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GTA Crash help!

Make sure the fans are actually running and the cable isn't preventing it from spinning

Completely remove the GPU and inspect to see if the fan blades are damaged

Remove the heat sink/fan assembly and dust it with compressed air thoroughly 

Inspect the heat sink to see if there is too much/too little/bad application of thermal paste and if so remove it and apply some decent compound ie Arctic Cooling MX-2 - Thermal paste  [Plenty of guides online to show you how if you're unsure]

If none of that works then your GPU is fluxed.
Done all of this bud, it's still hitting high temps on RUst.

From my very little experience with these things, and it may be a stupid question, but- do you have vsync turned on to limit fps on those games?

I have found that when running games that my gpu is run easily with a very high framerate (150+, say), it overworks itself and gets way too hot.

Doesn't really explain the cpu usage thing but hey ho, worth a shot if it's still happening!

Just do what i've done... during winter it's not a problem but now that summer is here it gets >80F here, and I never turn the AC on because it just doesn't cool the house efficiently and I'd rather not pay 300-400$ on electricity for a single month...


Pop the side of the PC off and aim it right in there...  Works every time 60% of the time.

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Just do what i've done... during winter it's not a problem but now that summer is here it gets >80F here, and I never turn the AC on because it just doesn't cool the house efficiently and I'd rather not pay 300-400$ on electricity for a single month...


Pop the side of the PC off and aim it right in there...  Works every time 60% of the time.
Already done.. will probably be buying a new one (woohoo)

How old is your bios? I had about the same issue with Arma and after the bios update and adding an extra fan

it helped fine. And resolving the issue at this time..
