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fushtago - Unban Appeal (Actioned by TBJ)

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Well-known member
Your In-game name: fushatgo

Your Steam Profile ID:76561198151036748

Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter): 


Date & Time you was banned:  10:00 AM , Monday , April 13, 2015

Please copy and paste the rule you broke: No rules was broken, the story is that Minxx had his rifle in his hand, me and bunch of guys followed saying to hide his weapon he's threating us him he said if you dont stop following me i'll shoot you , he shot me once then "RP initiaded" i went 5 meteres away from him pulled my gun and shot at him , he came back saying who rdmed me ? do you know who you just rdmed ? then he banned me !! 

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: the reason i got banned 

because i didnt do anything wrong , he shot me "RP initiated"

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here:

Once again. "HE" (That's me LOL) did not ban you because you shot me.

I really couldn't care less.

But running around and after someone screaming " Shut the fuck up you squeaker. Go back to school you squeaker." is an attitude we don't like on this Server.

We have a lot of young players. I get it a lot that people mistake me for a young boy but there is actually younger players and there is NO need to run after them calling them Squeakers for no reason eventho they haven't even done something to you is just rude.

Those guys could RP as 40/50 years olf if they feel like it. 
So you have no RIGHT to be nasty and insult someone based on their voice.

Anyways that's just my 2 Cents. 
In the end Vlad will decide about this.

Also I was NOT threatening you I was walking towards the Garage and you ALL decided to follow me.

I had no interest in talking to you guys or shooting you until you followed me insulting my voice :)
I even said to please leave me alone or get shot because I got propper annoyed.

If you would have acted like an adult and not an aggressive rude person following/herassing me I wouldn't even have talked to you once.

And in my opinion this all can get counted as RDM, Trolling, Insulting or Fail RP.

I maybe said RDM I don't know anymore but it doesn't matter if I said RDM because as listed above there are enough other reasons to ban you. :)

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Sorry about referring you as he i was confused to be honest :) , ok ( she ) 

but i did not say any bad things to you !! the only thing i said is hide your weapon , thats it ! i dont even know what Squeakers means -_- ! i know they did wrong but i did not say anything bad to you ! i never say bad things -_- ! thats first , second why ban me ? you shot me , RP initiated ! what i have done wrong steph ? 

Sorry about referring you as he i was confused to be honest :) , ok ( she ) 

but i did not say any bad things to you !! the only thing i said is hide your weapon , thats it ! i dont even know what Squeakers means -_- ! i know they did wrong but i did not say anything bad to you ! i never say bad things -_- ! thats first , second why ban me ? you shot me , RP initiated ! what i have done wrong steph ? 

I banned you  and someone called .. uhm .. GTblablabla (Sorry I forgot his name) because I remembered that it was you guys running around screaming squeaker blabla .. now I dont care about dying.
I guess I shouted this when I TP'd back because I was actually annoyed that a bunch of people run after me only to call me squeaker.

(Wich I find just plain annoying and rude)

I havent even bought new stuff yet and still run around like a hobo because I actually do not care about dying/loosing stuff.

I am honestly just mad that people run around with such an attitude. 
People are here to have fun and not to get insulted/annoyed/harassed that they are "squeakers".

sorry about making you running in a hobo clothes :)

yes i did run with them , but i didnt call you a squeaker go ask people in kavala about me being good to them :( </3  + ! i dont even know what squeaker is ! :)  

e9a99514b7fc5cafbc2e4d7d08a441ba - unbanned both servers - relog after 4pm

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