Currently the licence price is £10k but the pay out is only £100 per blood bag. I suggest to up this to at least £1k per blood bag since food deliveres give you £500+ per run. This would help balance the payouts and as well make it more rewarding for people who want to try other ways of making money.
I just wanted to make the suggestion of improving blood delivery, currently you don't make much money from your journey compared to food deliveries for the distance. also not sure if it just me but i can't find where you can get the blood delivery bike. maybe and idea to change up the delivery location maybe have the mechanic work the same as the food delivery where you have a amount of time to deliver to a random location and you get paid for the distance and time, also it would be cool to get the option to wear the blood delivery uniform like below:
In all i just think the job just needs an upgrade with price payout especially when you have to pay 10k for the license.