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Hannibal (Action: Ban Issued 02/03/2015)

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(EXP) Extrautior

Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Hannibal

Time & Date this happened: 2622015 time 20:20

Which Server did this happen on: 2

Description of what happened: we started רobbing a house of a guy called hannibal and went we killed him he combat logged (its his fifth time)

What Rule Was Broken ?: 1B) Combat logging during a fire fight, resisting arrest, or when the police are in pursuit is exploiting. Logging off while downed (pending revive) is also a exploit.

Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: no if he did it 5 times i dont think he even red the rules


second vid:


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from what I heard this video was cut cause this man told me that he was selling items to a person when ur people rushed in the door and said put ur hands up but before he could u shot so y cut the video is it because u don't want to get banned. Is it?

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Pvt, Extrautior. I've looked at the video and I was involved in this incident, I can say that your clan was RDMing innocent people in Athira prior to the house robbery and afterwards you kept killing him whenever you saw Hannibal. I find that stupid how you think you can say that he was breaking the rules when all your clan were breaking, NLR plus RDM!! I'm sure I can get all the people you killed to vouch for your actions.

Kind Regards, 

Caolan Smith

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"(its his fifth time)" this is just weird cause why do you only show one combat logging what about the other. When you say that you didn't try talk to him because he did it 5 times well that is false so go talk to him before you post something that is not true.

"(its his fifth time)" this is just weird cause why do you only show one combat logging what about the other. When you say that you didn't try talk to him because he did it 5 times well that is false so go talk to him before you post something that is not true.

During this whole event was happening I attempted to talk to an EXP member at the donater shop and he was unwilling to speak unless I was on ts, If he spoke for just 1 minute then we could have solved this problem and came to terms with what was really happening.

My friends, Hannibal also spent the last few days hoarding and buying guns, clothing and ammo and in-turn stored it in this house, He was not obliged to part with it and he was under the impression that EXP were rdming in atheria and also trying rdming him.

Please let him off this once, Its his first warning and he did not mean to do it

                                                                                                                             - Mark

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Pvt, Extrautior. I've looked at the video and I was involved in this incident, I can say that your clan was RDMing innocent people in Athira prior to the house robbery and afterwards you kept killing him whenever you saw Hannibal. I find that stupid how you think you can say that he was breaking the rules when all your clan were breaking, NLR plus RDM!! I'm sure I can get all the people you killed to vouch for your actions.

Kind Regards, 

Caolan Smith
first of all there was no rdm because he told us to leave his house or he we wil lget shot and we told him if he wont open the door he will get shot (Multiple warnings) second of all we always killed him because he respawned at his house and broke NLR every fucking second

third of all the video is not vut and i have another video to prove that he combat logged 5 times (will be uploaded soon)

and now sir i would like you to read the rules and tell us what rule did we broke and how did we rdm him :)

+ you broke RP when you were speaking in donator shop

sir i would like you to read the server rules again



The Accusing for rdm in the vid was you talking to mike

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first of all there was no rdm because he told us to leave his house or he we wil lget shot and we told him if he wont open the door he will get shot (Multiple warnings) second of all we always killed him because he respawned at his house and broke NLR every fucking second

third of all the video is not vut and i have another video to prove that he combat logged 5 times (will be uploaded soon)

and now sir i would like you to read the rules and tell us what rule did we broke and how did we rdm him :)

+ you broke RP when you were speaking in donator shop

sir i would like you to read the server rules again


I broke RP for a short amount of time to solve a problem that has escalated into much more of one. I was looking ahead and making what I thought was the right decision

I have read fully the rules before I joined this server, And I know that killing people (Not our gang) in the middle of athira is in fact RDM, And i have multiple witnesses to this RDM.

PS: I'm not a donator so that was a lie!

Kind Regards,

Caolan Smith

I have read fully the rules before I joined this server, And I know that killing people (Not our gang) in the middle of athira is in fact RDM, And i have multiple witnesses to this RDM.

PS: I'm not a donator so that was a lie!

Kind Regards,

Caolan Smith
Well sir i am really sorry but if you think killing in athira is rdm then you really gonna have some bad time and you should read the rules again
+ you can come to donator shop without being adonator

Off: why aren't you guys doing something more interesting with such a gear and man power? Even if you aren't breaking the rules, you are just jerks - and it's not even profitable since you should share the profit with eachother. Most altis servers have a rule about rebels - they can only attack the cops as the civs has basicly no way to defend themself - I wonder why that isn't the case here. 

Off: why aren't you guys doing something more interesting with such a gear and man power? Even if you aren't breaking the rules, you are just jerks - and it's not even profitable since you should share the profit with eachother. Most altis servers have a rule about rebels - they can only attack the cops as the civs has basicly no way to defend themself - I wonder why that isn't the case here.
You know whats funny? We hwlp hobos all the time. we never rob them we only rob assholes like this guy because he robed one of our friends. He is not even a civ he had mk18 and everything in his house. Its not my fault that he combat logs
When I last posted I did not yet see the second video so I apologise but still only 3 times but u should still talk to him before putting it up on the forums

"Well sir i am really sorry but if you think killing in athira is rdm then you really gonna have some bad time and you should read the rules again"

I do believe that there is rdm in athira cause I have seen many people get banned for this

Hello everyone
My name is Thresh with the rank Major within EXP
I was standing at the Athira hospital when this happened and I was on TS the entire time listening.
I will give EXP's point of view and try to explain the situation.

Hannibal either did a attempted RDM or a attempted robbery (Both of these things happened to my men in Athira, so cannot remember which one was connected to Hannibal), however he ran away and my men followed him.

They saw him running into a house and we made the call to break into it.
We had a helicopter around the Athira area that gave overwatch, hence the info on movement.

I cannot say anything about how many times Hannibal Combat Logged, other than that I know for a fact Hannibal got shot to death twice by my men inside Athira.
This means atleast two combatloggs and breaking NLR atleast once

The thing about RDM inside athira, please do provide me with evidence and we'll take care of that if that is the case.
However, if it's one of your friends that got "RDM'ed" I'm quite sure they were pointing guns at us.
AKA, we have the right to shoot with leathal outcome.

I also have to say that regardless of what Hannibal did to earn that house and it's treasures, there's no acceptable reason for him to combatlogg.
I've personally lost £ 7.5M (None donor price) worth of guns + unvalueable SOS scopes when ONE of my houses got raided ONCE.

Working hard does not justify combat logging.
I'd like to request a lockdown on this thread since in my opinion there's nothing of value being put into the comments. Only that working hard would justify combat logging and what not.
@Reverend would you be so kind once again?

I would also like to ask you @Pecek why you're insulting my gang and almost telling us what to do?
We'll do what we please.
If that includes raiding a random house in Athira, we'll do it.
If that includes driving around in go-karts fucking with the cops, we'll do it.
If that includes camping the rebel outpost in redzone KOS'ing everone, we'll do it.

We do whatever we want however we want where ever we want. (While following server rules, ofcourse.)<br />
If you've got a problem with the server rules, take that on the right section of the forum, but do not once again try and throw shit at my gang because that is not okay.
Thank you.

@Caolan next time you're supposed to talk OOC, use direct text chatt and prefferably ask people to come on TeamSpeak.
Not trying to bash you, just giving you a tip.

@Elu Elensar you don't have to contact people before you report them, however it is preffered and I would also like to see that my men does it before reporting. However, it's not required.

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1st video was enough... he combat log roughly 5 seconds after dying.... 

report accepted, awaiting action.

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