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No server is really the MAIN server.. the both have exact same content and both are same priority for police. People tend to goto server 2 as its easier to join as a group.
Here's the deal guys... I can tell you from experience that the gangs reside on server 2 due to the ease of illicit activities... IF the Police could come up with an SOP for the usage of server1 or 2, I believe that this will change.. For example, if a gang member or group logs in and see's that there are minimal police on server 2, that's where they will go.  Likewise, with a plan in place, If they log in and see that there are equal amounts of Police on either server, they will make an unbiased decision, thus bringing forth equilibrium in the servers, as well as a more fruitful roleplay experience.

The main issue is the fact that police officers prefer not to join server 2 because they are outgunned. If it was drilled into cops that in order to prevent the constant moaning about the quality of server 2 role play for us and everyone else, the only option is patrol it in numbers.

The number of police online does indeed affect the quality of the whole server, likewise the number of a certain gang would affect the quality of the server.

Essentially stop trying to be arses to eachother, baiting and constantly looking for gunfights or the basic 'put your hands up and drop you shit.'

Basically convince cops to player server 2 then there won't be a problem with the gangs all playing there because the cops would and WILL eventually put them back in their place.

(more likely we will get put in ours but we can dream eh?

Played on server 2 for 4 hours.
This was posted because we had heard and been told by certain people that the roleplay standards have dropped in our gang. This has nothing to do with your gang being on server 2 and while being a hostage in your little operation I had a laugh with some of the TI members.

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This was posted because we had heard and been told by certain people that the roleplay standards have dropped in our gang. This has nothing to do with your gang being on server 2 and while being a hostage in your little operation I had a laugh with some of the TI members.
I didn't see any issue with the role play from you guys when we had you in so I made an assumption, I do apologize.

Who are TI? Never heard of them 

Just kidding, they kill me all the fucking time :(  
