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Goa (Action ban issued 08/09/2014)

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Michael Bradley

Well-known member
Name of player your reporting (ingame name):
Description of what happened:
We arrested Goa for; reckless driving, speeding and resisting arrest. When we had drove for a little while down the road he combat logged as clear as day just after we told him he was going to jail!!
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
  He logged off
Value of item/money lost:
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)

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First of all, i would like to say that i'm impressed with what is going on.

I'd like to state, i had barely left the Police force, and so i wasn't a known criminal, i was just an ex policeman that followed all the rules (that's if roleplay would matter)

One thing you don't know, is that police have the greenlight to troll at late hours, when there is no people on the server. Last time i played before leaving the police, i joined at a late hour, and everyone was crashing helicopters and killing eachother in the HQ. This is just to try to put you in my line of experience as being a cop and never playing as anything else.

So i hop in the server, morning hours, and there were like 10 cops and 5 civs online, or something similiar with this numbers. I know this is cops happy hour, and most of the times, its everyones happy hour as police roll with civs for fun.

I was playing, for the first times, with my sports car in kavala, when i was having some fun with another guy in a pink sports. At this point, police joins the chase, and for desync reasons i believe, the guy in the pink sports starts ramming my car over and over. You can see in the video below, at some point, i brake my sports car expecting the police to go talk with the man. I even try to go past the car again to see if they would stop but they chose to follow me till the end. Ok, i tried my luck. At this point i tought this was going to be crazy because i was expecting metagame porpuse.


At least i tried :p

Its a shame that my recording system for some reason can't record my voice. So i added up some hints about what was going on.


1- I didn't combat log as i believe combat logging means disconnecting and reconnecting to get away of a situation or to exploit some server funcionality. I completly rage quitted arma, because it was too late, i was expecting some fun moments and some roleplay with my "friends" (obviously not this two)

2- I was an SPC when phantom joined the ranks. I showed him everything i do, not saying i'm the best, but im just completly the opposite of this. I always tried to show him that winning is not the only thing that matters, sometimes you must loose to the civilians in order to enhance roleplay. For multiple events, I and higher ranked officers had to tell phantom to "relax, dont be so harsh on people"

3-After cooling down a bit, i re logged on the server ,and immediatly sent msg to Police Channel asking to be sent to jail for what i had just done. I waited 30 minutes in HQ, messaging Phantom and messaging Bradley and even the emergency channel and i got no answer. At some point, Officer Mr Jelly logged in, and asked me what was i doing over there. I explained to him that i was speeding, i had rage quitted, but i wanted to be sent to jail. He sent me to jail.

4-http://gyazo.com/1b5...99761f3dd0930cb <--It only shows what i wrote, and it's clear im trying to close the windows of chat and you are the one coming back for spiking. Bradley i find it to be so childish trying to post fake or painted stuff.

5- I was working on my computer , not even in any game, when i get spammed with changing channel. 

  1. <23:47:16> "-WTT- Goa" was moved from channel "- Waki Taki Terrorists -" to "Sgt. Majors Office" by "SGT Bradley [PTO]"
  2. <23:47:16> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "-WTT- Goa" by "AltisLife.co.uk & TakistanLife.co.uk".
  3. <23:47:17> "-WTT- Goa" was moved from channel "Sgt. Majors Office" to "Sizalid's Office" by "SGT Bradley [PTO]"
  4. <23:47:17> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "-WTT- Goa" by "AltisLife.co.uk & TakistanLife.co.uk".
  5. <23:47:19> "-WTT- Goa" was moved from channel "Sizalid's Office" to "Majors Office" by "SGT Bradley [PTO]"
  6. <23:47:19> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "-WTT- Goa" by "AltisLife.co.uk & TakistanLife.co.uk".
  7. <23:47:20> "-WTT- Goa" was moved from channel "Majors Office" to "Waiting for Interview (closed)" by "SGT Bradley [PTO]"
  8. <23:47:20> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "-WTT- Goa" by "AltisLife.co.uk & TakistanLife.co.uk".
  9. <23:47:23> "-WTT- Goa" was moved from channel "Waiting for Interview (closed)" to "Training Two" by "SGT Bradley [PTO]"
  10. <23:47:23> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "-WTT- Goa" by "AltisLife.co.uk & TakistanLife.co.uk".
  11. <23:47:24> "-WTT- Goa" was moved from channel "Training Two" to "Unit 2" by "SGT Bradley [PTO]"
  12. <23:47:24> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "-WTT- Goa" by "AltisLife.co.uk & TakistanLife.co.uk".
  13. <23:47:26> "-WTT- Goa" was moved from channel "Unit 2" to "Unit 2" by "SGT Bradley [PTO]"
  14. <23:47:26> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "-WTT- Goa" by "AltisLife.co.uk & TakistanLife.co.uk".
  15. <23:47:27> "Jon" disconnected (leaving)
  16. <23:47:28> "-WTT- Goa" was moved from channel "Unit 2" to "Bank robbery" by "SGT Bradley [PTO]"
  17. <23:47:28> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "-WTT- Goa" by "AltisLife.co.uk & TakistanLife.co.uk".
  18. <23:47:29> "-WTT- Goa" was moved from channel "Bank robbery" to "Unit 2" by "SGT Bradley [PTO]"
  19. <23:47:29> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "-WTT- Goa" by "AltisLife.co.uk & TakistanLife.co.uk".
  20. <23:47:30> "-WTT- Goa" was moved from channel "Unit 2" to "Training Two" by "SGT Bradley [PTO]"
  21. <23:47:30> Channel group "Guest" was assigned to "-WTT- Goa" by "AltisLife.co.uk & TakistanLife.co.uk".

