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For "mike candys" and chum.


Well-known member
Hey guys, 

As stated i have made this post for us to reach our differences and post evidence of things that could have gone better ETC.

i have no vid BTW, only white fox

unfortunately I have had encountered this ***hole before but I have no vid evidence of him shouting 1,2,3 as fast as he could then shooting me.


First off all my dear Gertrude after u died in the incident on the Airfield u broke NLR and u returned with an ifrit and rammed our 2 offroads, plus u did send me a message that ur friend told u to run us over and u didnt and we have too feel lucky about it...
also my fellow pT gang, u were camping the airfield garage and u were killing  near the NPC.
U were asked to leave the airfield garage so we can use it. You have been warned 3 times . You were making circles around us and we didnt open fire untill u went 300m south of us and u exit ur vehicle... When u took position behind ur car we opened fire and killed Gertrude and another guy dont remember his name i have to check the recording. 

regarding Grimjam's post, The first time we robbed u at Salt trader u complied after u tried to run away with ur hmtt ,when we broke ur tires u exit and  lied down so we took around 185k and that was it.
The next day u tried to run away again , we  destroyed ur tires again but u exited and run behind the building with a gun in ur hand unfortunately i was behind the building and we killed each other.

Our group has quite experienced players, we do role play in an aggressive style, we dont do drug runs or any other job, we are thieves . Today we stole a mowhawk ,an orca, sport hatchbacks,offroads,suvs, hmmt transports, zamaks we used them and we didnt destroy any of them neither we sold them at chop shop.

 In order to shoot we will sent at least 2 messages and we will use the direct chat alot before we have to go lethal.

In this server i ve seen numerous foolish reactions...
When u see 3 guys near ur vehicle with military weapons dont try to evade ffs ,comply, u will lose some money, if u RP it u can maybe get taxed for a percentage and u will not lose them all... but u will keep ur stuff and ur vehicle., In 10 robberies today they rammed our roadblock vehicle and they tried to evade . of course they all died ffs.  

Also if u got surprised and outnumbered at drug process comply, if u want to play it like a rambo be ready to lose sometimes.

When someone is telling u to drop ur weapon , if u want to drop it, u stay still and press I, if u turn around towards the voice u will be shot instantly even if u want to drop it. Noone will take the risk to let u turn.

MOST of all if u want to accuse someone for RDM or bad role play have evidences. Or AN admin will lock the thread to avoid flame posts.

In Altis Life is not about winning is about having fun, we do, u seem to lose the point.

BTW only noobz drive Ifrits., avoid them ,is not good for ur image to drive an almost unbreakable vehicle, using 7.62mm guns and DMS scope against poor cops with hatchbacks and MXs.

I've only ran into you once so I'm not sure how you did the second time haha. I did have music playing at the time, probably my own fault so not hearing your communication. Didn't you guys chop my lovely Hemtt too?

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Yea you guys are talking horse shit, fist Grimm was killed the first time you met him, you didn't rob him and leave him you plain and simple killed him.

Second the pT gang would never camp he heli spawn and kill people without a reason, clearly your making this up to make them look like the bad guys, I don't even like them but il stick up in saying that all you said about them in crap.

Third I've heard loads of people talking about you and your guys only warning people once then firing so techincally your still within rules even though you don't gie them a chance to respond.

And yea don't know how you killed Grimm the second time considering he's only met you guys once as that was the only time e ran salt on his own, since that day I've accompanied him all the time he's been on so once again your lying through your teeth.

Anyway what group are you part of, because so far I've never actually heard of you doing anything, I only seem to hear of people complaint about you killing them?

You guys aren't the FFE group are you???

GrimJam I'm almost sure that we robbed u a day before the incident that we killed each other, and u had a katiba in your backpack...
maybe it was an other ASR member.... anyway a desync hmtt blow us up and maybe i missed the actuall names...

Daivader As Grimjam says he did play music through the game very loud also he did jumped out and try to hide while he was armed.
Yes we choped ur hmtt and we regret it when we found out it was only 30k and we will never do it again.... i wasn't there cause i had a new life rule... in the other hand u were chasing our offroad with an ifrit without carrying about NLR right? we had to send u multiple messages to remind u the nlr so u left us.


Second the pT gang would never camp he heli spawn and kill people without a reason
I'm sure they had reasons to kill players near the NPC and to tell u the truth i dont care why they were killing or who... We wanted to use the garage .
SO...we gave them Warnings and TIME to leave the Garage, we engaged them when they jumped out of their blue hatchback and took battle positions... so simple... i'm sure pT members will back me up in this :)

No We are not the FFE group, actually we wanted to rob the FFE in Athira, they had an offroad with 4 members and they were supporting hmmt transport with drugs... but we couldnt find a good way to interact with them when they jumped out and scattered in the town. We had the upper hand in positions at all time but we didnt have a role play reason , cause their hmmts were waiting outside the city , other than murder them dayz style so we backed off and let em finish their job.

