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GAMING - Metagaming (Banned: 19/03/15)

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): GAMING and Johnathon Green
Time & Date this happened: 19.03.2015 08:50
Which Server did this happen on: Number 1
Description of what happened: We kidnapped GAMING at the wilco chem factory, and we drove away with him, he then locked us inside the car, as we kidnapped him inside his own car, as we could not get out and he would not unlock we just kept driving, after the police chased us a bit (Rayy) i sent msg to the police that we would kill the hostage if they did not stop, the police eventually crashed after some shots were fired, we said to him several times we stripped him for mobile phone and radio, in text in vehicle and in speech, we then drove a LOOOOOONG way out in the middle of nowhere, and then he said that he called his rebel friends and that he would come, this was long after we first said we stripped him of all coms. We eventually lost a wheel of the car and were stranded for a while, and then Johnathon Green came and shot us, and they burst into laughter. We said several times that there is no way his friends or the police could know where we were.
What Rule Was Broken ?: Metagaming
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Yes we spoke to them in side, and they said we were idiots and we did not know the rules.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)
I have read the rules all of them but after this action i went up to the website rules, i haven't seen a meta gaming rule, but i guess this applies to all role playing game rules, keep in mind this is my first every game to play role play in so i searched meta gaming in google this about gave me info, i know this is my mistake, i am so sorry for this action, i saw some altislife video from youtube those videos encouraged me to go into an altislife serve, ive seen people like doing this stuff i thought this an action that can be taken without breaking a rule, please forgive me for my actions i apologize for what i did.

I would also like to say that the first thing Johnathon said in side chat after he shot us was "fuck you for kidnapping my friend".

yes, he is my friend he told me your location but i didnt know what metagaming is because i checked the rules right after you said i broke a rule i never saw a meta gaming rule ever, i had to search on Google my friend didn't know that rule, i instantly check the forums

We told GAMING that he could not reveal our location, guess that did not help. Also, a bit of RP when he first arrived to execute us would be nice, we were just sitting there as cannon fodder. 

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The rules are not too clear at this second in time, fix impending, but we can't put "common sense" into the rules can we?

To be fair, Johnathon seems legitimate in his defence, he was also called into the situation by someone else failing RP....

Gaming on the other hand was told MULTIPLE times.. and this I cant excuse.

Ban Implemented.

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