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Going to Los Santos

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I have recently applied for the police force and after being denied but being told I would be accepted after having two more days of experience I was over the moon. I went on the next day to find out I had been globally banned on ArmA III. So I think it is time I come clean.

On the last Altis Life server I played on over a week ago, I got impatient with trying to make money so I thought I would give using a memory editor to add money a go. WORST. IDEA. EVER. Don't ever think that you can get away with hacking, it makes games boring anyway. So I got banned from the server and went on the forums to appeal, thinking telling the truth and being truly sorry would get me out of trouble. WORST. IDEA. EVER. A lot of people replied to the thread telling me how stupid I am, which is fair enough, they were all right, followed by an admin who denied me. I thought my life was over even though I hadn't been playing on that server for a long time. But I found this one and was determined to make a life for myself legitimately... In terms of cheating anyway. So I had been getting on with my Altis life for a while when criminals really started to piss me off so I decided to apply for the ALUK police force. But the next day, after coming home, trying to log on to ALUK and finding out I had been globally banned I got really annoyed. But who can I be annoyed at, there's only one person... Me. So I make a very shameful departure from the great server and community to live a clean life in GTA V. 

I'm sorry for leaving guys and girls.



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I wish.... I sent Battleye a rather stupid email explaining how I never did any wrong, which of course I did. But I have yet to receive a reply after 3 days of waiting :(
Battleye never respond to e-mails :p I must say Bohemia Interactive support is much better and honestly should handle stuff like Global Bans..


Bohemia have nothing to do with the bans, that can only be solved with batlleye.

However as you said, battleye never reply to emails.

The only way your going to be able to play again is by buying arma on a new steam account as bans are now linked to steam ID's.

Also unfortunately its now a ban across all BI titles such as dayz and arma 2, as arma 2 now uses steam ID's instead of CD keys after game spy's shutdown.

Best of luck pal.

@Joseph Wright


Bohemia have nothing to do with the bans, that can only be solved with batlleye.

However as you said, battleye never reply to emails.

The only way your going to be able to play again is by buying arma on a new steam account as bans are now linked to steam ID's.

Also unfortunately its now a ban across all BI titles such as dayz and arma 2, as arma 2 now uses steam ID's instead of CD keys after game spy's shutdown.

Best of luck pal.

@Joseph Wright
What he said. Take care  what ever you do now buddy. 

Nice to see the honesty, but yeah, be careful with those memory editors.

I use them every now and then for single player games, but yeah.. Memory Editors + Multiplayer games usually ends in a ban.

Best of luck buddy.

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