Date / Time: 04/01/2020
Release: I like your cut G
New / Notable Features
Map & Object Specific Fixes / Changes
Vehicle Specific Fixes / Changes
Weapon Specific Fixes / Changes
Clothing Specific Fixes / Changes
General Fixes / Changes
- Court job clock in point extents fixed @Archie
- Whitelisted groups management computer NUI focus fix @Hawaii
- Various admin tool and security fixes @Hawaii
- Delivery job localisation and distance bonus fixes @Hawaii
- LS Customs money colouring and grouping @Hawaii
- Added recording keybinds @Hawaii
- ANPR authorised cars fixed @Antollyme
- Various caps wheel interaction changes @Archie@Recon Nine
- Development and staff tools update @Stealthee
- Delivery exploit and shop exploit fixed @Hawaii
- Group logging weapon, evidence and vehicle localisation fixes @Archie
- Allow medics to revive ragdolled(Default death anim) players @Archie
- iFrame exit button fixed @Mike Polo
- Police MDT: Added refresh functionality to home button @Recon Nine
- Police MDT: Fixed visual bug on reports @Recon Nine
- Police MDT: Fixed reconvict error @Recon Nine
- Police MDT: Fixed fines not showing for offenders when selecting via vehicle owner @Recon Nine
- Police MDT: Hide occupation for NCA entries @Recon Nine
- Police MDT: Patrol hour logging @Recon Nine
- Police MDT: Added prison sentence view @Recon Nine
- Police MDT: Reports button to the offenders page @Recon Nine
- Police MDT: Report searching is now newest entry first @Recon Nine
- Housing object error handling fix @Stealthee
- Block exiting vehicle when restrained/ziptied @Recon Nine
- Allow cutting zipties with switchblades and machetes @Recon Nine
- Removed various script dependancies @Stealthee
- Fixed new aircrafts having wrong vehicle type @Recon Nine
- Added middle click to delete faction alerts @Recon Nine
- Improved ragdoll notif localisation @Hawaii
- Police MDT: Added public reports, and solicitor view @Recon Nine
- Police MDT: Added ability to edit charges on a report @Recon Nine
- Fixed snow weather to use ptfx assets @Hawaii
- Duplicate assets streamed resolved @Antollyme
- Group whitelist command removed @Stealthee
- Fixed processing item not returning an item @Recon Nine
- Fixed musket ammo return from housing @Recon Nine
- Added stash house exterior doorlocking @Stealthee
- Removed IOPC complaints form @Recon Nine
- Various scaleform cleanup and duplicate code cleanup @Stealthee
- Fixed gold bars not being smeltable @Stealthee
- ES Extended memory usage warning improvements @Stealthee
- F1 menu is now rebindable @Stealthee
- Snow & Christmas assets removed @Loyalty
- Removed helicopter camera (Lockon and spotlight functionality) @Stealthee
- You now respawn at the furthest hospital not the closest @Stealthee
- Shop weight fixes @Hawaii
- Script migration fixes @Hawaii
- Fixed buggy weather shadows and command cleanup @Hawaii
- Altered local sale density in and around marked zones @Stealthee
- RON deliveries you need to now return the trailer @Hawaii
- Fixed generic menu focus sometimes losing cursor focus @Hawaii
- Fixed phone numbers missing for some players @Hawaii@Recon Nine
- Fixed bug where Speedometer would appear when you first load in
- ELS Updated and Fixed @Hawaii
- Fixed smelting bug with levels decreasing above what they should @Recon Nine
- Reduce mechanic payout @Recon Nine
- Fixed court issued compensation issues @Archie
- Fixed issue with handcuffing and escorting players @Archie
- Additional boat shop added @Stealthee
- BM Doctor revive chance changed to 100%, and a slightly higher fee @Stealthee
- Added police attachments @Archie
- Police MDT: Fixes and changes to MDT charges @Recon Nine
- Faction whitelist added to PNC @Archie
- Added ability to shift click to transfer between inventories @Recon Nine
- Fixed walking and animation sync @Archie
- Added court metal detectors @Archie
- Inventory server load optimizations @Stealthee
- Shop delivery callback fix @Hawaii
- Max vehicles in houses tweaked @Loyalty
- LSCustoms purchased armour now affects how much damage your car can take @Stealthee
- Fixed various G6 Polyzone/Interact @Archie
- Evidence grinder fixed @Archie
- Fixed error with evidence lockers not giving price @Recon Nine
- Added Azteca blue colouring to LSCustoms @Loyalty
- Lost MC weapon bench reenabled and moved @Stealthee
- Various public manufacture benches placed around island @Stealthee
- Fixed NHS issue at Paleto Hospital @Archie
