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FlawLess - Unban Appeal (Unbanned 27/05/15)

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Active member
Your In-game name: FlawLess

Your Steam Profile ID: 76561197979310144

Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):


Date & Time you was banned: 22/05/15 - 11:26am

Please copy and paste the rule you broke: 1A) Bullying is punished by a permanent ban without appeal..

I'll issue a ban, but I wouldn't call it bullying.

Ban issued: 

Forum Report - Insulting member outside of rp - 22/05/15

Link to the original report a player case -

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: I feel hes left out alot of vital information in his claim which would benefit me in this case, seeing as he feels i lack RP and accuses me and my fellow gang members of other such things.

"He had tried to rob me and we both executed eachother with pistols... a medic came around and revived us both." Yes, true. I was in town with another member looking for some trouble, Doohicky happened to be the first person we came across. RP had been initiated but we did not intend to straight up shoot him, i asked him to put the gun down but we ended up killing each other.

"About 1-2 minutes after that the people I had informed I was being robbed in Agios arrived to find him wearing the exact same clothes and stopped him/restrained him and kidnapped him (took him all the way to the red zone)". 1 - 2 minutes is untrue, it was definitely a lot longer than that, more like 10. Fair enough, they robbed me and took me hostage, thats fine. But what i had a problem with is that they then link it to this previous crime without sufficient RP, all they did was read the name above my head and picked me up. Enough time had passed to initiate RP to link me to that crime, did not ask for my name or anything. Okay, i was wearing the same clothes etc but that alone is not really enough in my opinion. But its fine, they held me up and took me hostage all in RP, but it was lacking is my point and thats what he is trying to say about us which is why i was getting fustrated with them. I tried typing out of RP to them while in the car and helicopter using // but they proceeded to RP using chat and the // was very confusing to see : // remove all your gps, radio and : // put your gun away etc and bearing in mind i was tied up (although the game had glitched some what, i was prone with my pistol out in the back of the off-road) so this shows their lack of RP in many ways.

"where they informed me they had someone who matched the description.  I drove my hellcat to the redzone, tried to have a little chat with him, but since he pretty much refused to RP with me (He claimed he didn't know what I was talking about), I put a bullet in his leg to remind him... he then said "Well that's rude"... so I just shot him dead... He didn't want to RP so we didn't RP.  After that in sidechat he says he's "pretty sure" we're breaking rules.   I asked him to point out which rule, then he got a bit offensive leading to what's in the SS below." During his time getting to the base in rebel, i was actually fully initiated in RP and was responding. He told me why i was there and what they were going to do. I attempted to claim it was not me etc but he wanted to play a game, well 2 infact but i had to pass the first one to get to the second with a possible chance to live i believe but probably not. So game 1 was random questions, i had 5 and i had to get 3 correct. I passed, but by this time the server had only a few minutes till the restart and Doohicky had arrived in a chopper. We did infact have a little chat and he did shoot me in the leg (i do not remember making a remark as "Well that's rude") before shooting me in the head. I remained in RP (keeping to my original story that it was not me) though again, it lacked some what as he didnt really give me a chance but i put this down to the server restarting shortly as he probably wanted me to lose my gear which is fair enough, i cost him his and his Truck Boxer.

"After that in sidechat he says he's "pretty sure" we're breaking rules.   I asked him to point out which rule, then he got a bit offensive leading to what's in the SS below." I had been informing them via typing during my capture, obviously using //, that i was pretty sure they were breaking RP for lack of roleplay for just reading my name above my head which as i said before, was annoying and fustrating since they claim us to lack RP etc. What i was saying in Side Chat after was actually regarding how pathetic he was being over this robbery to which his response was to gloat about how much money and trucks he had, "Well ive got 10mil in the bank and 6 hemmt box's and 3 devices.." etc. Which shortly after you can then see my, and ill be honest, immature comment but we all do it and i think its safe to say we've all seen and said a LOT worse than a nerd. This is supposed to be an adult community? And i think this is where Altis Life fails some what because nearlly EVERYONE is out to get somebody else banned. I failed to save any videos from last night because i simply thought nothing of it, did not think they would either. Its just in-game banter, happens all the time. Just they've decided to try get somebody else banned thats causing them an inconvience in-game.

Yes, i am a rebel or robber. It's what i enjoy doing in this game, but i do also do legal and illegals runs with or without my gang members. I always make sure im remaining within the rules and RP. If you have a problem with being robbed or attacked, i suggest you find a different game because without players like me or my other members this mod would be boring. Its the risk (for both the robbers and the runners) that makes it interesting and exciting, as much as the RP etc. So to claim im here "I just don't feel that he is here to RP, but to just ruin everyone's day" is just rubbish. If you base the outcome of your day on Altis Life.. And like i said, robbers make the game interesting, no risk makes it pointless. I would also like to point out, on numerous occasions, TKC have picked me out while in a chopper and followed me for ages trolling. So i do not see how that is any different? I even saw them landing the other day to drop someone off to spike strip, i waited and followed the police so they hit them first. Or when i was driving around with a gang member and they had about 10 people after us against 2, for no reason. But do we complain? No, its part of the game and we actually enjoy it.

I would also like to point out that we actually do, as a gang, enjoy RP as much as anyone else. Was only the other morning we took a cop hostage ontop of Kavala castle etc. There is little you know about us and what we do as a group so i feel its unfair to make such accusations against us.

As for combat logging.. I can tell you straight up, i do not combat log. I spend most my time looking for a good gun fight, why would i then log when im in it? Again though, no evidence etc just more accusations to back up your claim of bullying i presume.

I feel they're holding grudges against us for "inconvience" in-game. If you're going to ban me for calling someone a nerd, you might as well shut down the whole server because everyone has been there and got the t-shirt so to speak. We all say things in the heat of the moment and at the end of the day, its an adult server is it not?

I will apologise to Doohicky but i would have thought like most people, its all water under the bridge, in-game banter which should be expected on a adult UK server.

And if i had said it within RP, everything would have been fine? So why is it any different out of RP?

I do enjoy playing on this server, obviously, but clearly people have a grudge against me for what ever reason.


I spend most my time looking for a good gun fight, why would i then log when im in it? 

Out of that you wrote this is what I took from it. I dont think this server is for you if that is the main reason you play here. Ill give you one last chance to tell me why we should unban you.

I did not mean it quite like that, sorry. It's not the main reason i play here, it's one of the reasons. Who does'nt enjoy a good, intense, gun fight with your gang members against other players or gangs?

"Yes, i am a rebel or robber. It's what i enjoy doing in this game, but i do also do legal and illegals runs with or without my gang members. I always make sure im remaining within the rules and RP."

Although i enjoy RP servers, admittedly i am not the kind of person to sit in Kavala for hours talking in RP. I much prefer to keep myself busy and use the time i have playing this mod to do what i would consider the more enjoyable parts, plus you're more likely to find yourself in difficult or funny situations while doing runs or roaming the island.

I am a genuine player and would like to continue playing on the server with my friends. I apologise to Doohicky for comments made and i am not sure what else i can do or say?

I have unbanned you for your final chance however I will be watching the forums for your name and if I see anything similar again there will be no third chance.

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