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Fog - Realistic or Ridiculous?

Fog is really immersive, tropical island and so on.. But as for me - really annoyng to see it constantly on the island.

i love the fog but sadly on a roleplay server like this one its Way to op not being able to see people 1 foot in front of you or stranded quad bikes in the middle of the roads, its causing a lot of un needed deaths, like i said i like the fog it adds to the atmosphere however i like to be able to see who im roleplaying with 

The fog I posted in the link down below... It's too much for an RP server. I ran into another quad nearly killing the poor bloke, then a pickup ran right into me and killed me. That was on low pop at about 3am too... Now it's my 2nd night after finishing work at 1am and I've been looking forward to playing Tanoa life and it has been ruined by this fog. All I want to do is gain some XP, earn some money and have a chance at some RP at this ridiculous time of the morning. It's also spoiling the scenery of the lovely map..

Is it possible fog can be de-activated? 

I know some folk seem to like it, but it would be nice to see where you are actually going...


I do like the fog but for RP it's not so good.

you can tell when the fog is on as the player count drops to 30.

Also right now the fog is kinda buggy and stays on for two hours.

i would love to keep the fog but for it to maybe only be on in the mornings for like 15-30 minutes.

I like the fog but if it would be relatively easy to code it to only exist for some max time, like 15-30min and be more rare to show up. Would add some spice for helicopters later on. 

The fog is totaly utter !@#$ its suppost to be a TROPICAL island, maybe some fog in the morning
but it just gets worse and worse u cant see a thing u crash in to everything.
Why would you want fog on a tropical island? finnaly some very nice scenery and then yeah lets Silent hill it put fog up to 100000000%

; _ ;

Is the fog gone yet? If not, I won't be logging in. It was absolutely unacceptable last night. It was that bad the whole server had a discussion at the airport saying how terrible it is.

Is the fog gone yet? If not, I won't be logging in. It was absolutely unacceptable last night. It was that bad the whole server had a discussion at the airport saying how terrible it is.
It seems you can still find good RP in middle of bad fog. #onlyintanoa

Playing about in the editor, it does seem the slider in intel is broken (BI need to fix) or the values are messed up as 10% is almost zero visibility, at the moment it should be no more than 3-5% or set in the mission parameters below if its possible.

Apologies if i am talking shit (not the best at code especially at 4am)

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Interesting to note that the last post on the subject of the thick fog is now over a week ago (last Saturday, in fact - 4am on the 23rd).

Not coincidentally at all (I hope) this is right around time I finally grabbed the fog by its vaporous testicles and slammed it against the wall repeatedly until it stopped moving.

I spent a great deal of effort and quite a few hours researching the ARMA weather engine (which in multiplayer dedicated mode, is only slightly less well documented than the 'how to fully understand women and always give them exactly what they want and never ever be wrong' guide that has never been written yet).

I believe (but almost dare not to dream) that we now no longer ever have extreme fog at the start of a server-session.

I am almost convinced that when we DO have fog, for the maybe one or two 15 minute periods allowed during a 4 hour server restart session, any such fog remains below 3%, which is a tolerable and indeed even moderately enjoyable level, once in a while.

We also get overcast skies (to varying degrees) about 50% of the time, every 15 minutes, and sometimes rain. We've even had at least one double-rainbow, which was lovely. And so far, nobody has complained about frame-rates resulting from these weather effects - at least, not that I am aware of.

So... can you guys confirm this? Is weather 'under control' now? Is crazy killer fog gone now? Do I really have it by the balls, and has it stopped twitching? I need to know, because some people still believe Tanoa suffers from this - and we need them to know that is not the case (if that is true), and return to Tanoa, safe in the knowledge that the only place they'll find masses of thick fog is between their ears, and that driving is as safe on Tanoa as it is anywhere - but a lot more beautiful. ;) 

OTOH, if you're STILL getting shitloads of impenetrable fog, I need to know (a) that this is happening and (b) why nobody has commented about it in this thread for a whole week! ;)

I think the weather is bloody ace at the moment, it really adds to the game, I've not had any problems with the fog since the changes, now we just need the sound but that's another thread :D

Can only add onto what Digs said, the weather is really good, the fact that you can see the weather forecast is a big plus aswell! Now you can return towards other things than the weather system because you hit bullseye :)!