- NHS whitelisting fixes @Recon Nine
- Changed global font to arial @Recon Nine
- Add all the new drugs and drug components to the evidence grinder @Recon Nine
- Fixed Police Baton Launcher @Stealthee
Final Update Notes
So lots of questions, queries, concerns, excitement going into this update. A lot has changed, and we expect the meta to change quite considerably. However with the meta changes and gang introduction we will be expecting a higher quality of roleplay from everyone. There will be drive by shootings etc by gangs on other gangs, it wont be the normal in public view (in front of the police etc) all the time etc but if something considerable has happened prior to that event then this is something to be expected. We want to promote gang "beef", a little bit of gang drama as it might be called. Some proper street level petty shit. If someone says something in character, we expect it to stay in character and not see 400 reports "oh he called me a shit head I'm offended etc" What happens in character stays in character. We remind you of the NLR rules, there will be mistakes, some on edge stuff - speak to eachother out of character, speak to your gang leads if you feel you have been wronged they can raise stuff in their appropriate channels.
There is a few bits missing from the update and are actively being worked on - a few bits came up meaning they had to be pushed back by a few days. These include (a few more as well but they are secret for now, expect them really soon)
- Drug dependancies and effect
- NHS prescriptions and legal drugs to promote the above
- Rizlas and joint manufacture to promote the above
- Hydraulics minigame for hydraulic enabled vehicles (promoting bounce offs etc and the lowrider scene)
- Full weapons meta changes, and full weapon fixes
- Additional and new modded weapons to promote the above
Vehicles have been dramatically scaled back handling wise in this update, this is the start of something much bigger however we feel it is the right move. Rather than price = speed, we are scaling back the upper end speeds of vehicles and standardising vehicles. This means, police vehicles no longer go 180+ etc, and nor do the higher end cars. We hope to see an improvement of driving as a result and from here we can then scale vehicles on an individual and better managed level from this point forward (something not possible before). Added some new vehicles that are unobtainable yet, however expect this back extremely soon.
Some might see some of the new drug selling, manufacturing, and process tedious, over the top etc. We are always open to feedback in the correct places (Forum suggestions) however my original intent behind this is to promote new players to get into something and start breaking that gap of the players at the top of the server being absolute pricks to new players, so gangs and people wanting to make serious money from these new drugs and processes etc will need to look at expanding their contact base (maybe employ some drug runners, work as a team, bring in some of those new people who you would have dismissed before - Those with trust issues, check out the Wiki page by
@Normanon gang permissions. You control who does what in your gang. We are open to expanding the gang system loads in the future, give us some ideas of what you would like to see!)
The next updates we are working on and have started (Shops, vehicle shops, warehousing and full economy) whilst we understand current pay is low compared to some prices, expect deflation of those top end prices of stuff to start coming down. Ofc if you feel something is a miss, please let us know. Character customization and experience update (Character creation, hair, clothing, vehicle customization/modification)
Goodluck, expect more in the coming days/weeks. Report any bugs or issues you find.
We hope you had a good new years and holiday. Any questions feel free to ask on the forums, or on discord. Remember we will only answer certain questions as always we expect people to work together on this more permanent system to build their knowledge base.
- GTA RP Development Team
Known Issues
- Weed growing sync slightly off if you interact in someone elses house (WIP)
Doors not picking up flag data/job names/job grades
Wheel not picking up flag data/job names/job grades
Hunting not picking up flag data/job names/job grades
Mechanic not picking up flag data/job names/job grades
Cocaine last pickup time returning nil