other civilians) Just give us a call and we shall help!

Welcome :)

Ill be greeting you ingame with a gun pointed to your face :p (JK)

Enjoy your stay here.
