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Genuine Questions about the direction of the City.


Elite Donator
I have questions about the direction the city is taking? 

I would like to open with the statement that I am by no means disparaging the RPUK server.  I am merely voicing my concern and wondering if I am Missing something.

Are we trying to force the majority of players who aren't NHS, Police or super Rich business owners in to the life of crime or gang life?

The reason I ask this is because The majority of legitimate work now costs the employee money to perform.

My examples,

Trucking : Fuel deliveries are not profitable (if they even pay at all)

Taxi driving : The fuel cost outweighs the fair payment.

Fruit Picking : Doesn't Ripen so unusable.

Fishing : Profit - Time Spent has become non profitable.

Park Ranger : Is the most reasonable option however the progress is very slow and still the fuel for the truck costs more than the payments as the journeys are huge. however there are still unusable items (Leather) which have no use.

The only people now to be able to make an honest living are, NHS, Police or Those who are already rich and own a business.

There does not seem to be any viable "Legal" Jobs to make an honest living. 

I am very interested to hear if anyone has any feedback on this topic.

Many Thanks


I'd also like an answer to this question. It seems as though you make It harder for us to earn money legally but also made it to where we had to spend more money. Gas is way too expensive and now the houses are taxed. I agree 100% with T. I hope you can either change payouts of legal jobs or add new jobs. 

I think this is a good question for everyone that just want to play a none criminal, none NHS/Police character. 
There isn't much for a character to do or a good way to make money unless you are one of the three. 

A good point as a whole, with legal money making being sliced due to trucking. Its almost as if youre forced into a criminal lifestyle in order to have money in your back pocket. I dont agree with it personally. 

I agree we need to have more ways of making good money and the prices have to be changed. There should be more stuff to do that is legal in not only a making of money way, but also a recreational way. At this moment the only ways for me to make money as kseniya is selling drugs and going to police mechanic dispatches. If you get your car impounded, you easily have to pay around 5-15k just to get it back but you don't really get a good way of getting money to take your car back out. Having speed cameras all over the city makes the amount of money earned in personal cars so little, you might as well steal a local car and risk getting nicked for driving a stolen car.

As police I don't have to pay for fuel, but the money I make is extremely little and I see why a lot of the police are going for corruption, simply because it's all so expensive, it's easier to make 50k doing some dodgy stuff and be good for a week on repair kits and food rather than spend an entire week being a non-corrupt cop and make your money honestly.

As NHS the money we get paid is ok, you can easily make a few 100k and after a few revives, you have enough to pay for food and repair kits for a week. However looking forward to buy a sports car or a super car is out of the question for those who are interested.

Please fix the prices of legal jobs and give us more legal amenities ❤️

I agree more legal Jobs would definitely be good,

Im going to play devils advocate here though, I don't think legal Jobs should pay anymore, your then have the issue you had before where everyone and their nan is doing fishing or trucking,  why because it pays more or similar to illegal work with zero risk. 

Hell I would love a new car irl but I know I could probably afford one in 5 years of working. Now obviously I'm not expecting it to take months to be able to do legal work to get a car but it should be a day or so of grinding I would say. Otherwise everyone will just be doing the same legal job all over again, there needs to be a balance of legal Vs illegal.

(My opinion and not of the staff team)

Talking about the future of the server, I wanna add something that I miss. 


I miss the old Autocare and the social hub that the players created in there.
We had car meet ups, raffles and the owners would always source a few new cars everyday.
The place would always be busy ranging from new to old players in the server.
When I bought my first car, it was a big deal for my character. I had to wait days before Mick could source it, when it finally got in he let me test drive it, he talked about it gave me the experience that many new players don't get anymore. 

It's a small piece in the puzzle but things like these, made the feel the sense of progression in the city. It made me log back into the server to check what's happening in Autocare today and it made me excited to come back.

I don't like how restocks happen on the 3rd of every month. I don't like how people line up in dealerships to buy the car only to re sell it for profit the day after. I don't like how dealership owners can't list modified cars anymore (or just cars from the player-base in general). I don't like how we have so many duplicate cars making them feel not unique anymore. 

