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Force the flex animation reel whilst in the clothing store menu

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Staff Team
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Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Trainer
Do It Fer Yorkshiiiiiire
We have all been there, picked the perfect outfit. Drip for days. Feeling like a million pounds.

Only to find that when you exit the store... All your new clothes have holes in them! 

My proposition is to force the flex animation reel (or similar stretching animation) to loop whilst picking your clothes, so you can pre-check whether certain stances and animations have holes before you checkout.

its a small but effective change.

PROS: No Holes, what id imagine to be minimal dev work

CONS: minimal dev work.

don't think you should be forced to "flex" but adding a button(or allowing to press X) would be a likewise useful option imo +1 though

I usually just open the console and type «e t» and then «e c» to cancel the emote

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