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HGZ Galen & f X y (Action: Bans Issued 02/03/2015)

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Insert dank meme here.
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): HGZ Galen & f  X  y
Time & Date this happened: 27/02/15 19:22
Which Server did this happen on: Server #1
Description of what happened: Me and [TI] Crispy were on hobo patrol in a stolen Police car when we heard shots at the handgun store, we rolled up and got shot without any RP.
What Rule Was Broken ?: 
Rule 5: Rest of Altis
RDM = Ban if no role-play, Remember this is a serious roleplay community therefore shooting people on sight with no roleplay is RDM, engage in roleplay at all times.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Asked them to come into Teamspeak in side chat, got no response.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here:

The circumstances wasn't shown in this video. We had just robbed a guy there before, and you guys came literally 10 seconds after with a cop car with sirens on. We had been getting killed several times by cops as soon as they had a chance after a robbery.

As Kvalitet said. I yelld several times go away and stop the car. You should really have more ingame volume then that or you will never hear a word.

to be honest, even if it was police, you still need to initiate. I watched that video multiple times, I cant hear anything.

763ee4bf208efbac110224ad2063e3c6 -1 HGZ Galen - Forum Report 02/03/2015
6fd05a9b4bf1686599a815571002ce17 -1 F X Y - Forum Report 02/03/2015
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