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Guess who this is! 250k Reward!


Well-known member
Guess who!


First person to guess who this is wins 250k In game! Or the equivalent in Items. I will contact the winner Tomorrow in-between 6-8PM UK (GMT) Time 


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has to be whoisdan i dont think ive seen him wear clothes anytime i've seen him

I actually think the person is a she, as you were using "this person" a lot

I am going to go with Steph, she's always in the police channels

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EXP Jeffrey?.....saved multiple Officers from being kidnapped and worked very hard to help ease Police negotiations with gang members

Good guess, I would of thought this too but sadly not. However Dentibus I agree with you there!

I will give you a clue, this person loves the Police more than any other Rebel I have ever and will Ever see in my Life time.

i see what your saying but im still going to say WhoisDan

Is it Jeffrey?
Hahaha Damn right it is. Look at dat ass!

send me a message in game, fail RP as it might be, and I will send you the money.

EDIT: Be on at 6-8PM today GMT and Message me the secret word I sent you so I know it's you.

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I was going to say Jeffrey but I thought nawwww it couldn't possibly be that easy!
