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Framework unban?


Active member
Hey guys, I was just wondering when the new framework is released will banned players be able to play on the servers again? I think this would be a good idea because if everything is wiped I feel this would be a chance for banned players to redeem themselves and get an opportunity to play on the server once again.


Hey guys, I was just wondering when the new framework is released will banned players be able to play on the servers again? I think this would be a good idea because if everything is wiped I feel this would be a chance for banned players to redeem themselves and get an opportunity to play on the server once again.

Loll) llll

Banned player have already had one chance, so why should they get another? Just to screw the admins and the community over again? 

-100000 from me. What about all the VDMing and RDMing hobos that roam Kavala green zone? All the racists and other such people? Definitely not I should hope.

I'm not saying this is the worst idea I've ever heard, but it isn't NOT the worst idea I've ever heard.

I understand what you are trying to say and being rdmed all the time can be extremely frustrating! This is what I think:

Players who hack, RDM, VDM, Racism should not be let back into the community.

Players who break smaller rules should be given another chance?

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There will be enough people breaking rules when there is a third server which will have a large proportion of people who aren't dedicated enough to spam to get in the other two servers, I don't really think we need to open the flood gates to all the people the community and the admins have worked hard to sift out.

  If  players are unbanned and they go ahead and break the rules then so be it, they can be banned. What I'm trying to say is to let the people that made a mistake and are sorry for what they have done to be given another chance. lets give them the opportunity for them to show the community that they can behave and can follow the rules.

We understand what you are saying, however why would this community have such strict rules and a strict banning system if all the banned players preframework came back? Their work would be pointless; all the people that 'deserved' their second chance and failed miserably would flood back, only to get banned again. Then what do they do? Request an unban, when they would have been given more than enough chance.

so someone who joins the community upon release of the framework, gets banned and unbanned then banned again, they won't get this third chance will they? 

All rules are permanent band unless successfully appealed. All rules are equal basically.

anyone can act sorry on their appeals, after all this is the Internet and people are different over the web. 

As you said Shady 'give them a chance to show that they can behave and follow the rules' isn't two chances enough to show someone can follow the rules?

I know what you mean, Some people are banned because they don't care and it is all a joke to them. I am talking about the people that do care. The people that have had time to reflect on their mistakes and actually understand what they did wrong. These are the people that should be let back into the community. I think these are the players that would come back feeling mature and more respectful.

We understand what you are saying, however why would this community have such strict rules and a strict banning system if all the banned players preframework came back? Their work would be pointless; all the people that 'deserved' their second chance and failed miserably would flood back, only to get banned again. Then what do they do? Request an unban, when they would have been given more than enough chance.
I see what you're saying Mr SamatLewis, good point, however.

People who break rules in such blatant ways knowing that they'll be banned don't really have any dedication to the community whatsoever. They get banned, walk away from the community and that's that, then you've got people who have had their final chance and been banned yet still check the forums for updates etc etc, players who would do a lot of things to be able to play again.  It's these players that will be the ones playing again if unbanned for the new framework. Correct me if i'm wrong, but are you really gonna see the racist who joined the server and ran over 10 people knowing that he will be soon banned? I don't think so..

Not trying to start anything here, just simply stating my opinion on the matter, also even if the biggest rule breakers were to return, would they really break rules again when they've been given a one in a million opportunity to break rules again even more so on a completely new framework!


Too much work for the admins, imagine unbanning all of them people. I couldn't do it.

I mean the thing is that there is a policy that you can have a second chance if you prove you deserve to be unbanned if someone has then after that gone and broken the rules again and gotten banned they why should we think they won't do it a third time?

Why bank on the framework ?... if you want to appeal appeal! we may look into it or ask that you donate to charity to show a level of seriousness but more chances can and will be given.

We like to educate players than ban them but sometimes some people unfortunately don't learn or just don't care about the rules and our banning policy we found is best for the community.

Too much work for the admins, imagine unbanning all of them people. I couldn't do it.
It's alot simpler than that I think, I assume all it is is a notepad file with a load of steam ID's, you remove a ID, they get unbanned? I think..

Also, are you saying that it's possible for somebody to continue playing again even after having their chances on the server? Or have I misread?

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It's alot simpler than that I think, I assume all it is is a notepad file with a load of steam ID's, you remove a ID, they get unbanned? I think..

Also, are you saying that it's possible for somebody to continue playing again even after having their chances on the server? Or have I misread?
Think of how many people are banned. Shouldn't have the pleasure of coming back.

Think of how many people are banned. Shouldn't have the pleasure of coming back.
But like I said, it's only gonna be the dedicated players that'll come back, the others won't even realize they're unbanned. :p

But like I said, it's only gonna be the dedicated players that'll come back, the others won't even realize they're unbanned. :p
Some still roam the forums, I could say them but they don't deserve to be mentioned by me or anyone else!

But like I said, it's only gonna be the dedicated players that'll come back, the others won't even realize they're unbanned. :p
On this community you get a final chance. I was once stupid and got banned now I'm on my final chance. Now I follow the rules completely, before I do something I think through it to make sure I'm not braking the rules, I am really careful and I often re read the rule to refresh my self. Why should someone who doesn't care and wastes their final chance gets unban?