I don't like how restocks happen on the 3rd of every month. I don't like how people line up in dealerships to buy the car only to re sell it for profit the day after. I don't like how dealership owners can't list modified cars anymore (or just cars from the player-base in general). I don't like how we have so many duplicate cars making them feel not unique anymore. 
Being able to have your vehicle listed in the shop was a really good feature, I think that itself is what led to lots of people always hanging out in autocare.

I understand everyone's frustration with the lack of legal jobs. I am one of those people and my Character Miguel has done everything he can in the city to find a stable fun rp job. many of the good jobs like trucking and fishing were ruined by shit people that just exploited when they can or caused mayhem for others. There needs a overhaul with all the jobs really and a new look at what new jobs can be brought into the city,

Trucking should be changed so every storm they can deliver once to each of the fuel station for 10k and maybe 5k for standard runs. 

For taxis they are ok just need to make sure local cars are harder to get into so when we spawn at random places we can call up taxis and maybe give more cash out for the npc jobs.

food delivery i would not change same as park ranger and impound work. With impound give the option for the public to ask for impounds for local cars as they are broken down to help clean up the roads.

To get use out of the pilot licence  there should be crop farming jobs over grape seed or pick up cargo from sandy shores or that island at the bottom right of the map. For the criminal side gun or drug runs. these jobs should be alert base so you sign in and wait for a job to pop up and you go and do it. For the criminal side, have it that only at night these jobs pop up and police are alerted to a run but they dont know where the pick is from or drop off and they cant hang around the airports waiting they need to be in a helicopter to spot them. 

Prospecting jobs where you get a random area to look for gold chains, phones, rare ores and other stuff. these items can be sold at pawn shops and the jewellery store. Once you reach lvl 3 you can by diving equipment as you get areas in the water to check out to find stuff. With the jewellery shop opening again criminals can have a change to rob it, lets say once a hour.  

What Nadine and myself have done off our own backs is start up mechanic shop jobs and we have hired workers and what we might get a day after paying for supplies is 5k to 15k profit and that is all depending on if we are working solo and who tips and if anyone turns up. There are days where i just make even due to the supplies but my team are making ok money but with these jobs its all about the rp and they are becoming the new hubs for people to have fun and relax. With the way we are running our shops our  mechanics are always around and they look forward to jumping on.  I have had days with just rping with lots of people and not even one car getting fixed.

What i am hoping for with the mechanic shops is to be able to

1. Buy materials from the miners to make parts for cars so when you break your car it will says you need this and that and we can make them and then repair.

2 Customise cars so benny's can go but keep it there for simple repairs.

3.  Make custom licence plates and fake plates for the criminal/ racing scene.

4. have tow trucks bring players to use for repairs.

5. have only jump cables to get broken cars up and running until they come to us for a full repair. this should stop the unrealistic driving part of the server where you just break down and have a fully repaired car even with cop chases. 

To people that have a idea for a job it might be best to go out and do it as i bet a lot of people are thinking of the same thing and when they see that idea happen  you will get customers and money if thats what you want but if its rp people will flock to it. if you are thinking you need millions to get this started you are wrong i only had 100k when i started my shop and i in my account i have about 200k and thats over a month of doing this. 

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Big yes thanatos this needs to be addressed ! Also beans need to be talked about too.

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Im going to play devils advocate here though, I don't think legal Jobs should pay anymore, your then have the issue you had before where everyone and their nan is doing fishing or trucking,  why because it pays more or similar to illegal work with zero risk. 

Hell I would love a new car irl but I know I could probably afford one in 5 years of working. Now obviously I'm not expecting it to take months to be able to do legal work to get a car but it should be a day or so of grinding I would say. Otherwise everyone will just be doing the same legal job all over again, there needs to be a balance of legal Vs illegal.
Although I understand the sentiment behind this, we have to look at the reality that this is a game and if he takes a long long time to get to a point where you can afford a car it becomes slightly unrealistic due to people not playing this like a standard 9-5 job.

