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Favorite ALUK Moments?


So, I thought this would be interesting for everyone to get involved in, what is your favorite ever moment of Altislife.co.uk? It is a really hard question, it has took me 10 minutes to think back and I still haven't decided from the time 'Hans Gruber/TOC' was floating for me so I tazed him and he kept warping back to me or the time @Gazalad managed to turn a speedboat minigun into an SDV but I would love to here everyone else's.

If you have any videos to go with please share them! 


@Spunky Bumlove

I was a bad doctor :(


As this may be a scam post and changing subject, here's another pic, date stamped October 31st, 21:55. @FriendlyFireGuy @Reverend @JohnJoeegan @CMO Lionel


Halloween operation 'trick or treat'
Haha fucck me, I remember this holdup, I came flying down the road in a truck boxer full of coke, got screamed to get out by the police and as you can imagine I fucking shatit, completely forgot about this xD

Best moment?  Let's start with common and the only one that matters, finding this server.

Lets see... alot of them...

The VERY first time i joined the server... i managed to steal a truck... and then decided, hey why not drive the truck right into the Police HQ and blow shit up, how i didn't get banned for that i have no idea... 

I then got kidnapped and joined the gang URGN, one of my FIRST ever battles happened the moment i joined URGN, our leader went to the cops naked and simply asked the cops to drop their weapons so we could pass, the cops laughed it off not realizing they where completely surrounded, because we where hiding in the bushes, the moment they saw us all pop out, the voices i heard will forever be a glorious moment for me. 

Third best moment... i was a police officer back then, ended up in a argument with a couple of rebels that i couldn't be kidnapped due to my rank PCSO  and they kept laughing at me, and me being cocky that they to need to let me go, until i realized... i was the rank of PC, all i said was: well... shit. 

Every day that passed on this server was kinda a moment until i took a huge break :)

Love all, The Peachmaster. 

I dunno about a best moment. The first thing i saw when i joined the server is some guy from [bG] that robbed a "hobo" near a church for almost 7 million. :D

For me it is simple;

Becoming the first re-elected Mayor on ALUK. Becoming Mayor the first time was amazing but I was truly humbled to be re-elected.

Oh man. Too many to mention. Maybe the night @FrindlyFireGy, @Edgar Ville and myself met @Lvi aka Moko Whalibu and @ the first time... (7:20 onwards. I cried like a bitch.)

Or the time @Randomized turned out to be fucking brilliant (I still listen to this now and again.:

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Or my first interaction with @Walt. Dat phonecall though (5 minutes in)...

But overall... My time on the force. It may have not been for long but it was great. I love you lot. I really do.

I remember seeing a screen shot from when UNMC threatened to drop a "Nuclear Bomb" in the shape of a mini sub on Kavala if they didn't get a truck full of crumpets and coffee from the police.

The Kavala Cookie Chase

This is from another persons point of view not mine

Thank you for posting this @

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@Randomized I wish your song was on iTunes I would buy it.

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Well i have a lot to share, but can only pick a few! The Youtube videos are also in a ascending order from oldest to most recent.
My first robbery in AltisLifeUK (22/02/2014)

Stand off between arc and cops

Another day in Kavala

Random Drug Bust

Wilco Singing

Wilco Parking in KOTH:

Rust Funnies

And this is my best repository of footage right here, in my old twitch channel. I will also link my favorites:
http://www.twitch.tv/bycreed/c/4608381- Quadbike Destruction Derby (My favorite event)
http://www.twitch.tv/bycreed/c/4316605- Perry's Nightclub Opening
http://www.twitch.tv/bycreed/c/4547135- Troll getting wrecked
http://www.twitch.tv/bycreed/c/4389073- Aaron, my only true friend.. This was one of the stories that marked me the most.. i spawned in Kavala after being stream sniped, meet a guy that i don't know but i pretend i do, we go for a beer until i get stream sniper again and was taken hostage.. My new friend i just met tries to run after the car that's kidnapping me which you can see when i look back.. perfect moment.
And i found Ukelele guy! I know it's another server but such great fun and worth sharing!

Enjoy and tell me what you think!
Tagging people that i remember:
@The Shadow

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@Thesoldier @Reverend Too Kind. I will have to get back to recording music. I have been slacking of late.

My favourite moment .... can't be singled down to one. Rolling with CSO's and PCSO's pretending to teach when really I was just making them do all the work so I could relax in the early hours of the morning was my favourite way I spent my time. That will have to do for an answer.

@Thesoldier @Reverend Too Kind. I will have to get back to recording music. I have been slacking of late.

My favourite moment .... can't be singled down to one. Rolling with CSO's and PCSO's pretending to teach when really I was just making them do all the work so I could relax in the early hours of the morning was my favourite way I spent my time. That will have to do for an answer.
Thank you for describing my favorite moment ahahahah

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