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Force walkstyle after cuffs


Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Senior
Local Trashcan
After being cuffed, you should be forced walkstyle to casual or default. The silly quick walkstyle is stupid and abused to heavily. It is very difficult to put suspects into cars when they just quick jog away every time you unescort them when its just silly.

Especially during high risk situations, they just keep jogging away until their mates come and if you tase or hit them its abuse. So please, either remove that stupid walkstyle or make it so when cuffed, the walkstyle is reset to default. If this is an intended effect, then everyone should be set to this walkstyle when cuffed so they can jog away whilst in cuffs. Or make it so we can vehicle placement someone whilst escorting them.

Here's an example:
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Yea that walk style is abused way too much, especially as after cuffing them, you'd technically still have hold of them so they shouldn't have the opportunity to do this exploit. On the other hand, I feel the escape cuff mini-game should be made slightly easier to compensate
Or make it so we can vehicle placement someone whilst escorting them.
This used to be a feature/something cops could do, unsure as to why it was removed presumably for balance/abuse preventative reasons, either way +1, makes no sense for a crim to be able to "jog" away when others who are unable to/don't have access to that walkstyle can't, borderline exploiting in my own opinion.
-1 correct me if I'm wrong but don't you have the option to put leg restraints on , breaking cuffs is nearly impossible sometime so crims having a slight chance to run away in cuffs is not bad in my opinion. I feel like the mini game to break cuffs should be slower and for some police not saying all to stop spam tazing while the person is on the floor.
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-1 correct me if I'm wrong but don't you have the option to put leg restraints on , breaking cuffs is nearly impossible sometime so crims having a slight chance to run away in cuffs is not bad in my opinion.
Agreed, The amount of times police taze me for no apparent reason or cuff me super quick. They won’t have an issue tazing us one more time for an actual reason this time to apply “Leg Restraints”
This used to be a feature/something cops could do, unsure as to why it was removed presumably for balance/abuse preventative reasons, either way +1, makes no sense for a crim to be able to "jog" away when others who are unable to/don't have access to that walkstyle can't, borderline exploiting in my own opinion.

Disagree that the feature to just put someone in the vehicle while holding to be re added because it is frustrating trying to get them in, but they could be RPing making it difficult to get in the car which could be a plan for their back up to arrive to free them, it's not exploiting it can be RPed resisting to go in the car. It does add a balance however making the run slower i understand that as its difficult to sprint with your hands in cuff cause could fall over.
-1 correct me if I'm wrong but don't you have the option to put leg restraints on , breaking cuffs is nearly impossible sometime so crims having a slight chance to run away in cuffs is not bad in my opinion.
Completely agree with my mate chappie here, nonsense to call this borderline exploiting as well. Not being able to sprint is fair enough but a light jog? Really don’t think it’s that deep, running with ur hands behind ur back ain’t even that hard either and to test my theory I just ran up my stairs with my hands behind my back, was rapid fair play.
-1 correct me if I'm wrong but don't you have the option to put leg restraints on , breaking cuffs is nearly impossible sometime so crims having a slight chance to run away in cuffs is not bad in my opinion.
Leg restraints can only be put on when the player isn't being escorted, so that's out the window, running whilst cuffed used to be a thing a long time ago but was removed for presumably balance/realism reasons (You'd realistically fallover running in cuffs as you'd be unable to balance yourself)

Given that the walkstyle is no longer accessible it seems rather exploitive to continue to utilise it still, resetting everyones walkstyle isn't really an option either as that would possibly upset a hell of a lot more people than just those continuing to use it
-1 firstly you can put someone in a car whilst escorting someone. I personally did it earlier today. Secondly the police have many other ways to counter this such as leg restraints and maybe not trying to cuff someone whilst there is a gunfight going on around them. Thirdly this walk style has been around for some time now and me personally I have used it for about three years now so idk what’s changed about this walk style other that potentially the police win mentality it seems like they want it to be impossible for a crim to have a chance to escape custody which in my opinion could potentially stop a lot of further roleplay such as a warrant getting put out and then all the chases and the potential manhunts the police could do. Just seems like since you lost a situation you want this walk style to be removed because it played a part in the escape. And finally I didn’t know that when I was put in cuffs that I just forgot how to jog/ walk quickly makes absolutely no sense in my opinion. Just figure out a way to deal with it in rp people are going to run away from you as a crim
Leg restraints can only be put on when the player isn't being escorted, so that's out the window, running whilst cuffed used to be a thing a long time ago but was removed for presumably balance/realism reasons (You'd realistically fallover running in cuffs as you'd be unable to balance yourself)

Given that the walkstyle is no longer accessible it seems rather exploitive to continue to utilise it still, resetting everyones walkstyle isn't really an option either as that would possibly upset a hell of a lot more people than just those continuing to use it
Sounds like a skill issue mate. I have had PIC when ive tried to finger print them keep walking out of the room and yes it gets frustrating trying to get them in leg restraints but it's RP.

Correct could fall over running but the thing is you could also get away running.

