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Flee from my country


New member
Hello there good people of Altis , after the war started in my country I caught the first flight to the land of promise! Altis here I come!

Welcome to Altis buddy I'm sure you'll love your stay here! 

If you have any questions regarding our laws and/or cultures feel free to ask! 

Welcome man! I do feel obligated to tell you that you've traveled from one war zone to another. Altis is strife with large weaponry, illegal drugs and scary gangs. The police force will do what it can to help you! 

PS- sure you have, but make sure you check out the rules section ;)  most new players who get banned do so because they haven't read that (including me) 

Welcome! Enjoy the nearly constant sun, friendly locals, and the relaxing Kavala night-life. If you need to make a quick buck feel free to take some of my Apples, the self-checkout machine at the market will happily buy some from you.

If you ever need help we've got a dedicated group of Mentors in teamspeak eagerly waiting to help anyone who needs it, just jump in the Requesting Help channel and they should crawl out of their office to serve you.. Or take to the forums, we have a great community with members from all walks of life, and found so far they're actually pretty smart?..

Most importantly, have fun, don't break the rules, and Roleplay EverythingTM
