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Destroyer of Apples

So yeah, most of us has already seen the movie by now, what do you guys think?

I didn't think the movie was "amazing" or "great" for me, it was ok, worth watching again. 

Han Solos demise was already predicted, so yeah, he was freaking amazing, loved every scene with him.

What i cannot comprehend and i honestly need a hardcore star-wars fan to tell me this how can a Sith, nearly done with his training be beaten by a random girl that LITERALLY just got her hands on the sword and found out about the force, the fight was pathetic for me ( It was a good fight, just.. meh)  she literally poked at him and defeated him.

I dont believe in the " he was fighting his inner self with against the good force blah blah talk" he got his ass kicked by 2 random people that have never even seen a Jedi/Sith before.

Now Finn, oh my god i fell in love with him, he was amazing and definitely my new favorite character 
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Remember that Luke didn't have proper lightsaber training and was quite crap  with the sabre himself, and as he taught Ren before he went to the darkside I'd reason that there are no good lightsabre dueling experts around anymore. Bare in mind he was also shot and not in good shape.

Loved Starkiller base and the scene where the stormtrooper goes toe to toe with Finn when he has a lightsabre.[SIZE= 1.3rem][/SIZE]
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I'm amazed that Jar Jar did that to Jabba! So sly!

(I have never watched star wars and probably never will.)

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Kylo Ren was NOT a Sith Lord he is part of the Knights of Ren (Probably find out about them in the next films), although the force is strong with him he is no way as powerful to someone like Darth Vader.

He was also injured by Chewie which greatly weakened him.

He is obsessed with Sith lore and collects artifacts linked to them, he constructed his own lightsaber as well.

I will agree with you on Finn he is just an amazing character, BB-8 also i love that lil droid :D

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Obviously there are spoilers in this post...

This film really pissed me off.

I'm one of the biggest star wars fans even since I was a fetus.

I thought the story was rushed- we are just supposed to sit there and believe that after the empire was destroyed, a new empire (First Order) have turned up from no where and rule the galaxy.

The silver storm trooper was pointless and she would have never given up the shield codes for her life.

This planet that was like a death star came from no where and there was no connection to the audience to make it scary- it appeared and was blown up... big deal.

The alien chase on Han's ship was silly.

Why would luke just leave? Stupid. Han and luke would never give up fighting evil, it just wasnt them.

R2 D2 happens to suddenly come to life at the end of the film and have the map... well isnt that just a great coincidence.

Rey or whoever just finds luke standing there... oh right.

Finding out Kylo was Han's son could have been in a more dramatic way... Not just some man on a chair mentioning it.

There was no awesome jedi music like we saw from the trailer.

The fight scene was STUPID. How can a storm trooper last ONE BLEEDING SECOND against a Sith warrior who has been trained from a small boy, then learnt the ways of the dark side- wounded or not, still bs.

AND THEN some random hobo from a junk yard not only has a higher skill of the force than the grandson of 'the chosen one'. She has a better fighting technique?

If this was just a normal, action film that has no credible story but has some cool stuff like avengers, star trek and all the others, then yes, its an alright film. But this is star wars, and I cant believe George Lucas actually sat down, watched that film and thought 'yes, that was a great addition to the legacy that I started'.

The only things I liked was the characters, they could have worked well in the film. Some of the battle scenes were nice but not backed up by solid content. Oh and it was good to see the old characters. If it had been done like the trailer (which looked epic) then maybe I would have liked it.

Im very interested to see other opinions of this because I keep hearing people enjoyed it- which means they can't be real star wars fans and just like watching meaningless fighting and weak storys.

Sorry for the rant but im just pissed off. How can I still love star wars when they make that pile of wa.........

ps. Han Solos death could have been more dramatic.

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I completely agree with @BennyBait. The movie was rushed and did not live up to my exceptions AT ALL. I was very pleased with Harrisons preformance (not pleased with his death), however, Carrie? I feel like she did not want to be part of the movie. She did not put her guts into the act like she did in the 3 first movies (Not that she was in that many scenes, but hey). Very dissapointed there. Now, for the plot of the movie. We all (well most blood fans) agree that the fourth (The Phantom Menace) movie was the worst and lacked alot, BUT I think that even that movie had more story and content than this movie. 

It also feels like Disney did not take this production too seriously. I know, its a new generation and its more suitable for todays "film community", but they should not care about that. They should care about the fans that loved the feel and the settings of the other 6 movies. This movie did not give me that Star Wars feel. Cant lie, when the X-wings came I got butterflies in my stomach, I did love that scene, but.. Yeah...

I look forward to the 2 upcoming movies, hopefully they listen to the feedback and actually please the fans a little more. 


And for the fight between Kylo, Finn and Rey? A girl that just tought that the Jedi's and the Force was a myth managed to get out from the fight alive and even managed to hurt Kylo, who was trained by Snoke himseld, completely destroys the meaning of Jedi training. Anakin, who was VERY strong with the force before he was trained needed training. Luke also needed training. Hell, even Yoda needed training. Now a scavanger girl from Jakku suddenly knows how to use the force the moment she touches the lightsaber, even knows how to use the mind-manipulating? 

Fine, I'm done with my ranting. Just needed to get it out of the system.

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I completely agree with @BennyBait. The movie was rushed and did not live up to my exceptions AT ALL. I was very pleased with Harrisons preformance (not pleased with his death), however, Carrie? I feel like she did not want to be part of the movie. She did not put her guts into the act like she did in the 3 first movies (Not that she was in that many scenes, but hey). Very dissapointed there. Now, for the plot of the movie. We all (well most blood fans) agree that the fourth (The Phantom Menace) movie was the worst and lacked alot, BUT I think that even that movie had more story and content than this movie. 

It also feels like Disney did not take this production too seriously. I know, its a new generation and its more suitable for todays "film community", but they should not care about that. They should care about the fans that loved the feel and the settings of the other 6 movies. This movie did not give me that Star Wars feel. Cant lie, when the X-wings came I got butterflies in my stomach, I did love that scene, but.. Yeah...

I look forward to the 2 upcoming movies, hopefully they listen to the feedback and actually please the fans a little more. 
The problem I'm finding is that most people I've spoken to liked it. I'm really trying to like it but it's just flawed...

did any of you who watched it come out the cinemas feeling like a jedi?

I liked it, guess I'm not a proper fan then
Loved the movie, I can see why some people are disliking it, nonetheless it was a really good movie and some people look at movies in a too criticizing way

Loved the movie, I can see why some people are disliking it, nonetheless it was a really good movie and some people look at movies in a too criticizing way
I saw it today mate, thought it was great. Fucked off with facebook for spoiling the whole Han Solo dies part , but overall good films , and linked to the old films well.
