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Hi all!


Hello everybody, this is Bizarro, from Spain.

I've been playing in your server for a couple is days and I've really enjoyed it, and I'm going to stay for a while ;) so I think I must introduce myself in the forums.

I'm 31 and I've been playing pc games for about 20 years now, mostly fps and flight Sims, and I have bought and spent an unimaginable amount of hours in all the BIS Ofp/arma games, DayZ mod/sa included, but haven't played the * life mod since arma's Saranhi(sp?) life and I was missing it, so I joined altislife.co.uk server and loved it.

For the in-game RP, I consider myself an expatriate that has just arrived Altis to find, maybe not wealth, but a comfortable life in this picturesque Mediterranean republic, meet new people and learn their manners. I can read and write English fine with some mistakes, probably more than I think, and I can maintain a basic conversation, with some problems to understand the other part, I'm afraid, but I hope to be able to speak fluently with some practice :D

Welcome to the server, i hope you enjoy your time here! Make sure you read the rules because we enforce them very seriously.

Nice name :) .

and good luck out there if you have any problems with anything just message on the website, teamspeak or in game and i'll try my best to help you..

Have a nice day

Thanx guys. I have just taken a warm welcome, killed semi randomly by a guy with a Zafir mg and tactical vest with uk patch.... This island is a war zone :'(

picturesque Mediterranean republic
(In RP) Ahaha, Republic?! You gotta be shittin' me mate. In English we call it 'an oppressive and illegitimate occupation'.

(Out of RP) Welcome! If RP is your game, you'll get on just fine, and it will be a pleasure to play with you. As Cardoso said, please read the rules and abide by them or risk the consequences. And thanks for joining us on the forums, always reassuring when players post an introduction. Look forward to any interactions we may have.


(In RP) Ahaha, Republic?! You gotta be shittin' me mate. In English we call it 'an oppressive and illegitimate occupation'.
hahaha!! yep, ur right xD

Already enought "RP" for today. I think I'm going to stick to playing here monday to thursday, seems that weekend time gets a little bit out of control, too much kos and trolling this evenig...

yeah sorry i wan't able to revive you, very busy this evening at times !!!

Welcome. The peaches are off limits only accessible to the great and all powerful PeachMaster.

Welcome. The Apples are free for everyone, courtesy of the magnificent and benevolent Apple King.

Pick your fruit, pick your side.

You either choose the Peaches or the Apples. Apples are a pacifist group willing to do what ever it takes to teach the new people how our island functions, help them survive, endure... Only to let them loose in the future to either to the police force or the rebels where they will continue to spread the lies of the Apples. The peaches on the other hand are all about meditating, defending our lands and reputation. We have been known across the island for centuries! Until "he" came ( Apple above me)

Whoa! Fruit wars! This is promising :D

I will give you £1,000 for every peach you piss on.
LOL! :lol:

Well... this server is like drugs, or like when u get badly drunk and promise u will never drink again... until next weekend lol!

Although yesterday's game was not very pleasant, today I just couldn't avoid to join again, and it's been much more enjoyable, specially the time I had with steve from Netherlands.

I just parked and locked my nice OD green pick up aside from the road to gossip some shooting going on in a nearby village, when suddently some guy appeared, lockpicked it and stole it in my f***** face...

I was alone, without a vehicle, in the middle of nowhere, with some armed ppl in the area, and then appeared steve with his lorry loaded with iron ore.

I asked for help and he carryed me to Paros so I could buy a new pick up, doing a couple of delivery missions by the way and having a nice chat.

This has been my first serious interaction with other player, and I really enjoyed it :p

Welcome dude 

Hope to Role play with you soon. 

:rolleyes:   :rolleyes:   :rolleyes:   :rolleyes:   :rolleyes:   :rolleyes:   :rolleyes:

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Welcome to the server enjoy your stay.Also make sure you make lots of friends it can be a lot of fun if you do
