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Great Police Roleplay


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Vel Vincent.. You are reporting alot of people all the time.. But you are not a saint sir. Remember what happend last night? Your friends have helped you out of beeing reported several times now. But here is a video from one of your mistakes.. Everyone makes mistakes!


My mistake of defending myself from rule breaking cops firing in a bluezone? GG ;) I actually confirmed i was well within my rights here.

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Also the audio is muted at the part where you fire, either you play without audio on a video or edited (both against the rules when posting a vid).

P.S, trying to cover up poor police roleplay with a toally irrelevant video is really not constructive. :)

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ear plugs... and this is not a report a player is it? and just tell me if you want all the videos from you trolling the police and jumpimg out of the police car several times while in restrains..

And stop edit your post to make you sound better..

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What rule? This isn't a report post... this is a Drama post!

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ear plugs... and this is not a report a player is it? and just tell me if you want all the videos from you trolling the police and jumpimg out of the police car several times while in restrains..
I actually explained the jumping out of the car by kicking the *Unlocked* door open with my feet, watch Real police videos my friend. It's truly incredible however how angry / sensitive people get when a fellow Police officer (s) is shown to be breaking the rules / bad roleplaying.  Also 'Trolling' the police is not against the rules if its in RP.

lol, you did not say annything when you did it.. And no, im am just tired of your im better than the rest attitude! try and meke a effort in solving problems before reporting all the time! What you are doing is not helping the community, just destroing it...

Vincent, is there any reason behind this petulant vendetta against the police? I'm rather interested in your reasoning.

I have no vendetta, if police or anyone else cant Roleplay then its their problem. Police should stop being so oversensitive and just deal with the reports instead of retorting with stupid comments / irrelevant videos.

Anyway, the relevant complaints have been made. Good day, this is getting boring.

And people wonder why so many are leaving the police? Collectively you have the maturity of a 10 year old, proven by your leaders dismissal and your constant childish remarks.

Lock this thread please, im tired of having my threads constantly trolled by 'Police officers'

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Dear Vincent,

I cannot help but notice that you seem to have a great problem with the police. Please bear in mind we are all here to enjoy ourselves and most people do try to roleplay, otherwise they wouldent be on this server. Was it really necessary to make 2 posts against these 2 young police officers? Would it not have been way more constructive to have a personal chat with them on Teamspeak?

Most people, certainly me, don't mind criticism if it's brought in a constructive manner, so they can improve themselves.

I for one know that both James Lemmen and Jimmy Tye are usually excellent role-players. Maybe they just had a bad day?

I shall leave you this video of Jimmy Tye being taken hostage by us and RP-ing really well.

Lock this thread please, im tired of having my threads constantly trolled by 'Police officers'
You posted this video twice, one in the correct place and one here which has obviously become a bit of a shitstorm.

I am moderating this thread in accordance with the rules but it will stay open.

And people wonder why so many are leaving the police? Collectively you have the maturity of a 10 year old, proven by your leaders dismissal and your constant childish remarks.

Lock this thread please, im tired of having my threads constantly trolled by 'Police officers'
Hah, I love this comment. It's almost perfect.

You talk about maturity and yet you declined to take the mature route when dealing with your issues.

Did you try directly discussing your issues with the police officers in question? Speak to their commanding officers privately?

No... you just decided to publicly disclose this without taking the more mature route of dealing with it.

If you took the serious / mature route... then fine. Since you didn't, I think I'm entitled to post my trolling / childish gif posts.

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Dear Vincent,

I cannot help but notice that you seem to have a great problem with the police. Please bear in mind we are all here to enjoy ourselves and most people do try to roleplay, otherwise they wouldent be on this server. Was it really necessary to make 2 posts against these 2 young police officers? Would it not have been way more constructive to have a personal chat with them on Teamspeak?

Most people, certainly me, don't mind criticism if it's brought in a constructive manner, so they can improve themselves.

I for one know that both James Lemmen and Jimmy Tye are usually excellent role-players. Maybe they just had a bad day?

I shall leave you this video of Jimmy Tye being taken hostage by us and RP-ing really well.
I clearly have a great problem with police considering I recommended you and a PC yesterday for Good RP?

Hah, I love this comment. It's almost perfect.

You talk about maturity and yet you declined to take the mature route when dealing with your issues.

Did you try directly discussing your issues with the police officers in question? Speak to their commanding officers privately?

No... you just decided to publicly disclose this without taking the more mature route of dealing with it.

If you took the serious / mature route... then fine. Since you didn't, I think I'm entitled to post my trolling / childish gif posts.
Bad RP can't be addressed by a Non Officer talking to them, and as for the Childish Gif's, it's only making you look less intelligent, no one else.

By the way sorry for not replying sooner, I litreally fell asleep, obviously didn't miss much interesting.  As for not locking the thread thats completley fine and not my call to make :)
