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Framework unban?

On this community you get a final chance. I was once stupid and got banned now I'm on my final chance. Now I follow the rules completely, before I do something I think through it to make sure I'm not braking the rules, I am really careful and I often re read the rule to refresh my self. Why should someone who doesn't care and wastes their final chance gets unban?
I agree, but say for example you made a tiny tiny mistake and it led you to get banned, you've had your final chance so chances of being able to play again are slim to none! Put yourself in the people who no longer can play's shoes and you might just understand why posts like this are made.


I agree, but say for example you made a tiny tiny mistake and it led you to get banned, you've had your final chance so chances of being able to play again are slim to none! Put yourself in the people who no longer can play's shoes and you might just understand why posts like this are made.

I understand that and I was in that situation before how ever I appealed and very generously I was given one final chance. The terms that where very clear. Also if people have been banned they can always appeal even if they have had their final chance. But if the admins say no then that decision should be respected.

I understand that and I was in that situation before how ever I appealed and very generously I was given one final chance. The terms that where very clear. Also if people have been banned they can always appeal even if they have had their final chance. But if the admins say no then that decision should be respected.
Completely agree with you mate.

One thing I notice is some people here including people I know have had 3/4+ second chances when under the old system they would have been gone forever, and they're productive members of our community. If they want to appeal, let them. It seems we now moved away from the 1st ban/last ban, to taking the time to take in the circumstances and if the person has truly learned their lesson. 

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I have to say I also thought something like this would be a good idea...I know a lot of people seem to hold these personal grudges, and some people just won't get on...but honestly, we have lost some truly great people. People who enjoyed roleplaying and helped others. I'm aware they must have fucked up seriously for their ban...

The way I see it..this Framework is a huge step for Community, and it's been hyped by everyone as such...it's like AltisLife 2.0 and I think it will really cement this Community as the top dog...We've got an excellent Community, and this will just make it so much better. And to allow people back in, it's just giving them that final chance to be a part of it. If they fuck up, they're out, and they're gonna miss out of so much...I hope you can see the point I'm coming from, and I can completely understand the risk that everyone above is mentioning...I just feel there are some quality people out there who have fucked up big, but would love an opportunity at redemption.

I understand what you are trying to say and being rdmed all the time can be extremely frustrating! This is what I think:

Players who hack, RDM, VDM, Racism should not be let back into the community.

Players who break smaller rules should be given another chance?
Rules are rules mate, despite whether you think they're 'smaller' rules.

I disagree that bans should be 'wiped' but maybe let people appeal for a more lenient, but firm LAST chance.

+ 0.5

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On a serious note I am not one for this. People have had their one chance. Why should the new framework change anything? It's there fault for messing up. They should have read the rules and not broken them if they wanted to play the framework.

I have a friend who has been banned for a while now.  He made a tiny mistake which led him to being banned. This was also his final chance so he was really upset. He has posted about 6 appeals and has been denied every time.  What I am saying is, the people who care enough to stay around and try their hardest to get themselves back into the community should be allowed another chance.

I have a friend who has been banned for a while now.  He made a tiny mistake which led him to being banned. This was also his final chance so he was really upset. He has posted about 6 appeals and has been denied every time.  What I am saying is, the people who care enough to stay around and try their hardest to get themselves back into the community should be allowed another chance.
Define tiny mistake 

Let me rephrase that, he made a mistake in the heat of the moment. He then realised what he had done but it was too late.

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I have a friend who has been banned for a while now.  He made a tiny mistake which led him to being banned. This was also his final chance so he was really upset. He has posted about 6 appeals and has been denied every time.  What I am saying is, the people who care enough to stay around and try their hardest to get themselves back into the community should be allowed another chance.
Why are you saying "friend"? We know who you are, Ayzer. Lying wont exactly improve any chances to get unbanned...


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I was going to reveal that later in the post but didn't want to reveal any names just yet.

This is my other account:


Also I would just like to add, the admin that denied and banned me from the forums said that one of the reasons for doing so was for combat logging. I have never been reported or banned for combat logging so I'm sure that was just a mistake?

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I was going to reveal that later in the post but didn't want to reveal any names just yet.

This is my other account:


Also I would just like to add, the admin that denied and banned me from the forums said that one of the reasons for doing so was for combat logging. I have never been reported or banned for combat logging so I'm sure that was just a mistake?
You mention about respecting admins final decisions, but you're saying you are banned from the forums and you're circumventing that? 
