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Food Delivery Additional vehicle's

Samuel Shire

Elite Donator
Gruppe 6 Command
UK, Peterborough
Well 1 additional vehicle kind of, so when i have been on duty as G6 and someone is being transported in for driving with no licence the one thing they usually bring up is they have pretty much no way of earning any money with a banned licence, now i know its not the job everyone wants to do but its one i can see this working for, add a Bicycle to the food delivery selection, set it the same as the faggio sport so it can be used at rank one and this would then give a way for people with banned licences who are trying to make a living but also trying to not use a car to get to the point of being able to put in a appeal for their licence

or as i wound not like to take away from the bicycle dealership, have it so all bikes are classed as useable as delivery vehicles so you still need to go down to the shop to buy a bike of their choice still providing RP to the dealership, seeing as most of the bikes can go around 40 i think this would be fine to still manage to do all the drops without the need to adjust the timers

More variety
Ability for banned drivers to still make some money without getting arrested for driving

Dev time i suppose
Bicycle carnage on the streets?
Based +1, could literally just make the stereotypical fixie bike able to be used for delivery and spawn a fat bag on the player's back.
+1 would be great to see banned drivers actually be able to make money legally
+1 would be great to see banned drivers actually be able to make money legally
Exactly my thoughts, hell the police could maybe even throw it into the RP when someone gets their licence banned and just mention being able to use the cycles for work
Yes, I think this would be a fun addition, and not just for people with banned licenses. I imagine Martin the mountain biker on his bike delivering food 🤣❤️
Yes, I think this would be a fun addition, and not just for people with banned licenses. I imagine Martin the mountain biker on his bike delivering food 🤣❤️
*Martin The BMXer