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[GC] Lopez - RDM

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Farmer Giles

Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [GC] Lopez
Time & Date this happened: 14:45 15/08/2015
Which Server did this happen on: Server 1
Description of what happened: So we had a report of people being robbed and weed processing so me and Ci ziN decided to go up and have a look! we seen trucks there and we dropped ziN of to get a sniper position. I drove my car up to issue compliance, i jumped out my car, didn't even issue compliance and got shot in the face with ZERO RP. 
What Rule Was Broken ?:
3B) RDM - Random Death Match Definition:

 Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban)
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: https://gyazo.com/dded24a11c053b74bffd316b0b14eed0
Please post video evidence/screenshots here:
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Hello dear admins, i came here today to defend myself, because i feel that i´m being injusticed by this police that his only objective is to get me ban, and he claimed aswell that he is tired of the Gc and i can believe that he just reported me because i´m from Gc gang.

From what i see in the video, it seems that i RDM him, but after hear the video very carefully i found this.

00:38- I arrive to his location and i said "HEY HEY", he just ignored/didn´t heard.

00:40- His teamspeak made a noise like a radio, in that moment i said twice, "hey, put your hands up, hey put your hands up" (ADMINS PLEASE HEAR WITH THE MAX VOLUME YOU CAN THIS PART PLS!Since his Radio plugin is higher than my own voice in that exact moment)

00:41- He start to move behind the car and pointing the weapon to the door.

00:42- He saw me, and he start saying "Hey this is..." while he sligly moved to my direction with the mk20 and that is perceptive on the video.


There was exactly 4 seconds of my interaction to him before i shoot him,and i just shoot him because he ignored my first order and jumped from the car with a weapon now some of you guys will say that "you didn´t give him time to compliance, well there was some factors for the reason i didn´t give him more time...

1º: I Iniciated the RP and i gived him time to compliance so he can put his hands up(he ddind´t put the hands up instead he pull out his mk20 pointing to the door., i didn´t KOS him or nothing.

2: He didn´t even notice my words to him, because of the noise that he has on his teamspeak, and the radio noise made him not hear what i said.

3: It´s impossible to me in-game in that time understand that he didn´t even noticed me.

4: On the end, after he ignore my words, he started saying "hey this is..." and he start to move the weapon to me(check on video).


Now my perspective of this report, and since i don´t have a video to defend myself so i will have to explain.

1º- I arrive at the scene, with the police officer inside the car, i was 5 meters away from him, with a mxm in my back, so i think "oh it´s the cops they saw me,he is going to arrest me or shoot me". (Check print below on point 2.)

2ª- Before he even get out of the car i was already saying "HEY HEY" to him with my pistol pointing to him. ( https://gyazo.com/2b2fb94e23dd0af41f12c3e78c9c28d1 ) From my perspective he cleary saw me, as you can see on the print, he was inside the car in my direction.

3ª- He jumped out of the car very fast, i said immediatly "hey, hands up!!!,hey put your hands up!!!", he pulled the mk20 and stayed behind the car. (The radio was more higher than my voice).

4ª- in the next second i just hear him saying Twice "hey this is.." while moving his aiming from the mk20 to my direction, so i shoot him, for not comply to my orders at all and to put my life/freedom in danger.

https://gyazo.com/353b3c1a3f18e0b7886dc10ab1bc54d1 ) This first is when he notice that i´m pointing a weapon to him, and this was his first position, and see very carefully that he is pointing the weaponn to the door!

https://gyazo.com/0ae36a2bd4b27796c7bb9f4223a7bc06 ) on this picture he has already moved a little his weapon to my direction, when i decide to kill him because he is about to taze me or kill me.

The time to compliance is only when we know that the person perfectly heard us and we know that that the arma 3 motion are slow so we need to give them time to do the surrender action (Shift J), on this case i order him a thing and all he did was jump the car with a gun WITH NO INTENTION TO COMPLY THE ORDERS and in the end even try to taze me, since he do not hear my order and it´s not my foult.


For my last words i want to say that, i don´t want to get banned just because this police officer has is Teamspeak volume higher than the game and even a plugin to radio things, in the way that he ddin´t even hear my voice in Game, and i was yealling everything.

And let´s be fair, if i do not kill him in that second, he was about to taze me, otherwise he would not move and put his hands in the air imediatly, he claims that there was 0 RP, so why i ddin´t kill him straigh away when he jumped out of his car? I even let him jump out of his car to him put his hands in the air, from my perspective he did not comply to my order, or having any intetion to do it.

I have been in this server for 1 Year (Check my forum profile) and i never got a warning or a ban, i know perfectly the rules, and i´m not here to lie or anything i just want to play the game and have fun, why should i just KOS a police officer to get a ban? I just ask to a fair admin to make a fair decision about this. thank you.

Edit: I´m not going to argue with anyone here, i will just answer admins.

2º EDIT 17/08/2015 00:40 PM- 

[SIZE=medium]3B) RDM - Random Death Match Definition:[/SIZE]


[SIZE=medium]"Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with YOUR ORDER) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban)"[/SIZE]

Like the rule say we need to give enough time to the person comply to our order, i did, I give him time to comply, but for the fact that he didn´t hear my RP iniciation, he was moving around with a weapon, and he was dangerous and he did not show me any interest in comply to the order to me, on my point of view.

On the Server rules this is mentioned :

"As mentioned above and all over our community and server everything here is about the roleplay experience. With that in mind we have rules around role play and what we consider poor RP and RP Rules that will get you banned. Please re-read these rules until they become second nature to you."

