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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): giraffe1
Time & Date this happened: (GMT) 20:59, June 3, 2015
Which Server did this happen on: AltisLifeUK#2
Description of what happened: I was just coming out of the night club when I witnessed cold blooded murder of FairByte at the car shop which is again located in green zone. Just a casual entertainment killing people while waiting some passing truck to shoot at in THE GREEN ZONE?
What Rule Was Broken ?:
6A) You are unable to kill anyone in a green zone (Punishment is a ban)
6C) Weapons must be holstered inside green and blue zones at all times.
3B) RDM - Random Death Match Definition: Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban)
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: I'm concerned responsible citizen. See the rule 6A and 3B. Rule is a rule, right?   :huh:  
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)
Had a productive evening with my GoPro attached to the drone.  ^_^  Karma is no more a bitch, Nvidia ShadowPlay is.  ;)  
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you do realise fairbyte had broke nlr like 6 times and also we told him to surrender like 5 times outside the green zone?

then he ran in and i shot him you should have spoke to me and asked what actually happened instead of trying to get me banned because?

you do realise fairbyte had broke nlr like 6 times and also we told him to surrender like 5 times outside the green zone?
then he ran in and i shot him you should have spoke to me and asked what actually happened instead of trying to get me banned because?
Really? You do realize you have the right to remain silent?
a) Go back to server and check the map (you were already in the green zone as well as FairByte at the moment you started your "bla, bla, bla, get down, get down, oh he's in the green zone")
B) Read the rules again. Especially this one "6A) You are unable to kill anyone in a green zone (Punishment is a ban)"
c) Watch the video again.
d) Stop whining, at least you got your 15 minutes of fame in "Report a player" show  (You very well knew that it's a green zone when you shot him in the head from behind)
It doesn't even matter from where you chased him. There's simply nothing that could justify your actions. There is a rule and you broke it. That is it.

It's obvious that you lack the ability to understand how rules and law work. So I'll put my two cents in, to possibly prevent you or somebody else from getting into real life trouble.

Just for an example, if you get caught by a police red-handed, robbing a gas station, then the excuse like, "Oh officer, but the other guy around the corner just took a candy from a kid, so I am allowed to rob this place" will never ever help you in a court.

Please stop trying to bullshit your way out of the mess you're in. Man up and take responsibility for the consequences of your actions.


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Green zones are in main cities (usually popular and busy) which are a friendly and safe area for people to roleplay in without the usual hassle of being robbed/killed.

The VIP/Donator zone is also a green zone and the same rules apply.

Blue zones are around Police stations, In the past before the bluezone people would go into the Police area and just shoot at the police which isn't fun and isn't roleplay.

However Green zones are not safe havens, if you are chased into one by the Police they will taze and arrest you.

[SIZE=medium]All the rules listed on this page apply to these zones however there are some exceptions which are listed below.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]6A) You are unable to kill anyone in a green zone (Punishment is a ban)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]6B) You are unable to kill anyone in a blue zone (Punishment is a ban)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]6C) Weapons must be holstered inside green and blue zones at all times.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]6D) You are unable to rob/knockout anyone in a green or blue zone (Punishment is a ban)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]6E) You are unable to steal vehicles in a green or blue zone (Punishment is a ban)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]6F) If you are in active combat you are unable to run into the green zone to avoid being killed/robbed (Punishment is a ban)[/SIZE]

pls read


So you know how to copy paste text from the rules section?

I have already read and understood them whereas you apparently failed to do so.

Are you seriously this stupid or just trolling with silly comments?

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this one not count?

[SIZE=medium]6F) If you are in active combat you are unable to run into the green zone to avoid being killed/robbed (Punishment is a ban)[/SIZE]

Simple answer is no.
If you are in an active combat with some other party then, by running into the green zone, the other player is breaking the rule and you can only report him by presenting evidence. Rule 6F doesn't cancel out any other 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D or 6E rule. It doesn't give you magic power to break other rules.
All rules are completely straightforward. Maybe this game in not suitable for you? I mean, PEGI rating is 16. Do you even qualify?
@Antstein As forum moderator I'd like to point out our well known rule Zero:

[SIZE=medium]We are very proud to be an Adult community. It certainly doesn't mean you have to be over 18 to play here however you will find a lot of our members are. We respect the younger people and elders in our community and no discrimination will be tolerated.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]We expect people to show respect, act like an adult, and if there is a disagreement then disagree in a noble and adult manner.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]At the end of the day we are here to have fun and enjoy one of the best role play experiences you will find on the internet. If you are here for drama or arguments then it won't be long until you will be shown the door.[/SIZE]

Change your tone and attitude towards the player you are reporting please, the insults about age and the person not being qualified or suitable for this game is not needed and only risks this going off topic.

Also, calling in admins to maybe make a decision, as all you two seem to be doing is accusing each other of breaking the rules and denying doing so yourself, not really taking this discussion anywhere.

@Vacatio @Neo

Kind regards,

Khandamir, forum moderator

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@Khandamir/Paul Montana I'm sorry I'm just an evil and grumpy old man. I guess the bomb went off after I ran into those two six year olds the other unlucky day on your server when as a role play they offered to fix nipples and show me their vagina. I just lost it.

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