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GUNIT giraffe1 RDM

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Well-known member
Durham England
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [GUNIT] giraffe1
Time & Date this happened: 23:23 03/06/2015
Which Server did this happen on: #1
Description of what happened: Was at Athira station removing some live rounds from a PCSO when someone with a gun started firing at other CSO's and PCSO's out front I went to take a look, I was lagging a little so while trying to take out my mk20 accidentally hopped into the truck that had been parked to block the station exit, as I got out the truck he came round the corner and instantly opened fire.
What Rule Was Broken ?: RDM
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: As it was RDM I respawned in Athira as I managed to taze him as I was shot and the CSO with me had restrained him, I had a little chat and informed him what he did his reply was sorry I shot the wrong person I thought you were the guy I told to put his hands up. Hard to beleive as at the time I was the only person in Black uniform at Athira everyone else was in Blue (CSO /PCSO).
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)

well i was in the truck and the other cop said put your hands up when i got out i said no put yours up he then tried to taze me so i shot him flanked round and accidently shot you you then spawned back and told me you would report me with out even talking to me.

is this really contacting me ?

As it says above your excuse of shooting the wrong person did not make any sense given that I was the only officer at Athira at that time that was not wearing Blue, had you shot anyone else maybe it would be a valid excuse. Adding to that the clip shows you took a good long look at me yet still opened fire knowing I was in PC or above gear (Beret , Black clothing).

I don't see what more there was to discuss with yourself just as I don't now so I put it here for the admins to decide.

well you also said you contacted me but did you really you asked me why i shot you and all you said was nah dont think so after then that your gona report me whats the point in playing if your playing to get people banned i dont think what i did was wrong except the fact i was in a blue zone but surely if 1 cop shoots me/tazes rp is initiated with all around


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