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we all know he was stupid about what he did. However, it's just the fact that people set other people up into doing stupid shit and don't give a damn about what they have done in the past. No chill. Ruins peoples fun on communities such as this one. As much as i hate the term "Snakes", why ya have to be one, just be nice to each other and dont ruin peoples days.
I really agree with you there.

we all know he was stupid about what he did. However, it's just the fact that people set other people up into doing stupid shit and don't give a damn about what they have done in the past. No chill. Ruins peoples fun on communities such as this one. As much as i hate the term "Snakes", why ya have to be one, just be nice to each other and dont ruin peoples days.
I did not snake but also consider this, had Anthony not done something wrong to begin with, no snaking would be possible.

Damm.. I can remember the times bacl in the day when I went on patrol with you. After that I haven't spoken to you that much. However you've always been a nice guy!

Does this means i dont need to upload the mission file anymore for you ? ;( 
good luck mate. 

we all know he was stupid about what he did. However, it's just the fact that people set other people up into doing stupid shit and don't give a damn about what they have done in the past. No chill. Ruins peoples fun on communities such as this one. As much as i hate the term "Snakes", why ya have to be one, just be nice to each other and dont ruin peoples days.
I really don't want to turn Anthony's thread into something else however some comments can't be ignored.

No one, particularly me wanted to see Anthony get banned however, sometimes people make conscious and premeditated decisions to knowingly break the rules we all play by. This often pushes themselves and those who have to make the tough unbiased decisions, down a path that can only lead to one destination.

@Anthony Guetta Your video was very touching and sad mate. You made an error in judgment but I've seen people do far worse, appeal and be given a second chance.  As for your position in the police, obviously there are regulations regarding a return however, whilst disappointed by your actions, Hugo and I don't hold grudges and should you change your mind about leaving the community, successfully appeal your ban and get back into the police, assuming you've genuinely learned from your mistake, we'd welcome you back to Athira in a heartbeat.  Someone with your skills, ability and attitude wouldn't take long to climb back up the ranks.

Should you still decide to leave, I'll miss you and genuinely wish you all the best mate.

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You make a leaving post then place an unban appeal in? Did we not read the departure rules?

Topic locked as player still wants to remain. 

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