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Go through the development apps

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Go through the development apps

Brief Summary:

Find some people that are passionate about developing to try and bring some good features back to the server.


Detailed Suggestion:

Arma 3 is not dead, rpuk altis life seems to be dwindling to close to 0 every day because why would anyone play at the moment? There’s nothing new, it’s not unknown that arma has its limitations but let’s be real. Look at the numbers of the other severs then ours. It’s clear that we are in need of some new life in the development team for some new shit. You have people making new areas on the maps and new textures for things like gang clothing that is ready to go but still not on the server. people want it, but no one is getting it. I hope this is seen as constructive enough to not be insta deleted for upsetting people because I genuinely want to see the best for this server

There are 4 Arma 3 devs and there are 9 on FiveM, what is wrong with having more devs who care about what they are doing

The Pros:

Life to the server

The Cons:


Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?


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+1 Take a peek at the suggestion list, there is so much work there but not given any attention at all

Current numbers on other places vs us


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@Felix I know what your saying, 100% agree ... I think the current dev team of Arma need to branch out and trust more people... and also create content for what the community suggests.

But please please don't ever compare csgo with roleplay, Id rather have 0 players and walk away rather than have the members of some of the places you are talking about!

Most of our members are not playing there, they are getting on with life... other games... some have even found GTA RP

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I think one good idea would be to recruit some specific MAP DEVs. Recruit 2-3 map devs who are relatively decent, but most importantly, have the passion to design some things specifically the for the server. They can make new locations and give the server a new face to make it feel newer, which will encourage players who have become bored with the repetitiveness.

Without stepping on toes, this is something the leads teams is actively looking at and I personally am pushing for more than ever, I don't see myself as a "development lead" for just the GTA server if people need someone to voice something however it is, I don't mind saying it. Some of the guys have IRL commitments and can't push stuff as fast, I have always been one for blunt and straight to the point so I don't think there should be concern when people leave constructive feedback or suggestions, we don't get a huge amount of applications generally and good/seasoned developers are hard to come across. However there is no issue bringing on developers who can learn as they go this is something we should be doing going forward!

We need to stop the whole this team does this, xyz does this. We need to face the future of RPUK as a community whether we refocus efforts into other games, or we keep persuing for those original goals setout in 2014. This is a community, that means you, faction leaders, community leaders, gang leaders, developers, staff. RPUK needs everyone to pull together... Roleplay.co.uk will live on, with or without Arma we are no longer just tied to 1 game, even if all games were to stop tomorrow, the community is still there, those bonds and friendships are still there.


Development Lead

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@Felix I know what your saying, 100% agree ... I think the current dev team of Arma need to branch out and trust more people... and also create content for what the community suggests.

But please please don't ever compare csgo with roleplay, Id rather have 0 players and walk away rather than have the members of some of the places you are talking about!

Most of our members are not playing there, they are getting on with life... other games... some have even found GTA RP
I understand this thought, but there is a problem in content and economic balance which is troublesome.
Older players leave because there is nothing new being added so it gets boring real quick and it feels like devs are not picking up on the things that the community really wants so they move on to different games or the GTARP server.

As for another issue it's new player retention, It seems to me that we are not holding on to many new players due to the numerous balance passes that have been made to adjust the economy to rich people.
It's harder for them to make money but it's harder than ever for newer players to make some cash in a good way.
Example being weed that used to give you like 1.1m a hemtt (box) that got stomped into the ground with it being 600k right now.

The people who have that huge amount of money should not be punished for having that because they earned that in a legit way and I feel like the economy is just being balanced around the people who have 40m+.

If the top folks want to let the rich people lose their money it might be a good idea to release fancy skins / items or vehicles to let them show off their cash -reference to Lastnicklefts suggestion.- but reducing the money of runs only makes it harder for new players to get themselves settled in.

As poseidon member I have been patrolling last week seeing literally no one doing any runs in our lands because it's not worth it for them except for the blood diamonds which are in a good place. Interractions as poseidon with civs/rebels is scarce even when there is a reasonable pop.

On a side note I think there is a bad atmosphere being set when people constantly say the server is dead.
You litterally hear this everywhere you go and this is making everything gloomy for everyone.

There is many things good about this server but there is a couple things just not in the right place right now which is making people leave for other places and that really dissapoints me as the people who are left and active are really enjoying the community.

However this is how I have been experiencing the last couple of weeks and I could be very wrong.
But I hope we can start steering in the right direction.

Maybe a community meeting would be an idea :questionmark:


This isn't a suggestion for Altis Life itself, rather community management in general so offtopic for this section.

There's already some background organisation in progress working towards this so it's pretty much already being done.
i.e. Previously all apps were just left on the forums and it was hard to keep track of them, so in the past few days we created an organisational spreadsheet to easily track this stuff which should speed up the process.

Personally, I have much less time than the little I previously had. Any time from myself towards RPUK will currently be almost exclusively progressing dev applications or minor background stuff.

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This isn't a suggestion for Altis Life itself, rather community management in general so offtopic for this section.

There's already some background organisation in progress working towards this so it's pretty much already being done.
i.e. Previously all apps were just left on the forums and it was hard to keep track of them, so in the past few days we created an organisational spreadsheet to easily track this stuff which should speed up the process.

Personally, I have much less time than the little I previously had. Any time from myself towards RPUK will currently be almost exclusively progressing dev applications or minor background stuff.
Moved to other, as it is a valid discussion and there is nothing wrong with discussing it as a community, some good ideas may come out of the comments.

i think trail devs that come on board need to given more freedom and be allowed to create there own things instead off being given a list off things to do 

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I think getting some trial devs on board and giving them some freedom would be a great thing. If you're new to developing in SQF then maybe the dev team can give out tasks to help you both learn and contribute to the server. Unfortunately because all of the devs are busy IRL now, it makes it hard to organise anything like this. But if we get some new trial developers in then we can also start getting the community more involved in development also.

I know there is quite a few people in this community that know how to tinker with SQF a little bit and if given the chance could become better bringing new ideas and commitement to the whole place. Hopefully something good happends and Arma once agains blossoms .

i think trail devs that come on board need to given more freedom and be allowed to create there own things instead off being given a list off things to do 
To be honest even full devs and to a certain extent even dev leads don't just create what they want. We are a team, we discuss potential changes together and agree on a change before that change is made. Obviously a trial dev can volunteer something they want to do which can be discussed and agreed upon but the issue, especially with trial devs, is that balance of allowing them to do what they want to do while making sure they have the skill level and knowledge to do it in a way that doesn't involve potentially more dev time going back and fixing than it would for one of us to do it ourselves. One of the reasons for "allocating" a task or a selection of tasks to a trial dev is it allows us to choose tasks which are not too hard but still allow us to gauge the skill and knowledge of the person which is obviously crucial in the progression to a regular developer.

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