This is the abuse i felt when i was arrested, this is the abuse im feeling when im just on the teamspeak.

6- I tried to resolve this with the man, but its clear there is no path of communication. I asked if he could post the full movie because those 10 seconds alone are too much incriminating.  You can see what he decided to post.

7- To add up, while i was police i had to deal with hundreds of combat loggers, and so everyone of us had. This is one of the first times i see it being posted as a report, and i'm pretty sure less than 90% of combat loggers came back and asked to be sent to jail.

This is personnal and you know it Bradley.

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He did log in and said he regret it deeply , when I logged in I talked to him in the HQ and he wanted to be sent to jail.

This is more of a personal grudge imo, don't be pricks. He did his time.

U know that but still post it...



"You do not have the right to say anything"

Eek. That needs correcting.

One thing you don't know, is that police have the greenlight to troll at late hours, when there is no people on the server. Last time i played before leaving the police, i joined at a late hour, and everyone was crashing helicopters and killing eachother in the HQ. This is just to try to put you in my line of experience as being a cop and never playing as anything else.
Didnt really read the rest of your post except for this. Just to clarify the police DO NOT have the green light to troll at late hours. If you see any officers do this on normal patrol routes feel free to report it no matter the time of day.

Poor showing by an ex officer. Should know better.

Didnt really read the rest of your post except for this. Just to clarify the police DO NOT have the green light to troll at late hours. If you see any officers do this on normal patrol routes feel free to report it no matter the time of day.

Poor showing by an ex officer. Should know better.
but at 5am in the morning the cops and I always have so mcuh fun :eek:

I know Goa did the wrong thing, but the action of the two Sergeants needs to be looked into. He tried to role play with them but they had already made up there minds before Goa even had a chance to talk.

You do not have the right to say anything...

You have the right to remain silent*

Didnt really read the rest of your post except for this. Just to clarify the police DO NOT have the green light to troll at late hours. If you see any officers do this on normal patrol routes feel free to report it no matter the time of day.

Poor showing by an ex officer. Should know better.
I hate trolling, i always did. I always complained about that, and i was always told " late hours is greenlight to do whatever". I left the police because of people being trolls to often.

So to clarify you, the police DO have the green light to troll at late hours. Always did, or always used it for an excuse.

I believe it shouldn't. 

It's a shame you say you didn't read my post and yet, you have your opinion about it.

Thanks for dropping your judgement without knowledge of the situation. 

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I hate trolling, i always did. I always complained about that, and i was always told " late hours is greenlight to do whatever". I left the police because of people being trolls to often.

So to clarify you, the police DO have the green light to troll at late hours. Always did, or always used it for an excuse.

I believe it shouldn't. 

It's a shame you say you didn't read my post and yet, you have your opinion about it.

Thanks for dropping your judgement without knowledge of the situation. 
Ok so I have now watched both videos and it was obvious you were trying to get out of the ticket however you could. You should know as well as any that unless the story is good you would not get out of it. Pity we couldnt hear what you said and you put in what you think you said without any vocal intonation or the actual words you said. The officers involved were calm at all times and told you fully why you were now not getting a ticket and going to jail. No matter how you feel about your treatment it does not give you free reign to break the rules. Logging out in the middle of an RP situation is not allowed. Your TS logs looks like he was trying to speak to you by moving you into a room but you were instantly relogging TS. That is my judgment with the limited information provided by you and the reporting officer. I would ban you for a week to calm down for this and Im glad you are no longer on the force.

