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Gaming Setup

I have tidied it since the last time we did this .


I've never understood people that play with massive screens and sit so close to them lol
I sit quite far back and can see things others can't.

I demand more exposure of the breaking bad poster!

& Glad to see I'm not the only "fool" to buy an Aurora! Unless that's just an imposter...
Pics incoming and not an imposter.

I assume that bell is being used, let's say once every... 2 minutes?  :lol:   ;)
You know me too well.

Well this is my setup.

Middle screen Asus 144Hz 3D 24", left screen Asus 60Hz 24"
Mouse Logitech G502, Keyboard QPAD MK-85 MX Red and headset Turtle Beach PX22


And a little peak of the inside of the rig too.


Fuel i would recommend to get the fan either on the right or atleast on the up side.

That will massiveley decrease temps

Fuel i would recommend to get the fan either on the right or atleast on the up side.

That will massiveley decrease temps
lol yeah I know mate its actually not there any more it is water cooled now that was there only temporarily

Hmmm... So you basicly say: "Bitch! Get me food and clean my shit up!" Gonna try that :)

Awesome girlfriends?
Well I hate it when it's messy I get stressed and annoyed by it so well I clean every now and then and keep it clean. Will soon take off every key on the keyboard and wipe it and blow it clean with compressed air.

Well I hate it when it's messy I get stressed and annoyed by it so well I clean every now and then and keep it clean. Will soon take off every key on the keyboard and wipe it and blow it clean with compressed air.
I remember the time in TC with my OC making lots of noise you told me to dust but I still haven't....and I keep mine tidy I get annoyed with mess
This is my actual no shit set up.


Since son was born (he is now 7) my kit lives with me in a walk in wardrobe as there is nowhere else to store my shit.  :D

Just over a year ago my trusty Packard Bell I Extreme Pentium Quad core died. 

I traced it to another mother board & managed to get a replacement when it arrived I realized it would not fit in my original case so I bought a cheap case from Maplin.
I transplanted my system into said case & all was well in the world except this case kept bugging me it was tinny & loud so I bought a better one a Coolmaster Silencio 450

So began a series of upgrades which lead me to the system I have now in order of upgrade.

  • Due to the Mobo upgrade I could now overclock my system but found a bottleneck in my graphics so after a selling a lot of stuff on ebay I raised enough cash to buy a HIS Radeon HD7950 with 3GB of ram.
  • Realizing that my sparkly new Graphics card was in danger from my cheap PSU that came with the
  • Maplin case I invested in a MOD X-Stream 600w modular PSU.
  • After a couple of months I got to thinking that by solving one bottle neck I had created another the CPU was straining to keep up with what I was doing. So after some saving & a bit of research I upgraded to :-
  • i5 3570K over clocked to 4.58 GHZ
  • Gigabyte Z77-D3H Mobo
  • 8GB DDR3 RAM (cant remember the exact make & model)
  • Be Quiet! Shadow Rock Topflow SR1 CPU Cooler got this one as case space was limited & it helped cool the overclocked RAM
  • The onboard sound was OK but I wanted something a bit better so installes an Asus Xonar DG 7.1 PCI Sound Card with built in Headphone Amp
  • This case comes with 2x 180mm 2 speed intake fans at the bottom of the case & a 120mm exhaust fan up top.
  • I upgraded the top fan to a PWN fan which is speed controlled based on CPU temp & also added 2x front mounted 120mm intake fan & another exhaust fan at back all PWN controlled.
  • The result is a nice cool case which is surprisingly quiet under normal to moderate loads.
  • Storage wise I started out with a 500GB SATA2 HDD I ripped from my original computer but the old bottleneck issue raised its head again with the HDD lagging behind the rest of my system, so at first i added an OCZ Agility 3 256GB SSD not top of the line but shit loads faster than my Old HDD
  • Then recently I just added a Seagate 3TB Performance SATA 3 Hard Drive ST3000DM001 7200rpm with 64MB Cache .
  • I also have a Seagate 1TB external drive & a Buffalo 2TB NAS drive.​
I added some bling & you can see the results below.


I am pretty proud of what I achieved especially seeing as a couple of years ago I did not have a clue & think I created something decent.
My next job is to tidy up the wiring & clean up the airflow & my ultimate goal is to continue to upgrade (RAM next) & keep my PC as up to date as my budget allows & without my Wife finding out. 
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Theres mine... You're lucky its so clean... ask Zippey... I broke my ipad stand so I'm using a laptop...

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Well this is my setup.

Middle screen Asus 144Hz 3D 24", left screen Asus 60Hz 24"

Mouse Logitech G502, Keyboard QPAD MK-85 MX Red and headset Turtle Beach PX22


And a little peak of the inside of the rig too.

How's the colouring on the 144hz Asus VG248QE? I'm getting it soon and I've heard I will have to tweak it a bit? 


Anyways, old one. 


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