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GTA RP Server Development - Changelog

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Date / Time: 18:00 14/02/2024

Release: 10 Years! It's Official


New Features:

Bug Fixes/Changes:

  • Fixed CCTV Location Names Showing as Nil @1A3
  • Command Suggestions Show Below Chat @1A3
  • Allow Players to Leave Housing Interior when Stuck @Mike Polo
  • Fight Club Fixes and Upgrades @Mike Polo
  • Adjusted Fire Damage @Mike Polo
  • Fixed More Billboard LOD's @Duke of Sussex @Mark Riley Rhodes
  • Gruppe6 CCTV Permission Fixed @Duke of Sussex
  • Added Missing Fuel Configurations @1A3
  • Fixed Landline and Payphones Requiring a Phone Signal @1A3
  • Fixed Transferring Vehicles To A Faction @1A3
  • Fixed Weapon Lockers @1A3
  • Police Zancudo Training Centre Changes @Mystix

    Added Police Clock-In
  • Added Fingerprint Station
  • Added PNC Profile Photo Whiteboard

[*]Fixed Certain Instances of Weapons Dissapearing @1A3

[*]PSD now IIT @George Harris

[*]Extra Vespucci PD Locker Room Floor 3 @George Harris

[*]Vehicle Spawning Changes/Fixes @1A3

Final Notes: 

It's official - 10 Years of Roleplay. From the development team, we hope whether you are still playing or someone just dropping by that you have had an amazing time on our servers; made friends, memories and in some cases real-life friendships! We develop so that you can have the best experience possible, so from all of our developers past and present - Enjoy!

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Date / Time: 18:00 23/02/2024

Release: Pink Cage

New Features:

  • Added a new variant of ID cards for King Charles (you can trade your current ones in for the new ones at the city hall). @Duke of Sussex@1A3@Lucy Webb
  • Pink Cage Motel

    Added public parking
  • Added 14 rentable rooms

Bug Fixes/Changes:

  • Fixed being unable to transfer job vehicles e.g. taxis if you are the same level that's required @Mike Polo
  • Move Flywheels delivery point @Duke of Sussex
  • Fixed some delivery locations @Mike Polo
  • Fixed Fire related error in F8 @1A3
  • Food Delivery Tweaks @Duke of Sussex

    Reduced Food Delivery Distance
  • Added Legion Bean Machine as a possible pickup location
  • Adjusted front door location of house 1024

[*]Fixed invisible collision & the floating light at Up 'n Atom @Duke of Sussex

Final Notes: 


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Date / Time: 18:00 26/02/2024

Release: Some Fixes

New Features:
  • The Occult is now a whitelisted group. @Mike Polo
  • Add parking meters for G6 to enforce. @Mike Polo
Bug Fixes/Changes:
  • Fixed some motel doors. @Duke of Sussex
  • Removed autocare temporary construction props @Duke of Sussex
  • Fixed boat alignment on trailers. @Duke of Sussex
  • Fix Galaxy billboard LOD. @Duke of Sussex
  • Fixed issue with motel keycards. @1A3
  • Fixed duplicate police shooting dispatches if inside a house. @1A3
  • Fixed shop employees being unable to repair shop safes. @1A3
  • Fixed an issue which prevented us from fixing the "identifier-active" bug for people. @1A3
Final Notes:
If you are seeing this then the new forums have released, hope you like the way faster loading times :)
Date / Time: 14:00 27/02/2024

Release: Some More Fixes

Bug Fixes/Changes:
  • Fixed parking meter swallowing money when on max time. @Mike Polo
  • Fixed motel storage swallowing items if you attempt to store more than the storage can actually fit. @1A3
  • Fixed newly placed gang safes not working until after a server restart. @1A3
Date / Time: 14:00 06/03/2024

Release: Going for a Slash!​

New Features:

Bug Fixes/Changes:
  • Changes to the image uploader to help with Imgur Issues @1A3
  • Re-Add Terminal Repair Kit to G6 @Duke of Sussex
  • Fixed being unable to breach elevators @Mike Polo
  • Backend code clean up @1A3
  • Changed distance on Lang & Diaz Bollards @Mike Polo
  • Update NHS / FF MDT Templates @Duke of Sussex
  • Allowed some doors to stay open when unlocked @Mike Polo
  • Various Minor Fixes and Errors @1A3
  • Updated links to the forums @1A3

Final Notes:

Throttle Control Allows you to do a smooth launch in muscle-type cars. You set the key bind in the settings, and while you hold it, your RPMs are limited to 20%, allowing for smooth takeoffs and not wheel spins.