This! Me and a cop buddy were chilling in Paleto, we noticed a 'Cedar Field' where one can harvest Wood, I'm only hoping this is for a new job in the works, there's a big reason I don't play my civ lol.

Although I understand the sentiment behind this, we have to look at the reality that this is a game and if he takes a long long time to get to a point where you can afford a car it becomes slightly unrealistic due to people not playing this like a standard 9-5 job.
No of course and I understand that, but you have to have some sort of balance between risk and reward with legal and illegal runs, i just know we had a point on arma where legal runs were worth more than illegal, ended up with nothing for the police to do and everyone ended up grinding the same run.

Obviously it's a different game but just worth learning from previous experiences.

(My opinion not staff team..... *Sigh*) 

RN the economy is broken in general, food costs an entire police pay cheque, cars cost exorbitant amounts, and there is no good way to earn this money, if you don't own a business there is no way you could get any of the stuff, even illegal stuff like drug dealing is so mind numbing, and if you get caught you will lose all the drugs you have as they weigh more in cars. There is a good variety of jobs, they just need to actually pay a sustainable wage, and it would be nice to not having to resort to corruption to get anything cool on a cop character.

I agree with whats being said here, everytime a legal job became to popular it got nerfed until eventually none were left viable to do, hopefully that is re-adjusted and more are added (not businesses they only benefit 1 person, the one who owns it).

personal opinion and not that of the staff team smh

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Can we also have jobs that involve more player interaction ? For example trucking and food delivery is a very lonely job and you can just ignore everyone else on the server to make money. No one really calls for a taxi since almost everyone owns a car and you can just steal a local's car. Park ranger is also a lonely job, you dont interact with people at all. I would suggest something like waiter/cook at a restaurant but restaurant owners cook their own food and dont hire anyone. The mechanic shops like Tire Nutz and Auto Exotic is something that i'd like to see more on the server, where players have to RP with other players to do work.

Right now business owners basically control the economy because once you own a business, no one else can have it but everyone had to come to you to get the things they want (Food, cars etc). It just feels a bit unfair because you can basically do business alone and not hire anyone, getting all the profit for yourself. But it doesnt really make sense RP wise for example a restaurant owner to do everything alone and own a big business. Maybe set it so the owner manages the restaurant, but he has to hire people to cook and is not allowed to cook himself. Because if he can cook himself, there is absolutely no need for him to hire anyone. (I'm using restaurants as an example because in my opinion these are one of the jobs that currently have the least amount of RP interaction).

I just feel like we need to get rid of things that you can do alone and introduce more things that are dependent on other people, like how the injured need NHS for medical attention, prisoners need Solicitors for trial, people with car problems need mechanics for repairs. That way RP is always involved because you have to talk to someone if you want something. Thta is my personal opinion 🙂

Can we also have jobs that involve more player interaction ? For example trucking and food delivery is a very lonely job and you can just ignore everyone else on the server to make money. No one really calls for a taxi since almost everyone owns a car and you can just steal a local's car. Park ranger is also a lonely job, you dont interact with people at all. I would suggest something like waiter/cook at a restaurant but restaurant owners cook their own food and dont hire anyone. The mechanic shops like Tire Nutz and Auto Exotic is something that i'd like to see more on the server, where players have to RP with other players to do work.
Thats a big problem from what I have seen from the server, there is no reason for anyone to RP, if you want to RP you need to go out of your way to do it and thats why I only play cop, as cops need to RP to do the role, civ just feels stale as there is nothing for anyone to do other than hang around a coloured in bit of the map and shoot the shit. I think jobs really need to have a greater RP aspect, and the RP jobs should pay more than the solo ones.

I'm new to the server and always intended for my character to be a Park Ranger. I think being able to ping park rangers to deal with cougar attacks or help out ppl who have run out of fuel or broken down in the hills would create great Rp opportunities. 
