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Fruit picking

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Hello, it's me again! 
Have you been sitting at the orange and/or apple field for hours and hours trying to re-stock Noble Stores before eveyrone buys everything again?          (@HarleyRose has) 

On a more serious note, its goes without saying that gathering these items are rather tedious. So a posible fix for this could be basicly making the whole job/store supply more player driven.


Everything would be operated from the "MAIN WAREHOUSE". Order can be picked up here and/or raw/manufactured materials can be delivered to "stockpile" it. Nobody has access to this other than the City (Stealthee and his team of Wizards).
Can it be completely filled up? Maybe? Maybe not. Can it be empty? Yes it can.

So, from starting from the end.
Player Shop puts an order in, prices could be set or driven by some kind of economy. Player working for the delivery service aka the "hub" goes down there in his car, parks it up and runs up to the interaction point. "250 apples to Nobles Store on El Rancho". Player accepts, truck spawn in with the apples taking it from the stockpile at the warehouse, drives it up there and delivers it. Get's paid a certain amount from the delivery service and a delivery fee from the store.

This covers 1 of 2 jobs.

Job 2:
Now for supplies to be driven out from the warehouse to the stores around Los Santos and Blaine. It would need to be delivered.
Player owning himself a van and/or a truck would "pick" these items or manufacture them normally but drive down to the MAIN WAREHOUSE. 
Prices set by the economy will pay he/she for the items and extra in terms of the amounts. Delivering 250 will give you less than delivering 500 as you spend more time gathering. Items could be customised to take into account the manufacutring, even drive an/or fuel costs.

This would then fill up the warehouse making it posible for the stores to have items.

Now let's say everyone is super rich, nobody cares about doing this. Store owners can pay a price to have stock shipped in by the gouverment. Of course at a fixed price so that the owners can maintain stock. Not alot to fill that stock, but abit to maintain some stock in their shops.

STORE OWNERS WOULD STILL NED TO PAY PER ITEM AS NORMAL. They would then adjust the prices in their store to make "profit".

Main warehoue? Things could come in by airplane: This is the perfect place:


Yours Truly, Stavik.


Ive just written up a proposal for the Post Office (my little project) which would work perfectly with this. We were hoping to have a depot which would do just this sort of thing. I think this is way better though as it is citywide and thus would be less prone to failure as the "business owner" goes inactive. 

I think I can safely say that everyone involved in the Post Office would definitely support this idea as it sounds so much easier to manage! 

Is it possible/feasible to go back to the old system for fruit picking so we could pick apples to sell to shops without a commercial license etc? The current way is difficult to explain to new folks. 

On top of that so as not to completely kill the commercial fruit industry is it possible we could have baskets of apples spawn at the apple field for those with the correct license and will to do the job. These would contain multiple (maybe 5 to 10) apples which could be collected by the trucker to be shipped to the stores as part of the purchase order system. 

This suggestion is awesome but I think it'd work really well with Stavik's more indepth suggestion about reworking the shop system. 

I totally think we need to keep the fruit picking & selling as simple as possible for new people!

Merged with a tie in system that @William Antrim suggested.

We will move apples to apple crates and have them deliverable to a central warehouse. This is a bit of work so no timeframe, but accepted.

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