I'm sure u will hear lots of complaints about us, i cant do much about butthurt... than play the game as it supposed to be played
Yesterday we stole from Magnus and 2 other guys a mowhawk in cocaine process, Magnus and one of them died cause they wanted to defend their property the third of the company lied down and in the end we gave him our offroad to leave the area and not to respawn...
When we were selling the drugs in Athira after some minutes, Snillz murdered MikeCandys while he was driving a quad without warning without anything and then shoot at the mowhawk, Of course it was RDM or fail role play , we didnt give a f* about it though and we didnt make " complaint"
AND most of all we didnt explode their mowhawk as a retalliation of their bad behaviour and RDM.

anyway nuff said with my bad english...
We are the Ghosts of Altis.

by the way be aware that Vertigo loves me and he and his crows will hunt u down if u touch us :p or is the other way around... dont remember , i'm an old fart and seems that my mind is "misconfigured" by the bad quality drugs we are stealing from u...

by the way be aware that Vertigo loves me and he and his crows will hunt u down if u touch us :p or is the other way around... dont remember , i'm an old fart and seems that my mind is "misconfigured" by the bad quality drugs we are stealing from u...
HaHa ..............really ??  Not sure Vertigo is going to agree to this maybe you should check with him before you post something like this.

Indeed you will be made nothing more than a ghost of Altis,

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by the way be aware that Vertigo loves me and he and his crows will hunt u down if u touch us :p or is the other way around... dont remember , i'm an old fart and seems that my mind is "misconfigured" by the bad quality drugs we are stealing from u...
I think you also need to recheck your facts, last time I checked The Crows an us ASR guys are damn good allies.
Anyway as long as your not the FFE guys I could give a shit, they RDMed then after killing us at Athira garage he warned us not to hurt his friend, so I gonna kill those guys every chance I get.

If  your going to make threats ... to the what looks like the whole server prehaps you shouldnt involve other groups that you think will back you up without getting their say so first  ............  Fail.


there is a :

:p   or is the other way around
To be honest Vertigo is the first enemy i made in this server :p so my post was Irony,sarcasm or a taunt towards the Crows, that claimed to me that is the BEST gang in the server, probably thats why u want them as allies, u are scared of them... :p , and yesterday threaten us that he will "put" all the gangs to hunt us down cause we robbed some of their members...

by the way... gangs allies? that must be forbidden by the server rules!

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Just reading this gave me a migraine, why would you try to make an enemy of everyone including some of the most powerful groups (ASR, CROWS, PT) it's just a bit idiotic.

there is a :

To be honest Vertigo is the first enemy i made in this server :p so my post was Irony,sarcasm or a taunt towards the Crows, that claimed to me that is the BEST gang in the server, probably thats why u want them as allies, u are scared of them... :p , and yesterday threaten us that he will "put" all the gangs to hunt us down cause we robbed some of their members...

by the way... gangs allies? that must be forbidden by the server rules!

lol i have yet to meet you but im always willing to give the mentally challenged a chance.

If rebel groups didnt have a mutual alliance against the powers that be on the islands it would be a war zone (there are many other servers you can do that on) so that we can go about our business knowing that if help is needed we can call on other groups to help in an attack against police etc or stamp certain groups that cant decide if they are for the rebelion or with the police.

As for you and pitiful band of lowly robbers preying on the weak or out numbered to shoot first take all their shit and fuck Rp you will find that in time you will not be having quite so much what you call fun here or the great God of Ban will come crashing down to stamp you out .

Go back to Kavala with the rest of the tards.

Till we meet in game you have a nice day ya hear :)

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Just reading this gave me a migraine, why would you try to make an enemy of everyone including some of the most powerful groups (ASR, CROWS, PT)
Because we can handle it...

As for you and pitiful band of lowly robbers preying on the weak or out numbered to shoot first take all their shit and fuck Rp you will find that in time you will not be having quite so much what you call fun here or the great God of Ban will come crashing down to stamp you out .

I have to ignore that sentence cause is almost totally wrong.

I will take all your "shit" yes, i will never fuck RP , Most of the times i will out number u even alone yes,

No one can steal my fun even if my ass get pwned all the time, thats fun too :p

God of Ban? never met him in my 30 years of playing video games ;)

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