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Henry Kiely

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Henry Kiely

In-game name:

Henry Kiely

Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile):


Date/Time of incident (ignore if linked to player report): 


Which server: 
 Server 1

What was lost: 


Value of item/money lost ( Provide the grand total):  


Quick description of what happened:

I logged offline on the 22.10.2015 at around 12pm with £3,710,071 in my bank acount upon logging on as a medic on the morning of the 23 i noticed i had minus money as shown in the first screen shot below. Upon inspection my money graph has dropped £4,997,001 over night.

Please post video evidence/screenshots here: https://gyazo.com/e0fa169e1f0d026d3cf64921aa23b44c



(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, that you had that money or items)
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Hi. Just thought i would let you know that i looked around the forums and the only way anyone has mentioned of going into negative money is by using ABAY. If you didn't they probably keep track of that sort of thing on the stats and it is likely to be a bug.

It's still rather strange...

i have used ABUY in the past but I've never bid on anything over 500k before let alone 5 mil.. will just have to wait and see whats going on.

i have used ABUY in the past but I've never bid on anything over 500k before let alone 5 mil.. will just have to wait and see whats going on.
When is the last time you use ABAY, and how much did you bid for something.

Could you have maybe done a typo and accidently bid 4 million?
Obviously its a possibility but i'm almost completely sure i didn't because i went back later the day to check i still had the highest bid, also i lost more that i would've i i put an extra 0.

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