Dear admins how can i do/iniciate my RP if this gentleman have is Teamspeak volume plus a Radio Modpack interfiring with my voice in game? Even in his recording I barely can hear myself with max volume or others Roleplaying in the place aswell.

Also i contacted many mentors in the teamspeak and everyone can hear me just with MAX VOLUME on their computer due like i said many times before to the volume of the things of the police officer.

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Hello dear admins.

From what i see in the video, it seems that i RDM him, but after hear the video very carefully i found this.

00:38- I arrive to his location and i said "HEY HEY", he just ignored/didn´t heard.

00:40- His teamspeak made a noise like a radio, in that moment i said twice, "hey, put your hands up, put your hands up" 

00:41- He start to move behind the car and pointing the weapon to the door.

00:42- He saw me, and he start saying "Hey this is..." while he sligly moved to my direction with the mk20 and that is perceptive on the video.

There was exactly 4 seconds of my interaction to him before i shoot him, now some of you guys will say that you ddin´t give him time to compliance, well there was some factors for the reason i didn´t give him more time...

1º: I Iniciated the RP and i gived him time to compliance, i didn´t KOS him or nothing.

2: He didn´t even notice my words to him, because of the noise that he has on his teamspeak, and the radio noise made him not hear what i said.

3: It´s impossible to me in-game in that time understand that he didn´t even noticed me.

4: On the end, after he ignore my words, he started saying "hey this is..." and he start to move the weapon to me(check on video).

No my perspective of this report, and infortunatly i don´t have a video to defend myself so i will have to explain.

1º- I arrive at the scene, with the police officer inside the car, i was 5 meters away from him, with a mxm in my back, so i think"oh it´s the cops they saw me",

2ª- Before he even get out of the car i was already saying "HEY HEY" to him with my pistol pointing to him. (https://gyazo.com/9eb31fec7549b78a10789a443605c4e9)

3ª- He jumped out of the car very fast, i said immediatly "hey, hands up  put your hands up", he pulled the mk20 and stayed behind the car.

4ª- in the next second i just hear him saying "hey this is.." while moving his aiming from the mk20 to my direction, so i shoot him, for not compliance to my orders at all.

For my last words i want to say that, i don´t want to get banned just because this police officer has is Teamspeak volume higher than the game and even a plugin to radio things, in the way that he ddin´t even hear my voice in Game, and i was yealling everything.

I have been in this server for 6 months and i never got a warning or a ban, i know perfectly the rules, so i just ask to a fair admin to make a fair decision about this. thank you.

Edit: I´m not going to argue with anyone here, i will jsut answer admins.
Can i just say your attitude towards me was hostile, you also said you was going to report me for a false report, how is this a false report. You had no intention to solve this, you just accused me stuff! You went to a mentor to try and talk to him and you also acted hostile to him. You need to change your attitude. You didnt say hands up, you said 'hey, hey' 

Now i am also being threatened with a report because this report hurts his 'reputation' 


Can i just say your attitude towards me was hostile, you also said you was going to report me for a false report, how is this a false report. You had no intention to solve this, you just accused me stuff! You went to a mentor to try and talk to him and you also acted hostile to him. You need to change your attitude. You didnt say hands up, you said 'hey, hey' 

Now i am also being threatened with a report because this report hurts his 'reputation' 

It is very funny how this police officer can´t be adult for 1 sec and admitt his mistakes, and like i said to him, if i win this case i will go to the last consequences in the same way he did, to get me banned, i just made a statement that i will report this situation if i win because i have a reputation on this community i have been here for more than 1 year and this is just wrong,unfair and a false report, i´m innocent i never RDM´ed, i inicated the RP i did everything correct, and this report affects my image in the community, maybe to some people is nothing but for me this community is much more than just a game community.

Dear admins, you all can see that his intentions is to just ban me and to not solve the things, he never tryed to solve the things, he even admit that he posted this on the forum even before try to talk with me at least... because i was the one that camed talking with him on this print https://gyazo.com/dded24a11c053b74bffd316b0b14eed0,on that print i was in the middle of the firefight and i couldn´t talk to him on the chat that is why i said waity.... i would like to know why he doesn´t put the full conversation on the things...

Be adult and don´t try to get people banned for your own mistakes, and i will not admitt a thing that i ddin´t do it. This is my last reply to this police officer. Thank you.

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It is very funny how this police officer can´t be adult for 1 sec and admitt his mistakes, and like i said to him, if i win this case i will go to the last consequences in the same way he did, to get me banned, i just made a statement that i will report this situation if i win because i have a reputation on this community and this is just wrong, i´m innocent i never RDM´ed, i inicated the RP i did everything correct.

Dear admins, you all can see that his intentions is to just ban me and to not solve the things, he never tryed to solve the things, he even admit that he posted this on the forum even before try to talk with me at least... because i was the one that camed talking with him on this print https://gyazo.com/dded24a11c053b74bffd316b0b14eed0,on that print i was in the middle of the firefight and i couldn´t talk to him on the chat that is why i said waity.... i would like to know why he doesn´t put the full conversation on the things...

Be adult and don´t try to get people banned for your own mistakes. This is my last reply to this police officer.
My mistakes, i didnt make any mistakes. i tried to solve it, but you just denied everything, the link i linked was a video, not a report so the statement you made that i reported you before i talked to you is false. You made the mistake and tried to deny it. Therefore i put a report up. A report is if you think someone has done something wrong. I did that in this case and youre reporting me for doing that. How pathetic 

Moderators please can you close this topic now as all evidence has been said.  

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as the mentor involed i feel i have to post a little something.. lopez spoke to me about the situation inbetween discussing it he got a little angry towards the situation.. i spoke to farmer about this and told him he got a little angry, i think farmer took that the wrong way...  

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