Happy Slashing!
Date / Time: 09:00 10/03/2024

Release: Smashing bugs​

Bug Fixes/Changes:

  • Fixed bugs relating to the forced 1st person shooting while in a vehicle @Mike Polo
  • Fixed unloading empty pocket storages causing errors @1A3
  • Fixed gyazo images not loading when opening them externally (since they ended with .jpeg instead of .jpg) @1A3

Final Notes:

Keep the bug reports coming in! It's good to get things running smoothly!
Date / Time: 18:00 27/03/2024

Release: Who let the dogs out?

New Features:
  • Added support for factions storing non-faction vehicles in their garages @1A3
  • Added a context menu when a faction member uses their eye on a police dog @1A3
    • Shows the name of the dog.
    • Shows the name of the dog's owner.
    • Allows you to set the dog as your patrol dog (in-case the original owner logs off or something similar).
    • Allows you to set the name of the dog.

Bug Fixes/Changes:
  • Fixed PNC sometimes erroring if there are no reports linked @1A3
  • Corrected fuel purchase notification @George Harris
  • Paleto Parking & Highway Staff Parking @Duke of Sussex
    • Remove base game NPC vehicle spawns.
    • Adjusted parking spawn points.
  • Moved G6 Landline @Duke of Sussex
  • Fixed Judge Landline @Duke of Sussex
  • Fixed Pacman @1A3
  • Made the plant pot not be stored when cutting a grown plant @1A3
  • Fixed small bug with compensations @1A3
  • Disallowed purchasing turbo for commercial vehicle class (since none support it) @1A3
  • Replaced "Tires" with "Tyres" @Mike Polo
  • Corrected Hardwick Bank Cameras @1A3
  • Fixed the spacing of Tire Nutz on the public parking @George Harris
  • Fixed being able to start multiple delivery jobs at the same time @1A3
  • Removed invisible collision outside smeltery @Duke of Sussex
  • Fixed COC, Court, Gruppe6, Rangers & Weazel News being unable to employ offline players in some occasions @1A3
  • Made the waypoint for mechanic vehicle transports use the center of the parking zone instead of the spawn points @1A3
  • Adjust NHS/Fire PNC template spacing @Duke of Sussex
  • Added a few extra items to the court armory @Duke of Sussex
  • Made inventory close when using binoculars @George Harris
Date / Time: 18:00 01/04/2024

Release: Stop ruining my immersion
New Features:
  • Add Sandy Trucking @Mike Polo
  • Moved Bosh's Trucking to a new location @Mike Polo
  • Extended Prison Logs @Duke of Sussex
  • Marabuntu Mural @L1L
  • Occult Mural @Sorry I can't find the name of who provided the artwork but thank you

Bug Fixes/Changes:
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Date / Time: 18:00 01/04/2024

Release: Wholesome Stick
New Features:

Bug Fixes/Changes:
  • Sort vehicle showroom display @Duke of Sussex
  • Updated medical storage access props in pillbox @Duke of Sussex
  • Fixed police parking showing firefighter logo
  • Fix some audio occlusions at Auto Exotic @Duke of Sussex
  • Fixed issues when breaching gang safes @1A3
  • Removed loud mexican music near the Pink Cage Motel @Duke of Sussex
  • Fixed NHS patrol bike outfit @Duke of Sussex
  • Fixed G6 clothing access levels @Duke of Sussex
  • Show search record author for courts members as well @Duke of Sussex
  • Various changes to CID flags @Duke of Sussex
  • Fixed text message not being sent to dispatch webhooks @1A3
  • Made USB with link show it contains a link on hover @1A3
  • Bank Robbery fix @1A3
  • Fixed some furniture placing issues @1A3
  • Fixed trading card images @1A3
New Features:
  • NPAS Operations Helmet @Recon9
  • Mirror Park Motors dealership @Mike Polo @Mark
  • Shop safe repair costs @1A3
  • Additions to Bayview Lodge @Duke of Sussex
  • The front doors at Davis PD are now open due to additional inside doors being added, this means you can now pay fines/clock-in etc from there. @1A3

Bug Fixes/Changes:
  • DJ Remote App Changes @1A3
    • Made vehicle speakers controllable if you have keys.
    • Made portable speakers controllable if you placed it.
    • Added the ability to decrease the max audio distance.
    • Added a dropdown to allow selecting which speaker to view/control.
  • Prison & Hospital Collection Changes @1A3
    • Gear no longer gets overwritten when you check-in to the same hospital without collecting your items first.
    • Added a 3 hour time limit for collection before the cleaners throw everything away.
    • Police can now search the prison collection (same requirements as the hospital collection searching - retrained and close enough to the desk).
  • COC Dispatch Fix @1A3
  • TireNutz Doors Stay Open @George Harris
  • Fixed issue with Kraken`s Occlusions @Duke of Sussex
  • Fixed issue with a Pawnshops Occlusions @Duke of Sussex
  • Alterations to Flywheels @Duke of Sussex
  • Add Standalone Doctor Coat to NHS Armoury @Duke of Sussex
  • Changes to Del Perro PDM @Duke of Sussex
  • Fixed police alerts @1A3
  • Market Interaction Spelling Fix @1A3
  • Fix Sandy Hospital/Police building @Duke of Sussex
  • Map blips update @Duke of Sussex @Mark
  • Update dev notebook @Mark @Duke of Sussex
  • Increased Tire Nutz Public Parking Range @George Harris
  • Fix map around Luchettis @Duke of Sussex
  • Update TinyBigTaco @Duke of Sussex
  • Fix Cypress garage occlusion @Duke of Sussex
  • Callaghan helipad vertical fix @Duke of Sussex
  • Fixed shop front & storage not showing max weight @1A3
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Date / Time: 18:00 21/05/2024

Release: Put your lighters in the air
New Features:

Bug Fixes/Changes:
Final Notes:

Multiple assets have been updated (2500+) - If you see anything unusual or not as expected then please created a bug report to let us know.
Date / Time: 09:00 22/05/2024

Release: patches

Bug Fixes/Changes:
Date / Time: 09:00 26/05/2024

Release: Time To Wrestle
New Features:

Bug Fixes/Changes:
Date / Time: 09:00 05/06/2024

Release: Fixessss
New Features:
  • Add CardFreakz as a category on the marketplace app on the phone @Mike Polo

Bug Fixes/Changes:
  • Removed the "Click To Claim" button at the bottom of the compensation inventory and made it so dragging an item moves all items (to reduce confusion) @1A3
  • Garbage Job Fixes
    • Fixed being unable to collect garbage job payout if the truck is parked first @1A3
    • Fixed being unable to unload the truck if the host is migrated @1A3
    • Fixed being unable to get rid of held bags if the truck is full @1A3
    • Fixed being unable to collect bags from the same bin after doing it on a previous round @Duke of Sussex
  • Disabled Police, NHS & Gruppe6 instant pickup for items like the portable speaker, christmas trees, snowmen etc @1A3
  • Fixed Barbers Chair @Duke of Sussex
  • Fixed G6 HQ Evidence Room Door Max Distance @Duke of Sussex
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Date / Time: 14:00 22/06/2024
Release: Having a Ball
New Features:

Bug Fixes/Changes:
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Date / Time: 18:00 06/07/2024
Release: Chair
New Features:

Bug Fixes/Changes:
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