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FOF/GOA Alien (Awaiting Player)

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Black Out

Active member
Name Of The Person: FOF/GOA Alien

Time and Date: 10:00am 10/04/15

Server: 1

What happened: Tried to hold up people at drug dealer on Zamak drove off and one driver tried to shoot us, got in his truck and drove off (but blew up) and the 3rd guy ran away on foot. I killed the 3rd guy and the 2nd guy had blown up. The guy who drove off first came back and attempted to VDM me, after successfully VDM'ing me he got out of his truck and shot me dead.

What Rule: VDM and he shot me while I was on the floor unable to do anything.

Yes: He said he was going to report us for RDM in in-game chat.

For god sake how hard can it be?

Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Time & Date this happened:
Which Server did this happen on:
Description of what happened:
What Rule Was Broken ?:
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)
For god sake how hard can it be?

Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):

Time & Date this happened:

Which Server did this happen on:

Description of what happened:

What Rule Was Broken ?:

Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:


Please post video evidence/screenshots here

(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)
Sorry for posting but.....

The format is actually roughly followed. Just not pretty and purple :)

You did not talk with me first.. and i did not try to say you will get reported...
i see nothing wrong in the way i did the things.. i try to save my members from a robberi.. and cuz i vdm and kill him then it is wrong???? if it is then im so sorry.. but if we are trying to do RP then it cant be not okay to drive him down.. and yes he moved when i kill him with my pistol..

I did not record it.. cuz my boardcast was crash,,,, So i do not have a record on it but i do know i did not try to break a rule.. i just tryed to save my friends... I can reed VDM is not okay and im sorry for vdm.. but thise dude are two much... i just helped my freind.. i got killed any ways. and they did not try to fix it just us...

i know what i did mabey was not the most normal thing to do but i just try to saved my freinds im sorry if the rules has been broken.. i dont hope you guys ban thoug.. cuz he did not try to talk with me... he just told me i will get ban and the people toke off becurse of the cops

i know what i did mabey was not the most normal thing to do but i just try to saved my freinds im sorry if the rules has been broken.. i dont hope you guys ban thoug.. cuz he did not try to talk with me... he just told me i will get ban and the people toke off becurse of the cops

i know what i did mabey was not the most normal thing to do but i just try to saved my freinds im sorry if the rules has been broken.. i dont hope you guys ban thoug.. cuz he did not try to talk with me... he just told me i will get ban and the people toke off becurse of the cops

Sorry I don't have a recording, but by my reaction and if you look closely I am VDM'ed and then RDM'ed while knocked out.

You didnt want to talk with me you just took off. and you sayed you will get me ban.. And yes i did hit you.. but i did not kill you when you was knocked out.! THATS NOT True.. you did move.!

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