With regards to your allegations of the green light to troll please feel free to post here or pm me with names of the officers and it will be looked into.

Ok so I have now watched both videos and it was obvious you were trying to get out of the ticket however you could. You should know as well as any that unless the story is good you would not get out of it. Pity we couldnt hear what you said and you put in what you think you said without any vocal intonation or the actual words you said. The officers involved were calm at all times and told you fully why you were now not getting a ticket and going to jail. No matter how you feel about your treatment it does not give you free reign to break the rules. Logging out in the middle of an RP situation is not allowed. Your TS logs looks like he was trying to speak to you by moving you into a room but you were instantly relogging TS. That is my judgment with the limited information provided by you and the reporting officer. I would ban you for a week to calm down for this and Im glad you are no longer on the force.

With regards to your allegations of the green light to troll please feel free to post here or pm me with names of the officers and it will be looked into.
I logged out because i felt this was no way a roleplay situation but a way to send me to jail asap.

I asked for a ticket how could i be trying to escape it?

Your judgement about the teamspeak log make no sense. 

Banning me for a week would calm me down? Was i stressed at any point?(yes i was, when i shuttdown my game, but then i felt i was doing it wrong)

The people that allow trolling hours are higher than you, and have been there for longer than you. Are you really going to look into it?

I'm glad i'm no longer in a force with fast judgemental people like yourself, that judge without proper knowledge of the situation. I would gladly talk to you on teamspeak as i believe it is important for you to haver a better judgement.

You'r opinion is one sided, you'r defending the police officer, without probably even knowing him. You don't know me thats a fact.

I'm here reporting this shitty police actitude that breaks the fun for civilians. I wasn't even getting a chance to have a nice RP story as no matter what i'd said this would be their objective. I have heard many complaints from people about having no chance to stick up their RP story because it's obvious that police has access to metagamed info and i believe its bad RP skills not to be able to give a chance for people to let go.

Yesterday i shot a police officer and i ended up arrested, i was doing drugs. The officer impounded my vehicle as he said i roleplayed all the time and it was fun, so he would only do that for me. This came from an officer that i considered to be one of the best partners i've had in game, wich is SGT Bart <- and he indeed deserved the rank he has. Maybe a bit of homework from your CI position, in order to speak with some people that i actually played with, and try to understand a little bit more about me, before making such a quick judge would be nice. 

This report comes from personal reasons, the same personal reasons that made this "sgt" be so willing to send me to jail at sight, and that made him abuse of his teamspeak powers to spam me on there. (the same abuse i now know its common from him)

Ban me for a week, a guy that logged out in a hot headed momment and after 10 minutes was back to be sent to jail from what happened. A week less with a roleplayer, non rule breaking guy. Enjoy an extra slot for a VDMer that will kill you over and over, combat log over and over, and yet be able to continue to play because there is no personal reason to report him. 

I'm glad i left police where people like bradley gets to SGT.

Goa you still didn't reply to my question ! When did I meta-gamed? 

I felt that you made my options(none) out of roleplay, and that you didn't allow me to come up with anything. That's what i called metagame. I also felt you were being like that because of bradley. Maybe it was my mistaken judgement, and if you don't agree with me, i'm sorry for leaving the game, but honestly everything felt like metagaming motivation. I patrolled with you a lot and i've seen a lot better from you than what you gave me.

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Goa i like you, welcome to the darkside aswell you wont regret it i'll make sure of that <3

Ok, Vladic - thanks for your thoughts on the idea and the large majority of it seems to be correct in my eyes...

Goa - at the end of the day, you COMBAT Logged in an RP situation ruining mine and Phantoms experience! No matter what, no one at all has the right to combat log - if you have a problem you know fine well to go to an admin and or make a ban request not LOG OUT!!

You also contradicted yourself when you said  "[SIZE=11.818181991577148px]I completely rage quitted arma"[/SIZE][SIZE=11.818181991577148px]  and then quickly turned to  [/SIZE]"After cooling down a bit, i re logged on the server" You also hit the nail on the head when saying " i believe combat logging means disconnecting and reconnecting to get away of a situation " WHICH YOU DID DO

How is logging out of being arrested and talking to the police officers on the way to jail - not combat logging / as you described "disconnecting to get away of a situation!" ????? TELL ME THIS. That's all i have to say Goa. 

[SIZE=11.818181991577148px]End of!!![/SIZE]

[SIZE=11.818181991577148px]if the admins believe this wasn't combat logging then its their decision but my case has being put forward.[/SIZE]

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