End of day you keep saying "balance" as a officer myself and done with. RP it and deal with it. Not everything needs to be easy for police. i also think it provides funny RP when they keep trying to get away or RPing trying to escape which can happen out of city.
-1 firstly you can put someone in a car whilst escorting someone. I personally did it earlier today. Secondly the police have many other ways to counter this such as leg restraints and maybe not trying to cuff someone whilst there is a gunfight going on around them. Thirdly this walk style has been around for some time now and me personally I have used it for about three years now so idk what’s changed about this walk style other that potentially the police win mentality it seems like they want it to be impossible for a crim to have a chance to escape custody which in my opinion could potentially stop a lot of further roleplay such as a warrant getting put out and then all the chases and the potential manhunts the police could do. Just seems like since you lost a situation you want this walk style to be removed because it played a part in the escape. And finally I didn’t know that when I was put in cuffs that I just forgot how to jog/ walk quickly makes absolutely no sense in my opinion. Just figure out a way to deal with it in rp people are going to run away from you as a crim
+1 The police mentality is getting a bit crazy, i literally watched someone get shot in head an officers made them check in and booked them. Thats the issue RP For police is shoot and arrest. i dont like police as you just get shot or when speak to someone it's well police did this and i agree not all police same but i do understand when crim treat us the same as ive seen it from both angles the mentality needs to change on some not all.
Sounds like a skill issue mate. I have had PIC when ive tried to finger print them keep walking out of the room and yes it gets frustrating trying to get them in leg restraints but it's RP.

Correct could fall over running but the thing is you could also get away running.

End of day you keep saying "balance" as a officer myself and done with. RP it and deal with it. Not everything needs to be easy for police. i also think it provides funny RP when they keep trying to get away or RPing trying to escape which can happen out of city.
This ^

Not everything should be easy for police. I can understand it being frustrating but that's just a part of roleplay. Remember what while this is a serious roleplay community, it is also still a game and it's supposed to be enjoyable for both sides.
Do the police not have leg restraints?
They do, applying them means you have to tackle or tase someone in cuffs which then means cops get sued and as such the money pit known as police begins lmao, but in all seriousness, to apply leg restrains the player must be within range of the Alt Eye action which is rather impossible to do when this walkstyle is used, iirc it was removed along with the flee animations as it was being used/abused in the same fashion for escorting downed players
They do, applying them means you have to tackle or tase someone in cuffs which then means cops get sued and as such the money pit known as police begins lmao, but in all seriousness, to apply leg restrains the player must be within range of the Alt Eye action which is rather impossible to do when this walkstyle is used, iirc it was removed along with the flee animations as it was being used/abused in the same fashion for escorting downed players
Like I mentioned you guys are quick to: taze or tackle or open fire on people so it isn’t an issue you gotta do it one more time to leg restrain people. By the sounds of it police want the animation removed or tomorrow be asking for a bind like the cuff such as Alt + something to add leg restraints so they can run through spamming it.

You hardly see police get sued for it so don’t try use that as such a high explanation and reasoning to remove something just enjoy the rp
They do, applying them means you have to tackle or tase someone in cuffs which then means cops get sued and as such the money pit known as police begins lmao, but in all seriousness, to apply leg restrains the player must be within range of the Alt Eye action which is rather impossible to do when this walkstyle is used, iirc it was removed along with the flee animations as it was being used/abused in the same fashion for escorting downed players
If that is the case I think that needs changing itself. Leg restraints should just be an option you can do to someone who is handcuffed even when you are "escorting" them.
+1 The police mentality is getting a bit crazy, i literally watched someone get shot in head an officers made them check in and booked them. Thats the issue RP For police is shoot and arrest. i dont like police as you just get shot or when speak to someone it's well police did this and i agree not all police same but i do understand when crim treat us the same as ive seen it from both angles the mentality needs to change on some not all.
I disagree, there have been up to 3 hours long worth of RP in single situations for the cops without shots being fired, from what I have honestly personally seen, they won't shoot unless shot at first in which case that's not on cops at all I mean shit even situations involving other Factions (Shoutout to the Lost MC, big RPers) where they have kidnapped cops and others have let the situation(s) pan out, because it's Roleplay at the end of the day, when you pan through the report a player section, how many of those reports are against cops? Barely any is the answer, so i'd disagree with the initial point.

The rest I agree with, there is a weird flex mentality from both sides of who has the bigger dick (We all know it's secretly The Firm anyway) it does need to end, players can't maintain this constant state for much longer. But we're all stemming way way way off subject from the original point, of which I still give think something must be done, what that is/should be is to be decided.
They do, applying them means you have to tackle or tase someone in cuffs which then means cops get sued and as such the money pit known as police begins lmao, but in all seriousness, to apply leg restrains the player must be within range of the Alt Eye action which is rather impossible to do when this walkstyle is used, iirc it was removed along with the flee animations as it was being used/abused in the same fashion for escorting downed players
I disagree, as mentioned before i have had PIC when trying to take photo in the finger print keep walking so i just escort them back and put them in leg restraints, it may take a couple of time but that's RP and it finally got them. However then they get frustrated when finally get leg restraints on so do we remove leg restraints as it's frustrating. It's all about balance. If the RP was away from shooting all the time then the RP maybe fun but at the moment it's just all shooting RP or robbing and Winning mentality, getting boring from both parties, we need these things to keep balance.
If you were meant to be able to jog away then changing your walk style while cuffed would not be restricted. It wouldn't be fair to the select few who don't use that walk or have a bind to quickly change it, it should be for everyone. Hence either everyone should be able to jog in cuffs or no one.

Leg restraints are also impossible to do because it's the same process as putting someone in the car. You need 3rd eye, open interactions and then click apply leg restraints. Which is the same as interact, vehicle placement, seat selection. If we can't do vehicle placement cause you jog away, we most definitely can't apply leg restraints.

This is also not a suggestion thread to discuss whether the cuffing minigame is too hard or not. If you think it, make a suggestion like I have.

Also if you think police tase too much or do whatever, why not address that and bring that up in another thread or to faction command to get it changed rather than trying to use that as a justification. Do better. This thread is not about discussing how each faction RPs and such. Stick to the topic.