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For all Rebels with Airsoft guns


"This Is the Way"
Hello everyone, today I would like to discuss one thing which is bothering me in-game, almost ever single rebel armed with weapon claims it's a airsoft replica (when you ask 50 rebels a day, it can get quite repetitive)

As I understand, Queensland is part of the UK, so all rules and policies apply within this territory (excluding UNMC lands). There is quite a strict law regarding airsoft weapons and other replicas which I would like to bring up. Since October 2007 you can only buy a realistic imitation firearm (one that looks like a real gun) if you are at least 18 years old and meet one of the following conditions.

  • You are a 'registered' airsofter with membership of an insured skirmish site. To be registered, you must attend a properly organised and insured airsoft site and play for at least three days over a period of no less than two months. Even if you attend and play the three days in your first week, UK Law requires that two months pass from the first day you attended before you can legally be registered.  

  • You are a member of a properly insured historical re-enactment group or society.

  • You are a film, television or theatre production company.

  • You are (or are acting on behalf of) a museum

  • You are a Crown Servant in pursuance of your Crown duties 
If you cannot meet any of these criteria, you can still buy an imitation firearm, one who's principle colour is significantly different to that of a real firearm – i.e. bright green, bright blue etc.

As far as I remember, I've never seen a rebel running around Kavala drug dealer with a blue and red painted weapon, and upon any request you most likely won't be able to provide any documents necessary to clarify whether you are eligible to purchase this replica or not, following that, if you do not comply with these requirements, you are technically still in possession of illegal firearm, and it's still enforceable by police.

My conclusion is that saying you have airsoft rifle without any further roleplay is still enforceable by law and your weapon can be removed. Next time you are asked (at least by me) please supply me with Airsoft player identification card (Signed by Airsoft team manager) or at least make up some nice roleplay story about filming a movie and show me your documents.

Well, if you don't I'm just simply gonna ask you to show me your magazines, or in extreme cases just to shoot your friend in a leg, as if it was a airsoft rifle it wouldn't hurt him or kill him, upon which we can clearly establish what kind of weapon it is -_-

I would love to have Governments opinion on this matter and your opinion on enforceability of this law. 

Kind regards,
SGT LastNickLeft [KV450]

Roleplay is roleplay. I understand it gets repetitive but there is almost finite things a rebel can roleplay their weapon to be without taking the complete and utter piss, an example being a highlight of early 2016 "it is not a gun it is a cabbage"

Roleplay is a two way street, you as the cop either buy their roleplay and go with it or you don't and you take it (or get killed trying to)

Would be interesting to see if anyone pays attention and develops their air soft story further once they've read your post.

Roleplay is roleplay. I understand it gets repetitive but there is almost finite things a rebel can roleplay their weapon to be without taking the complete and utter piss, an example being a highlight of early 2016 "it is not a gun it is a cabbage"

Roleplay is a two way street, you as the cop either buy their roleplay and go with it or you don't and you take it (or get killed trying to)

Would be interesting to see if anyone pays attention and develops their air soft story further once they've read your post.

and besides, just challenge the rebel`s roleplay if he says its an airsoft, ask him if you can test the airsoft on him and watch him say "HELL NO" 

[SIZE=inherit]you don't and you take it[/SIZE]
Powergaming! Ts now!

It's like the new snipers on the hill...

And it is an offence without authority or reasonibly excuse to have it with you in public. If you ask me, because you want to have it on display is a poor excuse.

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The worst thing is when they say its an air-soft gun then later kill someone/you with it when you dont let them keep it...

Normally if someone asks to test it i just go grab my real airsoft rifle and spray it down the mic. #immersive???

It's RP 

Just like how alot of things get repetitive in the NHS and the POLICE and yes for us cillians.

There's always some people that are gonna go by the oldest tricks in the book.

And always some poeple that stay with 'standard procedure'

But it's the slightly better Roleplaying that do things differently and are unique.

I know exactly what you mean @SGT LastNickLeft

But I guess we just have to accept that there's always gonna be civilians/rebels 

That use the same repetitive excuse :(

''It's roleplay''.

Ok just a though process here:

A rebel gets spoken to by a cop on the street, about having a gun in his hand and he claims his gun is not a gun but a walking stick. He has good RP, he limps for example, and talks like an old man.

Now there is two options:

1: Officer denies its a walking stick and the rebel gets angry and calls it powergaming to just overrule his RP of it being a walkingstick

2: Officer goes along with it and lets the rebel go.

5 minutes later, same rebel, by now healed up at the hospital, gets pulled over by another cop and he decides that, since he's no longer wounded, he can take on the fight. He initiates on the cop, aiming his gun at him. The cop refuses to put his hands up and says: ''But thats your walking stick'' and gets shot for not complying.

If I was that officer, I would report for fail-RP.

Thing is, if something ''is roleplay'' that means it is roleplay for a while, under all circumstances. If you say its a walking stick, it can't just be a gun again 5 minutes later. Well, it can, but if you think that is appropriate, then so is absolutely refusing to believe it is a walkingstick and arresting you for it no matter how good the RP is.

People forget that you can't just use the excuse ''it is roleplay'' at your behest and not think about it more thoroughly. If you go with a story that something is true or false in RP, something that has no physical reference to it ingame, to keep it realistic you have to stick with it. You can't just RP as a woman on one corner of the street and expect people to go along with that, even tho your character looks like a male, if you yourself change back to a guy as soon as you're around at the other end of the street.

Thanks everyone for your responses! I'm glad you understood my point and I'm not being yelled at for trying to push rebels to do better RP. Even if it's in game, we still have eyes and we don't have to buy your RP story. However I believe that most of you guys who always have some good explanation why it's not a weapon, you rarely get it taken off you. 

All I'm asking for is a bit more effort in RP, rather than repeating the same old phrase - it's a replica and don't be surprised or call it power gaming after being challenged about your claims. As I said earlier, I want you to show me your documents, some good roleplay or I'm gonna ask you to shoot your friend with it, to prove it's not a replica :D

Normally if someone asks to test it i just go grab my real airsoft rifle and spray it down the mic. #immersive???
@DippyCoBIf you ever do that with me I can guarantee you are free to go :D #immersive!!!

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In general I feel like rebels are at a disadvantage. UNMC rolls around in stryders with massive guns. The police have access to affordable gear and weapons.

A lot of work goes into making money for the rebel license and the guns and gear that follow. So if a rebel isn't going around terrorizing main towns like kavala... Then I say let them use whatever RP they want to keep their gun. They deserve to have weapons for the same reason police and UNMC do, and they work harder for them. 

*just because you can take their guns (or die trying), doesn't mean you should*

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just pull the old "its not a gun, its a e-cig. put your mouth on the end and I'll pull the trigger while you toot on it"

In general I feel like rebels are at a disadvantage. UNMC rolls around in stryders with massive guns. The police have access to affordable gear and weapons.

A lot of work goes into making money for the rebel license and the guns and gear that follow. So if a rebel isn't going around terrorizing main towns like kavala... Then I say let them use whatever RP they want to keep their gun. They deserve to have weapons for the same reason police and UNMC do, and they work harder for them. 

*just because you can take their guns (or die trying), doesn't mean you should*
I'm not talking here about new ways how to disarm rebels, this post is meant to clarify certain laws and hopefully to push armed individuals to step up their roleplay explanation of whatever it is they carry on their back. I'm pretty sure that most of the police officers will agree that we use common sense and don't try to strip of weapon of every rebel in middle of nowhere, however when there is 5 people with guns on their backs walking around Kavala or chilling at drug dealer, we are often forced to enforce gun laws in place to disarm them. @H A N D Y
